[Wendy] same ol, same ol is a nice sentiment right now. Mom is - TopicsExpress


[Wendy] same ol, same ol is a nice sentiment right now. Mom is currently resting for the night. She had her central line removed today and a regular IV put in because the doctor worries it might be creating an infection. Her potassium was down a smidge so they gave her a dose of that as well. Today I got a lovely call from some snotty lady asking me what nursing home I wanted mom in because she had doctors orders to get her moved. Apparently we cant get in-patient rehab because shes medicaid-pending. Bite me. I told her we werent moving mom anywhere unless it had rehab services AND was in Tyler AND it met all four sibling approval. While she works on that I am escalating my house buying to include space for mom. That being said, are there any recommendations for a good place that you would send YOUR mother to that I can investigate? In-patient rehab in a nursing home might have to be a short-term option depending on how we she begins to heal. If we have to do in-home care and out-patient therapy so be it. I wont have my mom in some facility that doesnt care for her correctly when no one is looking. This just in: We have to hold off on visitations for a bit. They just told us mom tested positive for a bacteria that can --to put it nicely -- give you the runs so anyone who comes in contact with her must wear gloves and gowns. Well let you know when the coast is clear.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 03:30:30 +0000

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