*******What does Music really do?******** - Wastes time - - TopicsExpress


*******What does Music really do?******** - Wastes time - Makes you daydream of events that most likely WON’T happen, since it’s created in your head, not by the will of Allaah subhana wa ta’ala - Diverts your attention from reality - Envokes pain - Envokes emotions that aren’t from the Qur’aan and Sunnah - Envokes emotions that aren’t a result of remembrance of Allaah subhana wa ta’ala - It’s the evil whispering of Shaytaan - Diverts your attention from Allaah subhana wa ta’ala - Makes you think of things that could possibly lead you to commit sin *******What can you do instead?********** - Listen to Quran - Make dhikr! Instead of crying over “someone like you”, cry over saying “SubhanaAllaah, Alhamdullilah, Allaahu Akbar” 33x after each Salaat and before you sleep! - Learn ayahs instead of lyrics! - Learn the arabic transliteration of the ayahs - Perfect Salaat - Gain ilm (read free ebooks on Google, attend lectures at your local masjid etc) - Read about the Sahabah may Allaah be pleased with them all - Read about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salaam - Read about the Prophets alayhi salaam - Memorize the 99 names of Allaah subhana wa ta’ala - Know the true essence of Tawheed - Write down all the sins you can remember, then repent - Watch beneficial lectures (YouTube) - Feed animals (be merciful to His creation) - Spend time with your parents - read the Qur’aan (!) - Make du’a There are plenty of ways to remove music from your interest, and the first is through taqwa in shaa Allaah. Try your best to keep your tongue moist through dhikr, instead of through lyrics that does nothing on the scales. May Allaah make you one of the successful and keep us all guided on the Sirat al Mustaqeem. Aameen.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 04:34:42 +0000

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