“WOMAN” Dear Woman, I was living on this Earth with you for - TopicsExpress


“WOMAN” Dear Woman, I was living on this Earth with you for 43 years. I never understood you. Even though I do not understand you, I can not imagine living on this planet with out you. I can honestly say that the FATHER new what he was doing when he created you. For this I got to give him thanks and praise for you. I remember growing up as a little boy we use to say yuck to girls. When I got a little older the girls started looking good to me. I notice some different features on the girls mainly the curves on the body were starting to look interesting to me. I think back when I was in elementary school I touched a woman’s curves on her body. LOL, it felt good. By the time I was in middle school I liked girls. I learned how to treat a female from my mother. I respected my mom to the fullest and I still do today. I can honestly say I never got into a argument with my mother. Mainly because I am scared of her lol. As I gotten older I notice that attitudes of the woman. I must say I could not stand these attitudes. I always asked myself the question, what the hell is wrong with these women with these ugly ass attitudes. The woman looks beautiful on the out side but that ugly attitude made her look ugly, I dealt with women with bad attitudes and I tried to ignore the attitudes and treat them with kindness. I respected them, loved them, encouraged them, and inspired them. I found out that some of the women took that as a weakness. No matter how nice I was to them the meaner they were to me. When I observed further it seem like to me if a man was disrespectful to them, act liked they hated them, called them out of their name, and down talked them for some reasoned that woman had that man’s back and looked at him to be strong. Woman I can easily point out your negative actions, but I can not let you accept the blame for your actions. I stand here and represent for all of men and I apologize to you on the representation of all men. It is our fault that the woman act and look at life issues in a backward matter. The man that respects, encourage, inspires, and loves you should be considered the strong man. It takes a strong minded and strong spirited man to treat the woman the way she should always be treated like, a QUEEN The man that stands like a thug with his pants hanging off of his ass in public, that curses the woman out, call her out of her name, that really tries to destroy her spirit just because she refuses to meet all of his commands, that man I consider to be a weak man. Woman I admire you. You are able to take more pain than a man can handle and in many ways you are stronger than a man. The bible said that a woman will bruise the head of the devil. A woman knows how to praise and worship the FATHER. I sit here and think about the woman that came to my LORD CHRIST JESUS with her expensive perfume and anointed his feet and washed his feet with her hair. She did this because she realized who he was. She worshiped the LORD. Religion and tradition tries to hold the woman back. Woman stands up and knows your roll in the KINGDOM OF GOD. The enemy aka devil uses religion and traditions of weak minded men to hold you back. Once you know who you are in the spirit and recognize that you are in a new covenant with the FATHER through our LORD CHRIST JESUS you are major threat to the devil. The enemy attacks the woman through her feelings and emotions. Woman when you learn how to control your feelings and emotions and put you trust and faith in our LORD CHRIST JESUS you are then a force that the enemy can not handle. FATHER I thank you for the woman. I do not focus on what she looks like right now, I focus on what I believe on what you say about her. Woman you are awesome. From this day going forward I ask you not to let ignorant men hold you back. Woman learns your true identity. Woman read the word of GOD and believes and knows what the FATHER says about you. Woman knows that you know that the FATHER and our LORD CHRIST JESUS loves you. Woman you are the beloved daughter of the FATHER. Woman just like the FATHER loves you I also love you. WRITTEN BY KENNETH DUVALL
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 04:53:17 +0000

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