We all bleed red poo brown and on a good day do yellow wees. - TopicsExpress


We all bleed red poo brown and on a good day do yellow wees. Its fascinating to see how un enlightened these people are. How awful is it going to be when you all find out you have subscribed to 1000s of years worth of fairy tales! You would choose the story of unbelievable ridiculousness over evolved thought of peace empathy and acceptance?? Before long you will all discover that in fact we are te minority - te human race pales in comparison to thousands of other species that live all over us and around us - we are not te be all and end all - we are but a part of a much larger existence. Its 2014 for te good dudes sake we are meant to be bloody riding around in hover cars and eating hot dogs in a shake - instead we have stalled in a space of theist stupidity dating back to early civil control (Not to mention theist corporate greed). Your faith is derived from 4000 year old mass control. Those long dead relatives of ours were a peace loving pagan etc species (Early Christianity has made sure this was viewed as te rein of te devil ... thank Constantine for that) well these peace loving people were bloody useless when it come protecting their village hence te fear of a place that would burn and tear you apart (just like Jerusalem square about 2500 years ago). It was not demons and or fallen angels whom did this - it was humans just like you and I under orders). People of faith wake up and take responsibility, I accept your faith brings you peace and direction, even a few friends to boot. Though once faith impedes on te interaction between our species - it is then a block on our evolution into enlightenment. You all follow a higher power and a prophet maybe by different names though fact still remains you all strive to be good people through your faith but continually your path you follow through your leader has lead you into te opposite of what you have strived to obtain. Te simple fact is you will all burn in your imaginary incinerator as none of you live a perfect life, so instead do te best you can for those around you - do not live your life with the expectation of reward at te end, live your life to make at least one person smile a day and only then shall you obtain enlightenment through honest actions. Time to grow up my human brothers, sisters and others!Love you all xx Kia ora
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 05:47:01 +0000

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