“We have decided to suspend all practical civilian and military - TopicsExpress


“We have decided to suspend all practical civilian and military cooperation between NATO and Russia. Our political dialogue in the NATO-Russia Council can continue, as necessary, at the Ambassadorial level and above, to allow us to exchange views, first and foremost on this crisis. We will review NATO’s relations with Russia at our next meeting in June.” [1] . . . “German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke by telephone Monday with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and her office said after the call that Putin had told her Russian troops are withdrawing. Ms. Merkel later told reporters that any such withdrawal would certainly not be the final step in smoothing out relations between Ukraine and Russia . . . Diplomats say the ministers could decide to step up NATO military exercises or possibly set up permanent bases in Eastern Europe, closer to the Russian border.” [2] . . . “But Rasmussen appeared to quash hopes that the situation might be easing with his remarks Tuesday. His assessment was echoed in Brussels by UK Foreign Secretary William Hague, who said: ’We have had some statements or rumors from Russia about pulling back forces from the eastern border of Ukraine. ‘But we havent seen the evidence of that yet. Of course, we continue to call for that and continue to use every possible diplomatic lead to seek a de-escalation of this crisis.’ [3] . . . “Russia on Tuesday sharply hiked the price for natural gas to Ukraine and threatened to reclaim billions previous discounts, raising the heat on its cash-strapped government, while Ukrainian police moved to disarm members of a radical nationalist group after a shooting spree in the capital. Alexei Miller, the head of Russia’s state-controlled Gazprom natural gas giant, said Tuesday that the company has withdrawn December’s discount that put the price of gas at $268.50 per 1,000 cubic meters and set the price at $385.50 per 1,000 cubic meters for the second quarter.” [4] . . . . . . . . . . [1]. nato.int/cps/en/natolive/news_108501.htm . . . [2]. voanews/content/nato-suspends-cooperation-with-russia/1883867.html . . . [3]. cnn/2014/04/01/world/europe/ukraine-crisis/ . . . [4]. theglobeandmail/news/world/russias-gazprom-announces-40-percent-jump-in-gas-price-for-ukraine/article17752094/
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 18:02:30 +0000

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