*****WILL YOU HELP THE MINISTRY REAL OUR GOAL?**** WE LEAVE IN 5 DAYS!!! We are still in need of funds for fuel for our North Carolina Trip... I believe the Lord is opening up an Opportunity for Acceleration, Multiplication and Blessing, to come to those who will obey Him with your seed. We are currently traveling throughout the US bringing revival to many who need a touch from God... Souls are being saved and set FREE and we are taking back the land for the Glory of our King, Christ Jesus!!! God is FREEING His People From Religious Strongholds at these meetings! ALL GLORY TO GOD ALONE!!! We are leaving for NC this Tuesday. We have 4 stops to make while we are there (Fayetteville & Wilmington, Charlotte & possibly 1 meeting in VA). Our trip is over 3,200 miles round trip for this one. By the leading of the Lord, we are going by faith - as the churches we are going to are small and not in the position to help out too much with gas money (Gas will come to - on the low end - at least $1,200). If you would like to give a love gift to the Ministry to help us cover some of the expense for traveling and gas expenses, it would be greatly appreciated! The Lord has told me that those who sow into what God is doing with this ministry, will see Multiplication and Acceleration on the seeds sown into this good and fertile ground - for HIS Glory alone! When you sow into this ministry you have a part in the souls that are touched by this ministry... You may Securely Donate at this link wendychristie/donate.htm - (accepted forms of payment include, credit card, PayPal, check & money order) If you can not use a credit card and would like to mail a love gift to us our address is... PO Box 8913, Rockford, IL 61126 Thanks so much and May the Lord Bless you and Multiply you in Jesus Name!!!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 23:08:38 +0000

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