“WHY DO WE PRAY?” Why do we pray? A lot of us pray when we - TopicsExpress


“WHY DO WE PRAY?” Why do we pray? A lot of us pray when we feel we need something from God. I can say this because I use to do the same thing. Whenever I was in some kind of trouble, was under attack by the enemy, was sick, or just wanted something out of life like money or a woman because I was feeling lonely. God put us here to fellowship with him. That is the number one reason for prayer. We fellowship with God by praising him and worshipping him. Prayer is a conversation with God. After the fall of Adam it was impossible to fellowship with God. You had to be righteous with God. There were very few people that God communicated with. The good news is that God came down here to the earth in a human form and died for us by becoming a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus Christ died on the cross and shedded his blood for us so we can have a personal relationship with God. The Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit are all in one. That is why I said that God came down to the earth in a human form which was Jesus Christ. The way to the Father to fellowship is threw Jesus Christ. It is not hard at all. You only have to believe in your heart that Christ died on the cross for your sins and for every life issue that you will experience on this earth. After you believe you have to confess out of your mouth. That puts your faith in order to start working. He died on the cross and after 3 days and 3 nights he defeated the enemy and death and rose again. After he rose from the grave he walked among the people and went to Heaven to sit on the right hand side of the Father to be our counselor. When he left us to go be with the Father he left with us a comforter known as the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us fellowship with the Father. The Holy Spirit communes with us. You have to realize that our true identity is a spirit that is on the inside of our bodies. One day these bodies are going to die but our spirits are going to live on for eternity. The bible says to be absent from the body is to present with the Lord. When we accept and confess Jesus Christ as our savior our spirits are saved or should I say born again. The change takes place with our spirits not our bodies. Being saved is not a physical natural feeling; it is a spiritual faith believing action. Prayer to the Father is a 2 way conversation. God will talk to you and he fellowship with you if you come correct. That is through Jesus Christ. God fellowship with your spirit which again is your true identity. God does not fellowship with your flesh. I said early that we always pray to God when we are in need of something’s. We have to realize that when Jesus died for us, he said it is finished. He died for sins, sickness, and any life troubles that we are known to experience. When Jesus rose from the dead he open the doors for us to have the same authority that he has. All we have to do is to know who we really are and believe that we walk in his likeness. We do not have to constantly ask God for healing in our bodies. God has already put that power in our spirits when Jesus shedded his blood and died for us. We need to learn God’s word, know our true spiritual identity, speak life confessions out of our mouths over our bodies, have faith in the word and what we believe, and believe what we say and who we are in Jesus Christ. We need to learn how to stop focusing on our feelings. When we pray we give thanks for the power that God has already put in our spirits to manifest the blessings that we keep on asking God for. When we pray we praise him and worship him for the true, loving, merciful, graceful, and powerful God he is. God is everything that we need him to be. He has already given us everything we need to live on this planet. Your healing, wisdom, way to build to your business, way to get your house, way to get your family saved, way to heal your bodies, way to get finances, and many other ways to conqueror life issues are already in your spirits. So just give God thanks and praise for it, and go out get what is already what is yours. Lets remember to pray for the right reasons, that is to fellowship with God threw thanks, praise, and worship. Also remember to sit and be quiet for a few minutes; God has something to say to you.The Father loves to talk and fellowship with his children. When Jesus died and was risen from the dead he made a way for us to enter into sonship with God. We as believers are now sons and daughters of God and now we can call God our Father. For we are the beloved of the Father. Lets always talk to our Father threw Christ Jesus for he loves us. WRITTEN BY THE FATHER’S BELOVED SON KENNETH E. DUVALL.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 04:44:52 +0000

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