«We believe that we’re living in a free society with infinite - TopicsExpress


«We believe that we’re living in a free society with infinite choice and a large measure of control over our existence. But despite all of our rights, privileges, and opportunities, most of us are probably not as free or empowered as we could be. Our notion of freedom is somewhat naïve, given that in many ways, we remain ignorant, misinformed and gullible. Corporations, politicians, institutions and dishonest individuals take advantage of our tendency toward passivity, denial, and lazy thinking. Many of us are lied to, cheated, manipulated, and exploited more often than we realize. Too many of us have become emotionally ignorant and apathetic, and in doing so we’ve inadvertently given up our autonomy. We’ll need to change the way we operate if we no longer want greedy or corrupt people and institutions to have undue influence over our lives. Fortunately, we can develop specific psychological skills as easily as we become physically fit, but with even greater benefits. In order to have more freedom and empowerment in our lives we need conscious awareness, healthy skepticism, emotional intelligence and ruthless compassion. The more we practice these skills, the less we’ll be subject to manipulation and exploitation and the more unencumbered we’ll be in pursuing true happiness and fulfillment.»
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 15:16:52 +0000

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