***********WISE QUOTES****************** 1.The mother of a monkey - TopicsExpress


***********WISE QUOTES****************** 1.The mother of a monkey sees him as beautiful and graceful as a deer. 2.One blind man cannot lead another 3.Man is like pepper -- you only know him when youve ground him. 4.It is useless to be afraid of death. 5.You cannot dance without music though you can sing instrumentally without dancing. 6.A man who lives alone is either always overworked, or always overfed. 7.He who loves you swallows stones from you, while your enemy waits for your mistakes. 8.The road doesnt tell the traveler what lies ahead. 9.When a king has good counsellors, his reign is peaceful. 10.Only a monkey understands a monkey. 11.It is better to be poor and live long than rich and die young. 12.What forgets is the axe, but the tree that has been axed will never forget. 13.He who pursues an innocent chicken always stumbles. 14.The impotent man does not eat spicy foods. 15.No matter how long a log stays in the water, it doesnt become a crocodile. 16.Live patiently in the world; know that those who hate you are more numerous than those who love you. 17.An elder can be advised but never insulted 18.A hundred aunts is not the same as one mother. 19.Even if you dance for you enemy on the rock, he will accuse you of splashing water on him. 20.When one is taking a chicken from its roost, the hen is bound to attack with at least its claws.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 11:21:05 +0000

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