When the United Nations’ last major climate change report - TopicsExpress


When the United Nations’ last major climate change report was released in April, it omitted some country-specific emissions data for political reasons, a trio of new papers argue, sounding a warning bell about the global politicization of climate science. Written by thousands of science, policy, and economics experts from around the world, the UN International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports represent a synthesis of existing climate research knowledge, focusing on the evidence of a warming climate (“virtually certain”), the global impacts, and the ways we might avert its most catastrophic effects. The Summary for Policy-makers draws on the detailed technical report and offers recommendations on cutting carbon emissions and preparing for climate change. Although the underlying technical material in the IPCC’s fifth major report was widely agreed upon and published intact, “heated negotiations among scientific authors and diplomats led to substantial deletion of figures and text from the influential ‘Summary for Policy-makers,’” writes Brad Wible, an editor at the journal Science, in the introduction to three papers published Thursday. (See “Battle Plan for Climate Change: How to Cut Greenhouse Gases.”) thegwpf.org/data-deleted-from-un-climate-report-highlight-politicization-of-climate-science/ Global Sea Ice Area - arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/IMAGES/global.daily.ice.area.withtrend.jpg Carbon Observing Mission Launches on This Week At NASA Just about every week, NASA posts a video documenting what is happening with NASA, both on Planet Earth, and around the Solar System. It can be found on the dedicated NASA Television channel... youtube/watch?v=XeIzRqtjYOQ&list=PL2aBZuCeDwlT56jTrxQ3FExn-dtchIwsZ&index=1 Footage NASAs launch of Carbon Observatory -2 (OCO-2) Spacecraft youtube/watch?v=ejXTlDQGBMU It still has three weeks of maneuvers to do before it reaches its ultimate orbit 438 miles above the Earth. But by the end of the month it should be fully launched on its scientific mission: taking more than 100,000 precise measurements of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere every day. The goal is to help researchers understand where on our planet carbon dioxide is being produced and where it is being absorbed by forests, oceans and soil. thegwpf.org/nasas-carbon-observatory-takes-off-let-the-co2-hunt-begin/ Christopher Monckton of Brenchley writes - Taking the least-squares linear-regression trend on Remote Sensing Systems’ satellite-based monthly global mean lower-troposphere temperature dataset, there has been no global warming – none at all – for 17 years 10 months. This is the longest continuous period without any warming in the global instrumental temperature record since the satellites first watched in 1979. It has endured for more than half the entire satellite temperature record. Yet the lengthening Pause coincides with a continuing, rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration. wattsupwiththat/2014/07/03/rss-shows-no-global-warming-for-17-years-10-months/ A Delta II rocket blazed off the launch pad at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California early Wednesday morning to begin a landmark mission to survey carbon dioxide gas in Earth’s atmosphere. NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2, or OCO-2, is expected to provide insight into how the planet adjusts to the increased production of carbon dioxide from a vantage point in orbit that will allow it to take readings on a scale never achieved before. wattsupwiththat/2014/07/02/carbon-counting-satellite-finally-makes-it-into-orbit/ The conventional data sources like SST, MAT suggest that the bulk of the ocean surface mass is cooling in recent years accompanied by faster ice growth. Arguments based on Ozone or Salinity or precipitation appears not to be linked to the record levels of sea ice formation around Antarctica. It is therefore fair to say the obvious: * * * It’s getting colder around Antarctica and so the ice is growing * * * wattsupwiththat/2014/07/02/another-antarctic-sea-ice-record-set-but-excuses-abound/#more-112348 notrickszone/2014/06/29/german-geologist-ipcc-models-a-failure-have-no-chance-of-success-sees-possible-0-2c-of-cooling-by-2020/ notrickszone/2014/06/30/forget-global-cooling-predictions-its-already-happening-global-temperature-falling-more-than-a-decade/ Antarctica sets new record for sea ice talkingabouttheweather.wordpress/2014/06/29/antarctica-sets-new-record-for-sea-ice/ July 1936 was the hottest month on record in the US ... wattsupwiththat/2014/06/29/noaas-temperature-control-knob-for-the-past-the-present-and-maybe-the-future-july-1936-now-hottest-month-again/#more-112190 There has been a hiatus (pause) in the global temperature increase... theree has not been an increase in the planets temperature for over 15 years ... Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego have some ideas as to why there is a hiatus ... Solving the Mysteries of Hiatus in Global Warming New research by Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego climate scientists attributes the attenuation of a worldwide temperature increase to a cooling of eastern Pacific Ocean waters, one that counteracts the warming effect of greenhouse gases. When the climate cycle that governs that ocean cooling reverses and begins warming again, the researchers predict that the planet-wide march toward higher temperatures will resume with vigor. The study does not consider when the reversal might happen, but it brings scientists closer to understanding how to look for signs of it. https://scripps.ucsd.edu/news/13251 The Maven spacecraft will arrive at Mars around 21 September 2014. Goddard Goes To Mars youtube/watch?v=RYHJi0gYiaA nasa.gov/mission_pages/maven/main/index.html#.U6-dTUD4LOR The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution mission (MAVEN) launched on November 18, 2013, and is on track to arrive at Mars on September 21, 2014. The mission’s goal is to explore the planet’s upper atmosphere, ionosphere, and interactions with the Sun and solar wind. Scientists will use MAVEN data to explore the loss of volatile compounds—such as CO2, N2, and H2O—from the Martian atmosphere to space. Understanding atmospheric loss will give scientists insight into the history of Mars atmosphere and climate, liquid water, and planetary habitability. lasp.colorado.edu/home/maven/ Nils Axel- Morner - Sea level specialist youtube/watch?v=Ycq5CJiMer8 The eustatic changes in sea level were originally held to be the same all over the globe [21]. We now know that this is not correct [3, 22] and that sea level changes significantly over the globe. Nils‐Axel Mörner has a new paper out (his 589th). For 60 years he has been tracking the coastlines close to him, and carefully isolated the exact part which appears to be the most stable. From that he shows that the real sea-level rise in Northern Europe is less than 1 millimeter a year since 1890. This is less that the 1.6mm trend in 182 NOAA tide gauges, and far below the estimates of the IPCC reports. joannenova.au/2014/06/sea-level-rise-less-than-1mm-for-last-125-years-nils-axel-morner/ Nils‐Axel Mörner (2014) Deriving the Eustatic Sea Level Component in the Kattaegatt Sea, Global Perspectives on Geography (GPG). American Society of Science and Engineering, Volume 2, 2014, as‐se.org/gpg Mörner was born in Stockholm, Sweden. He took his Ph.D. in Quaternary Geology in 1969. He became associate professor in Quaternary Geology in 1969, and in General and Historical Geology in 1981. He held a personal Associate Professorship at the Swedish Research Council in Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics from 1978. He was head of the institute on Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics at Stockholm University (1991‐2005). Major fields: sea level changes, paleoseismology and neotectonics, Sun‐Earth interaction. He has personal field experiences from 49 different countries scattered all over the globe. He has an extensive publication. This is his paper no. 589. So let’s recap: NOAA’s own figures give an error margin for their figures of +/- 0.07C. When this is allowed for, May 2014 statistically joins an eight-way tie as the hottest May, all since 1998. The other years being: 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2010, 2012, and 2013. Statistically, their claim of the “hottest month” does not hold water. thegwpf.org/noaas-hottest-month-claims-are-unscientific/ notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress/2014/06/24/noaas-hottest-month-claims-are-unscientific/ telegraph.co.uk/earth/environment/climatechange/10921695/May-was-the-hottest-month-ever-for-Earth.html How A Coal Baron Fooled Al Gore And The Greens Andrew Bolt Herald Sun, 26 June 2014 What the hell was Al Gore doing at Palmer’s press conference? Why did the great global warming guru help to sanctify a press conference called by a coal baron to announce the destruction of Australia’s climate change policies? The Australian tells it straight: AUSTRALIA will be left without a major scheme to cut greenhouse gas emissions after Clive Palmer last night backed the repeal of the carbon tax without supporting any concrete alternative… Mr Palmer said the PUP would propose an emissions trading scheme to put a price on carbon but said it would only start when other nations did the same, an unlikely prospect in the short term. wattsupwiththat/2014/06/26/al-gore-gets-fooled-at-a-press-conference-down-under-calling-for-end-of-the-carbon-tax/#more-111999 The reality is that the US Senate will not authorise any “cap and trade” scheme for a decade. That may be a conservative estimate. The climate change lobby talks up the extent of global action. But what counts are national ETS schemes. Judged by this criterion, Abbott remains in a powerful position to argue that the global momentum does not yet exist and will not exist for some years to justify the resurrection of any Australian ETS. thegwpf.org/palmers-big-climate-hoax-down-under/ telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/australia/10925710/Al-Gore-gives-surprise-endorsement-to-Australian-mining-tycoon.html friendsofscience.org/assets/images/GW_16yr_BBphotoSm.jpg breitbart/Breitbart-London/2014/06/23/Hank-Paulson-as-wrong-about-climate-change-as-he-was-about-the-crash business.financialpost/2014/06/16/the-global-warming-hiatus/ joannenova.au/2014/06/dont-miss-jennifer-marohasy-speaking-in-sydney-wednesday/ notrickszone/2014/06/23/weatherbell-saturday-summary-debunks-6-climate-alarmism-falsehoods-in-less-than-10-minutes/ weatherbell/saturday-summary-june-21-2014
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 05:46:51 +0000

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