When our government attempts to confiscate legally purchased - TopicsExpress


When our government attempts to confiscate legally purchased property such as land they are required to pay for it. This is outright stealing as far as I am concerned. Our legal system needs to change the only reason a free citizen should be allowed to be disarmed is if 1. Being placed under arrest, or 2. convicted and currently serving time in a jail, prison or other penal institution once freed their debt to society should be considered paid in full, if it is not then keep them in their until it is!!!! If you consider them a direct danger to society why would anyone let them out early and place them on the streets!! Just to save money... Stupid. Other than the two reason listed above I do not support the government taking away any citizens right to self defense or self preservation by making them a target for crime. "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" PA say "No citizen shall be disarmed, or any other person residing in PA." If their debt to society has not been paid in full then they should not be released. Also "NO DOUBLE JEOPARDY" is straight forward tried for each crime once and only once!!! No person may be convicted twice for the same exact instance of a crime. Repeat offender laws are unconstitutional by the letter of our supreme law. Tried, Convicted, Punished then free to return to society!! not continuously punished for blah blah time, if the debt is not paid they stay in jail till it is PERIOD. Treason is the only crime that bans participation from government office, Felons should never loose their right to vote anything other than this is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 20:51:08 +0000

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