"While we overlook our own savagery, we exaggerate that of other - TopicsExpress


"While we overlook our own savagery, we exaggerate that of other animals. The notorious wolf, for instance, villain of so many folk tales, has been shown by the careful investigations of zoologists in the wild to be a highly social animal, a faithful and affectionate spouse--and not just for a season, but for a life--a devoted parent, and a loyal member of the pack. Wolves almost never kill anything except to eat it. If males should fight among themselves, the fight ends with a gesture of submission in which the loser offers to his conqueror the underside of his neck--the most vulnerable part of his body. With his fangs only an inch away from the jugular vein of his foe, the victor will be content with submission, and, unlike a human conqueror, does not kill the vanquished opponent." Peter Singer, Animal Liberation
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 19:15:14 +0000

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