...When I first began working at Allen and attending Princeton - TopicsExpress


...When I first began working at Allen and attending Princeton simultaneously I was completely overwhelmed and I had absolutely no idea how to balance the two. I felt completely intimidated having to overcome yet another elite white institution while at the same time having to serve as a pastoral presence for thousands of people. I was depressed having to commute 2 1/2 hours to school both ways three times a week. I had to teach and encourage others while taking four challenging courses at an Ivy. My fear, lack of balance and overfilled plate caused me to get an F in one of my courses during my first semester. My GPA sunk to a 2.475. I needed a 2.7 to graduate. Worst of all, I was three credits behind in terms of graduating on time. Things were real. I prayed, sought the counsel of friends, and continued. I took one course over the winter break, five courses during the spring semester and continued to pour my heart into my ministry responsibilities at Allen. Today, because of the support of my family, friends, mentors and God, I can say that I have successfully passed all five classes, my GPA is a 2.765 and I will be graduating with my third Ivy league degree on May 24th. Furthermore, I completely paid for Princeton out of pocket and have not accrued any additional debt while studying there. Fred, Fatima, Raquel, Camille, Rodeena, Tanya and Ms. Stacy...you seven, in addition to my parents, are the only reason that I have survived. This has been the hardest year of my life. I had to minister, study and mourn the lost of my grandmother at the same time. Im crying as I type this. You seven kept me sane, prayed for me, encouraged me, gave me loans when I got into jams, proofread papers, wiped tears away (literally) and believed in my when I didnt believe in myself. I love you all with every part of me and I pledge you my loyalty until my dying day. I does not matter what we have on our plates. It does not matter what setbacks we experience. There is nothing that we cannot overcome as long as we place God first and have a support system of loyal confidants in place. If you dont have God, find him. If you dont have people who will hold you down, and I mean REALLY hold you down, find them. We cant accomplish anything that God has called us to alone. No matter how many hiccups occur on the road to your goals always remember that it aint over until its over. *excuse any typos. Im a blubbering mess right now*
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 16:57:49 +0000

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