“What kind of motivation is better to bring benefits to other - TopicsExpress


“What kind of motivation is better to bring benefits to other beings when we make food smoke offerings? ” Someone asked. While reciting the required dharma ritual, visualize the incent smoke turning into innumerable delicious food including those exquisite deserts and sweet drinks as many as we can imagine. These are the precious nectar blessed by the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, which are distributed to all living beings of the six realms, each receiving what they want and need to their hearts’ content. They thus can free from hunger, thirst, cold and heat, attaining the ultimate happiness and eventually their unparalleled Buddhahood. To be honest, we personally do not possess the great power of blessing, but once we can recite eager prayers to our guru or such compassionate Buddhas and Bodhisattvas as Vajrasattva, Buddha Amitabha and Avalokitesvara, we can receive Their power to bring real benefits to other beings. Such is the incredibility of Their blessing power that we will surely attain Their extraordinary blessings with our faithful and sincere praying. 有弟子問:“施食煙供時,怎樣發心,更能利益眾生?”在念誦儀軌的同時,觀想熏香化為無量無邊的美食,包括精美的食品、甘甜的飲料等,應有盡有。這些全是佛菩薩加持而成的甘露,將這些甘露佈施於所有的六道眾生,所有眾生能夠各取所需,盡情享用,從而遠離饑渴寒熱、獲得究竟安樂、速成無上佛果。 其實我們本身沒有這個加持力,但是只要我們能夠虔誠地祈禱上師或金剛薩垛、阿彌陀佛、觀世音菩薩等諸佛菩薩,就能真實不虛地利益到這些眾生。上師三寶的加持力,是非常不可思議的。只有具足信心,虔誠祈禱,才能得到殊勝的加持。
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 09:32:38 +0000

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