#WetinGoodluckDeyDoSef Part 6 The ignorance of one voter in a - TopicsExpress


#WetinGoodluckDeyDoSef Part 6 The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all. - John F. Kennedy SECURITY! I know every ear is eager to hear what todays discussion on this issue will be, but I will make more PRODUCTIVE by asking for your participation. Some people will be looking in here today to draw inspiration, comfort and ideas. I will first make my HONEST input, cite efforts, SAY WHAT WE ARE AFRAID TO SAY IN THE OPEN and then LEAVE the floor for PATRIOTIC contributions on this issue! Make sure you get as much people as possible informed about this post. Share, mention, tag, do whatever needs be done to get people MAKE THEIR SUGGESTIONS on how to move forward from the POSITION OF CHALLENGE that we have found ourselves as a nation due to the INORDINATE AMBITIONS of a certain few DISGRUNTLED POLITICAL ELEMENTS and RELIGIOUS FANATICS in this nation. In case you are not aware, let me break it down for you: Boko Haram has three MANIFESTATIONS 1. Political BOKO Haram: This is the face of this insurgency that is being worked by CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS to gain political capital one way or the other. They do all they can, from giving moral support via utterances, associations and body language. Here, fights against this insurgency are portrayed by the POLITICAL GODFATHERS of Boko Haram in ways that will incite regions and religions against the Federal Government. If needs be, SUCCESSFUL actors in this arena of fight get blackmailed and even threatened with being sued at ICC! They are OKAY with less than par performance, when bombs are booming and dying souls are screaming. When such is going on, instead of uniting with the FG to find ways out of the situation, the do the following; a) Celebrate the attacks b) Blame the FG c) Boost the morale of the insurgents OPENLY and SECRETLY via many WAYS! These are the people that spread FALSE CASUALTY FIGURES, false situation of things in the military, fabricate FALSE DOCUMENTS and spread same to deceive people. On social media, such people will NEVER celebrate victories scored by our gallant soldiers but will ALWAYS celebrate attacks, add flesh to the story and MAKE SUCH NEWS GO VIRAL, being EXACTLY WHAT THE INSURGENTS WANT DONE! What you dont know is that MOST times, these insurgents come in just a FEW NUMBERS, as opposed to the massive numbers the usual elements report and even feed to foreign press! I heard a particularly not-too-funny tactics where just a hillux of these miscreants will invade a community WITH LOUDSPEAKERS MOUNTED ON THE TRUCKS AND USE THE SOUND SYSTEM TO AMPLIFY THE GUNFIRE SOUND, leading people to believe they are more than they actually are. These terrorized citizens will REPORT WHAT THEY HEARD ACCURATELY, but as you can see, their reports, as honest as it was, is INACCURATE in terms of details! These people that gloat over such news, accurate or not, I adopted the nomenclature by my departed Senior friend, Odiakachukwu Jones-Nduka, who calls them BOKO HARAM BY PROXY! The social media proponents of this kind of propaganda have been known to AMBASSADORS of CERTAIN POLITICIANS! I leave you to put two and two together. This my friends is the machinery of the political Boko Haram. If you must report the fear-inducing, morale-reducing, Boko Haram PR propagating news of attacks, a fair approach would be to HIGHLIGHT BOTH THE GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS WITH EQUAL VIGOR AND ZEST! As for me, I, AWAZIE CHINOMNSO, UNEQUIVOCALLY SUPPORT OUR PATRIOTIC TROOPS! Keyword: Patriotic (we will get to that shortly). 2. Religious Boko Haram: You can be blinded to this face of this vice for a few seconds at moments of intense political debates or trying to sound POLITICALLY CORRECT, but it is what it is. Let me intimate you with a scary fact I confirmed during my foray into the North East: 98% OF THE COMMUNITIES ATTACKED ARE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES! Contrary to views held by even yours truly, North East is PREDOMINANTLY CHRISTIANS! In fact, the serious grumblings there from discussions I had was that FULANIS WHO ARE IN THE MINORITY THERE ARE ENCOURAGED TO CONTINUE THEIR LORDSHIP OVER THE MAJORITY! One bitter PROMINENT MAN there put it thus: WE EXPECTED GEJ TO BREAK THE YOKE OF THE FULANIS FROM OUR NECK! Kindly note: Im reporting what was told me by SEVERAL PEOPLE FROM SEVERAL STATE. This is neither my opinion nor an endorsement. Now, these religious fanatics are busy DECIMATING, DISPLACING AND DESTROYING THESE CHRISTIAN LOCALS! It might interest you to note that the first Lutheran Church presence was in the North East! This LARGE EXPANSE OF LAND with residential clusters INTERSPACED makes for a SOFT JIHADIST WAR THEATER for these cowardly insurgents. 3. Business Boko Haram: Recall I used the word PATRIOTIC somewhere up in here. Let me explain: THERE ARE A LOT OF SABOTAGE IN THE FIGHT AGAINST THIS INSURGENCY! Kill, me for saying this, but thats the truth! And by the way, the army is CURRENTLY prosecuting some officers, INCLUDING GENERALS! Mutiny is a vice that CANNOT BE CONDONED IN ANY MILITARY WORLDWIDE, our sentiments and peculiar biases notwithstanding! There are OTHER SMARTER WAYS TO GET YOUR GRIEVANCES ACROSS, mutiny is not one of them. In fact, it turns your good case against you! GET EGGED ON, GET ROPED IN, its that simple. But mutiny is the even the sabotage Im talking about. I hear some ELEMENTS TRADE WITH OUR TERRITORIES! Note: I said I hear, Im reporting and Im not obliged to tell you the birds that sang that to me. Oh, I remember, a bird sang it to me while I was counting offering money in the vestibule, but THIS BIRD IS CREDIBLE! Some SABOTEURS GET PAID TO ALLOW EASY ACCESS TO OUR TERRITORIES! They are EVERYWHERE, From political position, through security apparatchik to religious leaders! Even traditional rulers and their structures are not left out! If anyone tells you that ONE MAN FROM ABUJA WILL WAVE A WAND AND THESE THINGS WILL GO AWAY, KINDLY IGNORE SUCH PERSON! This insurgency is a SYSTEM FAULT, one in which CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS logged into a structure, strengthened it and unleashed it. Now, as much as it is about these individuals, its also about their FOLLOWERSHIP that can GO ON AUTO MODE IF NEED BE! This issue WILL TAKE TIME AND SINCERE EFFORTS TO GO AWAY! Elect me and Boko Haram will end is a STUPID LIE that both the teller and the BELIEVER deserve to be called BIG FOOLS! Which business dies like that? Especially one in which the CHEAP MONEY is flowing in abundance??? Sorry to break your heart, but there are FOREIGN actors pumping TENS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS into this insurgency, not to end it, but to promote it. If Nigerians get to know the truth and I disappear, I wouldnt mind! Ive made peace with that. Friends that are worried, increase your efforts for my safety I urge you. Those threatening me from left right and centre, just one word; CONTINUE! I might occasionally get frightened, but Im not a coward! If you succeed, bravo to you, if you fail as I know God will make you to fail, shame on you! On my part, a major component of my strategy this period of trial in our nationhood is to make sure my standing with God is ok, that Im at peace in my soul, to avoid being turned away at the pearly gates, just in case! My life is insured in Christ, but all living things must die someday! I GOT IT ALL IN THE RIGHT PERSPECTIVE! Now, what has GEJ done so far in this fight against insurgency and sundry security matter? - Apart from the bombmania, I personally feel safer under this administration. Police, all my hate for them notwithstanding, are inching up their game. More discipline is coming into the force; they are gradually loosing that toga of haaaa, dont you know hes a policeman in hush-hush tones. I now actually stop to ask policemen for directions when in doubt and 100% of the time, they politely HELP ME OUT without harassment of or demanding for anything. If I give, I do so in appreciation. Of course, my policy with policemen in regards to warreva is; ASK AND YOU SHALL NOT RECEIVE, SEEK AND YOU SHALL NOT FIND, HARASS AND YOU SHALL BE HARASSED BACK, FOR WHOMEVER IS GOOD SHALL SEE GOOD AND WHOMEVER IS BAD SHALL SEE CRAZE! Sorry, but thats what it is! Police, make me love you, please do! But, they are improving! Response time to crime scenes is better, relations with citizens seems to be improving, been a while I heard of accidental discharge! Community policing has greatly improved! Police seems to be more committed these days! Im still not in love yet o! - The welfare of security agents is greatly improved. It might not be the best in the world, might not even come close to that of say a UK or US police officer, but its now VERY DIFFERENT from what it used to be! - Police college that had faced DECADES OF NEGLECT had a major rehabilitation that is till ongoing under GEJ, alas, with the usual Nigerian melodrama - There have been massive recruitments into the military to improve our HORRIBLE MILITARY PERSONNEL STATISTICS! May I add here that they should ensure they dont hold unto anyones SATIBIKATES to avoid stories that touch later on in our national history! Embarrassments on this nation is enough! #BuhariWhereIsYourCertificate - Arms acquisition under this administration has been phenomenal, again, with the usual drama attending to these efforts all the way! The krinkum-krankum has stretched through continents from The US, through South Africa to wherever else that have refused to talk about! Plenty horrible tales of discouragement, frustrations and plain sabotage in this effort to RE-ARM the military. I said RE-ARM because successive military regimes, out of fear of coups SYSTEMATICALLY DEGRADED OUR MILITARY CAPABILITIES! Ethnic CALCULATIONS have been rumored to factor in, but Deacon is deciding to stick to counting offering on that one! The truth is that Boko Haram EXPOSED our problems in that regards! Even when a MILITARY CIVILIAN came on in a democratic setting, he LARGELY followed that disarmament policy, alas, in different shades. GEJ is arming the military, a CHANGE from what has been happening over decades right up to his administration! Another MILITARY CIVILIANS is angling to CHANGE THE REAL CHANGE BACK TO STATUS QUO! Chant a certain change mantra to your own detriment! YOU WERE NOT INFORMED? *Steps back to safety*! - The response and approach to this demon called insurgency under GEJ has been dynamic. COASs have been hired and fired out of legal constraints and popular (mischievous?) demands, troops have been rejigged and redeployed, poor performers have been sent to canteen department to cook burnt rice and beans, saboteurs are being tried. The military IS IN A WARTIME MODE! The only problem I see is the media gaffes of UNINFORMING THE CITIZENS, a stance that has created a vacuum that has been filled with falsehood and propaganda! They seem to be waking up in this area of media, but not fast enough for Deacon! Address us BEFORE we are misinformed. The propagandists SHOULD BE THE ONES DISCREDITING, not the administration or the military media wing TRYING TO CORRECT THE PROPAGANDA! *steps into safety again* - NEMA has been mobilized to troubled regions to assist IDPs and carry out other functions. However, I use this opportunity to implore THOSE NIGERIANS WORKING AT NEMA IN THE FIELDS to be patriotic. I gather that some of them, ordinary Nigerians o, possible amongst those shouting kworupshon will receive 10 cartons of indomie to be shared to IDPs and 7 cartons would end up in THEIR OWN KITCHEN! Una be IDP? These my friends are part of what is spreading the false narrative that GEJ doesnt care! I hereby beg GEJ to please go to the kitchens, bedrooms and car boot of ALL FG EMPLOYEES in order to FORCE PEOPLE THET DONT HAVE ANY GOOD IN THEM TO DO GOOD! He should do it PERSONALLY TO OVER 170millions of Nigerians. Tenkiu - Strategic alliances are being forged with countries TRULY AND HONESTLY COMMITTED to our common good! These foreign policy trusts yielding fruits spreading even beyond military purposes! I hope I didnt bore the hell out you? Ok, now its your turn: WHATS YOUR SUGGESTION(S) ON HOW THE ANTE ON THIS FIGHT AGAINST THE INSURGENTS CAN BE UPDATED? Rules of commenting; 1. No personal attacks on me or anyone else on this thread 2. No insult at The President 3. No insults at the military 4. No insults at any religion 5. As much as I would have loved it, but no insults at the Police. 6. Feel free to drop names, locations and sources. Its optional 7. Dont state DECEITFUL INFO Perfect no set of rules it is! Now, come show your patriotism. Lets get real #iSupportOurMilitary #LetsTalk #ShowYourPatriotism
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 09:41:28 +0000

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