What have you for your dinner boys? Nothing but Fire Cake and - TopicsExpress


What have you for your dinner boys? Nothing but Fire Cake and Water, Sir. At night, Gentlemen the Supper is ready. What is your Supper Lads? Fire Cake and Water, Sir. Very poor beef has been drawn in our Camp the greater part of this season. A Butcher bringing a Quarter of this kind of Beef into Camp one day who had white Buttons on the knees of his breeches, a Soldier cries out - There, there Tom is some more of your fat Beef, by my soul I can see the Butchers breeches buttons through it. December 22 Lay excessive Cold and uncomfortable last Night - my eyes started out from their Orbits like a Rabbits eyes, occasiond by a great Cold and Smoke. Our Division are under Marching Orders this morning. I am ashamed to say it, but I am tempted to steal Fowls if I could find them, or even a whole Hog, for I feel as if I could eat one. But the Impoverishd Country about us, affords but little matter to employ a Thief, or keep a Clever Fellow in good humour. But why do I talk of hunger and hard usage, when so many in the World have not even fire Cake and Water to eat.... It is not in the power of Philosophy...to convince a man he may be happy and Contented if he will, with a Hungry Belly. Give me Food, Cloaths, Wife and Children, kind Heaven! and Ill be as contented as my Nature will permit me to be. This Evening a Party with two field pieces were orderd out. At 12 of the Clock at Night, Providence sent us a little Mutton, with which we immediately had some Broth made, and a fine Stomach for same. Ye who Eat Pumkin Pie and Roast Turkies, and yet Curse fortune for using you ill, Curse her no more, least she reduce you Allowance of her favours to a bit of Fire Cake, and a draught of Cold Water, and in Cold Weather too. albigence-waldo-from-the-diary-of-a-surgeon-at-valley-forge-1777
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 07:39:02 +0000

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