“Well, let’s see. You haven’t had an actual relationship - TopicsExpress


“Well, let’s see. You haven’t had an actual relationship with a guy in years. And before you get started on blaming Andrew, don’t bother. I know all about what happened between the two of you and I get it. You were scared, but you’ve had ample time to recover and mend your broken heart. Plus, it doesn’t really account for the fact that in the six years that I’ve lived with you, you’ve painted the living room eight different times in colors ranging from a mustard yellow to a bright violet. Or the fact that you trade in your car every chance you get, usually blaming it on something as stupid as needing new tires on the old one. And let’s not forget that you have at least five half- finished books flying around your bedroom at any given moment and you change cell phone carriers more often than most people change their underwear.” I made a face. “Ew, at some point we need to talk about the people you hang out with then.” Noah scowled at me and declined to respond. “Okay fine, I have commitment issues! But what about you?” I demanded. He just shrugged. “I’ve had the same cell phone carrier for years.” ~ Getting Lucky (WIP)
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 02:10:13 +0000

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