“When Opportunity Dries Up Become a Rainmaker” Veles in the - TopicsExpress


“When Opportunity Dries Up Become a Rainmaker” Veles in the future position: shows you taking responsibility to get what you want in life. Something may require additional training or the learning of a new skill. Entrepreneurialism is in the air which can mean commission sales that will lead to a higher income or the starting of a new business. You have the power to manifest what you want – nothing can stop you if you only try. Start thinking of ways to increase your sense of self-value. Write a resume to remind you of your strengths. Ask a few friends what they like best about you….get out that Shaman mask and drum. The sky is opening for you. Embrace: Ability, New Skills, Commerce, Entrepreneurialism, Power, Self Confidence Discard: Lack of Imagination, Lack of Resourcefulness, Shyness, Inaction, Rut Questions to Consider: If I would like to start my own business or be my own boss, what is stopping me? Do I believe I have the self-discipline to do something entrepreneurial? Am I holding in my feelings in a way that events are attempting to ‘release them?’ Might I take the initiative to actualize my greatest dream? What does it look like? What about me is unsinkable or unchanged by defeat? What are my greatest strengths? What unique contribution can I make in life? Veles comes to us from Slavic mythology. He is a terrestrial or underworld god honored by shamans, and is associated with the earth, magic and commerce. As a magician Archetype, he teaches you about the creative power inside of you, where intention or primordial potential can be transformed into something tangible. As a Trickster or shapeshifter, he encourages you to find a way to pull the rug out from under yourself. Veles is usually portrayed with his adversary Perun, the thunder or sky god. In stories, he is earth bound and guides shepherds in the form of skotji bog, meaning “cattle-god.” Perun lives in the sky, is associated with thunder and rain and serves the farmers. To the ancient Slavs, the sun was either in the sky or beneath the earth. Veles and Perun stole the sun back and forth from one another each day. This led to animosity and constant rivalry. Like the vegetation, Veles rises too high and threatens Perun, or Veles holds onto the water so Perun shoots him with thunderbolts. Veles flees hiding or transforming himself into trees, animals or people. Eventually, Veles is defeated in a ritualistic death, and Perun releases the rains from the battered body of Veles. But Veles always comes back – and so he is also associated with festivals that herald the New Year. Veles can offer the inspiration behind the word: unsinkable. Among many Slavic nations, most notably in Russia, a custom persisted of cutting the first ear of wheat to make an amulet which protected the harvest. Called “tying of the beard of Veles” it led to sayings such as puna šaka brade (full fist of beard) or, primiti boga za bradu (to grab a god for his beard.) In this way, Veles is also associated with commerce, good fortune and the gaining of wealth. It is interesting that Veles is a ‘rainmaker’ god who rules commerce and is associated with magic. In ancient times, shamans orchestrated the rains that nurtured crops. Today a rainmaker is someone who can make new business out of thin air. In the world of bean counters that can look a lot like magic. These magnetic and relationship oriented types build the business, while others simply manage it. The difference between the words manage and magic is the ‘c’ at the end of one, and the ‘nah’ in the middle of the other. A magician is simply a visionary who has a strong connection to their inner vision – who can ‘see’ something through to the end even if others can’t. Manager’s say ‘nah’ when change is in the air. They would rather not upset the routine. Veles inspires the idea of the magician within you and how something can be made of nothing if you want more out of life. “When Opportunity Dries Up Become a Rainmaker” Veles in the future position: shows you taking responsibility to get what you want in life. Something may require additional training or the learning of a new skill. Entrepreneurialism is in the air which can mean commission sales that will lead to a higher income or the starting of a new business. You have the power to manifest what you want – nothing can stop you if you only try. Start thinking of ways to increase your sense of self-value. Write a resume to remind you of your strengths. Ask a few friends what they like best about you….get out that Shaman mask and drum. The sky is opening for you. Embrace: Ability, New Skills, Commerce, Entrepreneurialism, Power, Self Confidence Discard: Lack of Imagination, Lack of Resourcefulness, Shyness, Inaction, Rut Questions to Consider: If I would like to start my own business or be my own boss, what is stopping me? Do I believe I have the self-discipline to do something entrepreneurial? Am I holding in my feelings in a way that events are attempting to ‘release them?’ Might I take the initiative to actualize my greatest dream? What does it look like? What about me is unsinkable or unchanged by defeat? What are my greatest strengths? What unique contribution can I make in life? Veles comes to us from Slavic mythology. He is a terrestrial or underworld god honored by shamans, and is associated with the earth, magic and commerce. As a magician Archetype, he teaches you about the creative power inside of you, where intention or primordial potential can be transformed into something tangible. As a Trickster or shapeshifter, he encourages you to find a way to pull the rug out from under yourself. Veles is usually portrayed with his adversary Perun, the thunder or sky god. In stories, he is earth bound and guides shepherds in the form of skotji bog, meaning “cattle-god.” Perun lives in the sky, is associated with thunder and rain and serves the farmers. To the ancient Slavs, the sun was either in the sky or beneath the earth. Veles and Perun stole the sun back and forth from one another each day. This led to animosity and constant rivalry. Like the vegetation, Veles rises too high and threatens Perun, or Veles holds onto the water so Perun shoots him with thunderbolts. Veles flees hiding or transforming himself into trees, animals or people. Eventually, Veles is defeated in a ritualistic death, and Perun releases the rains from the battered body of Veles. But Veles always comes back – and so he is also associated with festivals that herald the New Year. Veles can offer the inspiration behind the word: unsinkable. Among many Slavic nations, most notably in Russia, a custom persisted of cutting the first ear of wheat to make an amulet which protected the harvest. Called “tying of the beard of Veles” it led to sayings such as puna šaka brade (full fist of beard) or, primiti boga za bradu (to grab a god for his beard.) In this way, Veles is also associated with commerce, good fortune and the gaining of wealth. It is interesting that Veles is a ‘rainmaker’ god who rules commerce and is associated with magic. In ancient times, shamans orchestrated the rains that nurtured crops. Today a rainmaker is someone who can make new business out of thin air. In the world of bean counters that can look a lot like magic. These magnetic and relationship oriented types build the business, while others simply manage it. The difference between the words manage and magic is the ‘c’ at the end of one, and the ‘nah’ in the middle of the other. A magician is simply a visionary who has a strong connection to their inner vision – who can ‘see’ something through to the end even if others can’t. Manager’s say ‘nah’ when change is in the air. They would rather not upset the routine. Veles inspires the idea of the magician within you and how something can be made of nothing if you want more out of life. He is also mischievous, but playful curiosity is a prerequisite for rainmaking. You may have talents at your disposal that are not known to you because you have taken the easy path. On the other hand, you may appear so successful to others that they think you do it all magically. Your success is really your willingness to believe that something can come out of thin air. For commission driven sales people, this is common knowledge. If Veles is appearing to you – this may be a new concept. You may wish you did not have to answer to a supervisor and so you might become an entrepreneur, but until you have faith in your sense of self discipline and power to create – it will remain a dream. He can teach you how to get what you want by doing what comes natural to you. Since he is a terrestrial Archetype, you are encouraged to stop dreaming and make a plan. Veles suggests gaining control over your life and events by developing confidence in your abilities. You might explore public speaking training as a vehicle which always leads to increased confidence. Of course it is challenging in the beginning – all things are. As you grow and receive positive feedback however, you become a rainmaker quite naturally. The other meaning of Veles relates to what comes natural to you. Have you considered that the best possible job is doing what you enjoy, and getting paid for it? Symbolically, Veles can teach you how to reach toward the sky to harness whatever it is you want from life. Veles suggests the development of relationship skills, self confidence and increased charisma. Like they say in the sales world – ABC: always be closing. Of course, before you can make any changes in your life – you have to sell yourself.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 07:36:44 +0000

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