Welcome to the latest edition of the - TopicsExpress


Welcome to the latest edition of the Knoxville Tea Partys world-famous newsletter! This issue is a knapsack-and-a-half full of news and event-listings. Youll find updates on the Export-Import Bank, Common Core, Illegal Immigration, an invitation to a special event with the outspoken gold-star parents of Navy Seal Aaron Carson Vaughn, and other opportunities for education and activism. If someone forwarded you this newsletter, you can sign up for your own copy by just clicking this link: knoxvilleteaparty.us5.list-manage/subscribe?u=862f957fa223bba34fc1bbe85&id=e14d9e0a9a. (If that fails, reply with your request to [email protected] and well sign you right up.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next Meeting Preview DATE: Tuesday, October 14th, 2014 WHERE: Mandarin House restaurant (see map below). Merchants, just north of Clinton Highway. TIME: Meeting is 7:00-8:30 p.m. Come early to eat and socialize. Guest speakers: The Hon, Mayor Tim Burchett, who needs no introduction. Mr. Justin Owen, President & CEO of the Beacon Center of Tennessee [link], -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi everybody! I hope all is well with you. Welcome to our newsletter! Our next meeting will be Oct 14th at 7pm at the Mandarin House restaurant on Merchants Rd. Some members meet early to have dinner and socialize. Our guests for the October meeting will be the awesome Mayor Tim Burchett to speak on consolidation and other county issues. Also a representative of The Beacon Center of Tn. They are helping to lead efforts for the Yes on 2 ballot initiative and are interested in speaking to our Tea Party patriots about the issue at our upcoming meeting. So bone up on the issues, grab a friend and bring your questions and concerns! Ok- now for the famous Rant from the Chair- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RANT FROM THE CHAIR Im starting to believe that America is suffering from battered spouse syndrome. Seriously, hear me out. It seems like every time you see the news its another story about an offended lefty bullying some community or individual into submission. Its almost like America has been beaten down so much it doesnt know how to stand up for itself anymore. Just like a battered spouse. Now dont start sending me letters about How dare you make jokes about battered spouses. Im not doing that and anyone with a modicum of sense knows it. (Did you know humor is a sign of intelligence? Shows why the left is always angry I suppose. No humor.) Im just so fed up with all the complaining. They always talk about stopping bullies- but they ARE the bullies. See here: theblaze/stories/2014/09/22/its-outrageous-football-coach-suspended-for-praying-with-his-team/ toprightnews/?p=5995 ijreview/2014/09/178616-school-bans-students-showing-patriotism-america-september-11/ dailycaller/2014/09/18/ninth-circuit-affirms-that-its-illegal-to-wear-american-flag-shirts-on-cinco-de-mayo/ (I think THIS office should be hearing from some folks - dont you?) Its ridiculous! Its time that we called it what it is and stood up to it. They are trying to bully us into submission. To beat us down. Time to stand your ground. Get a restraining order on stupidity. There ARE some that are STANDING and not taking it anymore. Look here: Remember this? They tried to bully him and look what happened- blog.theveteranssite/patriotic-flag-boy-gets-parade-apology/?utm_source=social&utm_medium=vetfan&utm_campaign=patriotic-flag-boy-gets-parade-apology&utm_term=20140920 They tried to come to our backyard and tell us not to pray. Look what happened- foxnewsinsider/2014/09/19/tennessee-cheerleaders-lead-football-crowd-lords-prayer-defying-schools-ban Even in the worst of domestic situations- Ive seen the woman, (this is my experience- not trying to say men dont get jacked up too- cause they do), but Ive seen the woman finally STAND and say Enough is enough. And in some cases America is doing that too. But not often enough. There are many forces at work to undo America we knew as kids. That the founders knew. Divide and conquer. And I know, believe me, that it can be overwhelming at times. But do you know the great thing about those individuals that STOOD? As SOON as another person saw them doing it- they STOOD with them. Then another and another. Sometimes it only takes one person to turn a tide. Dont think you cant make a difference, because you can. All you need to do is STAND. For your beliefs, for your principles, for your community, for your kid. Just STAND and others will STAND with you- I promise. Ive said it before- Ill say it again- One person CAN make a difference. George Washington was one person. Thomas Jefferson was one person. Martin Luther King was one person. Jesus was one person. STAND- save America - change the world. End rant. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is an awesome invitation from the Smoky Mountain Tea Party. Im going- you should too! This is the couple that also wrote that open letter to Obama asking for his resignation and letting him know they thought HE was JV . Tea Party friends would you please forward or announce at your tea party folks to come to Maryville, TN. to hear these parents talk about their son? It will make you humble, and appreciate attending for the Vaughns.They will be traveling from Florida for this event. Navy Seal, Aaron Carson Vaughn was part of the Seal Team 6 that outed Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan 2011. August 6, 2011 Navy Seal Team 6 military personnel lost their lives when their helicopter was shot down by the terrorists due to Seal Team 6 taking out their leader, Osama Bin Laden and Team 6 was leaked from Obamas administration which was suppose to be top secret. (surprise :( ) Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn will be at the Music Row facility, October 2, 2014 at 6:30PM as guests of the Smoky Mountain Tea Party Patriots . The Vaughns mission since their sons tragic death is to talk about how strong America is and why their son joined the Navy and risked his life to protect Americans freedom. His love for America and Jesus Christ was what gave Aaron his courage. The Vaughns have been on many television shows speaking of their son and we feel so privileged that they accepted our invitation to come to Maryville, Tn. to speak of their personal feelings when they heard their son was killed and how they cope day to day by bringing his story to everyone and especially to encourage young people to be part of serving this beautiful country, The United States of America. Please feel free to contact me by email or phone 865-603-1250. Thank you in advance for considering this story that would give Billy & Karen Vaughn an audience who appreciate the sacrifice our troops make for us everyday. Mary Cook mecook03@gmail -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Export-Import Bank: Last week, Congress voted to pass a continuing resolution (CR) to fund the government through December 11, 2014 (319–108 in the House; 78–22 in the Senate). Among other provisions, this measure authorized the arming and training of Syrian rebels and extended the Export-Import Bank’s charter until June 30, 2015. In the span of six months, conservatives were able to take Ex-Im from a little-known corporate welfare entity to the public poster child for cronyism and corruption. Conservatives indeed won the policy argument, and this short-term extension will deprive members of the political argument next June (as Leadership will be unable to attach reauthorization to a must-pass funding bill). It would have been better for Congress to have simply allowed Ex-Im to lapse, but conservatives are still poised to stop this agency from being reauthorized long-term. But the accountability battle must not waver. When you talk to your member this recess, ask how he or she voted on Ex-Im, and secure a commitment to oppose reauthorization in June. Potential Lame Duck: By only extending funding for two months to December 11th, the CR set up a time-bomb for bad legislation to be passed in the lame duck session. Conservatives must be on guard during this session, as Congress attempts to pass any number of liberal policies such as a new full-year “omnibus” spending bill, an internet sales tax, etc. There will be a loud cry from both parties to “clear the deck” and both pass bad policies while the votes are still there and avoid politically controversial issues in the new year. Internet Sales Tax: The recent CR extended the Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA), for two months, as well. ITFA prevents states and localities from imposing taxes on internet access (sometimes called “email taxes”). This places the expiration of ITFA right in the middle of a lame duck session. ITFA has enjoyed widespread support since it was first enacted in 1998. In fact, the House recently passed a bill, H.R. 3086, making the moratorium permanent, by a simple voice vote. The companion bill is sponsored and championed in the Senate by none other than the Chairman of the Finance Committee, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR). Despite this clear mandate for a permanent extension, pro-internet sales tax members of the Senate are holding a permanent solution hostage to try to jam through their unpopular tax on internet sales, ironically known as the Marketplace Fairness Act. Sensing that the time was not quite right to try their internet sales tax gambit in weeks before an important national election, the members engaged in a strategic retreat on the issue, calculating that their best chance of passing their plan would be with a short-term extension of ITFA that pushed the issue into the lame duck. TN CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS There will be four proposed amendments to Tennessees constitution on this Novembers ballot. As promised at our last meeting, here are links so that you can read them: Proposed Constitutional Amendments for the November 4, 2014 General Election Ballot (Published: June 9, 2014) •Amendment 1 •Amendment 2 •Amendment 3 •Amendment 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Were going to start collecting items for care packages for troops. Look here to see the list of items they need and bring some in to the meeting for packing: How to send a care package: blog.uso.org/2014/08/14/making-the-perfect-care-package-how-you-can-help-uso-bagram-stock-up-for-troops/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the illegal immigration front- Heres a couple news items for you - youngcons/this-is-how-much-your-state-has-to-pay-for-illegal-immigrants-to-go-to-school/#lightbox/0/ theblaze/stories/2014/09/20/cancelled-facing-threat-of-mass-violence-organizer-nixes-border-protest-hours-before-it-was-supposed-to-start/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the Common Core front heres a link for parents on boycotting testing- fairtest.org/why-you-can-boycott-testing-without-fear -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An invite from CROSS COUNTY PATRIOTS In cooperation with Constitutional Leadership Initiative - Presents a class on the U. S. Constitution Gary Porter will be giving a free two to three hour class on the U.S. Constitution on Tuesday, November 25th at 5:00 PM at Calhoun’s Restaurant for dinner in Lenoir City (order off the menu) and the class will begin at 5:30PM, on what they did not teach you about the constitution in school. Your leadership committee needs to know if there is enough interest in holding this class. Class is open to the public, so bring your friends., If you plan to attend please click on the link below. Did you know that 35 of the 55 delegates who drafted the Constitution had some legal training and that most of these men were prominent in their communities, but only a few could be termed politicians today? The document they produced was intended to be discussed and debated by everyday citizens across the states and was discussed every day in pubs, inns, churches and newspapers. Today the Constitution is indecipherable, unknowable and only interpreted and explained by the courts. This is “Nonsense!” It is the civic duty of every American citizen to know their “Supreme Law of the Land.” More about Gary Porter So if you are interested in learning more about the Constitution buckle up your seat belt and we will explore the Constitution together in this class. We will start with a noncontroversial topic, Gun Control! If you want to know more about Gary, he writes for the Yorktown Crier (yorktowncrier/). His column, Constitutional Corner, generally runs each week and appears on their website a day or so after the Thursday publication (look all the way at the bottom). He also appears on the radio show,The Constitution Matters broadcast Fridays 7-8 am on WFYL, 1180am (1180wfyl/) and you can listen on their website by clicking Listen Live https://dropbox/s/puasvyiywdhvuly/Constitution%20Seminar%20Acknowledgement.pdf?dl=0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Theresa West, Chair The Knoxville Tea Party “Smaller government that lives within its means and adheres to the Constitution” 865.357.3TEA Find us on Facebook, @knoxteaparty on Twitter --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 15:57:10 +0000

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