#WhoIsMuhammad One day, the Prophet (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) - TopicsExpress


#WhoIsMuhammad One day, the Prophet (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was praying in the courtyard of the Kaa’bah. Nearby, several pagan Arabs of Quraysh were standing watching him, making mockery of the beloved Messenger of Allah. Among them was the evil Uqbah Ibn Mu’eet, who was one of the most disliked figures amongst the pagan Arabs. As our beloved Messenger (salallahua Alayhi Wasallam) bent down to prostrate to his Lord, the evil and treacherous Uqbah approached the Messenger of Allah and threw on him the intestines and insides of a camel! How heartless was this man, how cruel he was towards the most beloved person to Allah. After doing this, those with him burst into fits of laughter. Now imagine this, imagine being in prostration and having something so heavy, so filthy, weighing down on your head or your back? How furious and outraged would you be? How much anger must be building inside of you? Yet, the Messenger of Allah remained in his position, silently, continuing his prayer, until, his young daughter Fatima (ra) came running to her father. The mature and wise Fatima (ra) began to take the camel intestines off her father’s back as the pagan Arabs stood, watched and amused at the sight before them. The Prophet (Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam) then rose up and turned to the people of the Quraysh, looked at them firmly, and invoked the wrath of Allah upon them: O Allah, take revenge on the people of the Quraysh. O Allah, take revenge on Abu Jahl, Utbah bin Rabiah, Shaybah bin Rabiah, Uqbah bin Abi Ma it, and Ubay bin Khalaf. Fatima (ra) continued to witness this as tears fell down her innocent face. She hated to see her father in so much pain. Whatever hurt him hurt her too. She was only a young girl, still enjoying the joys of childhood, yet she was made to witness such a horrific incident and actions of the enemies of Allah. Yet, at the same time, she must have been inspired by the patience her father carried. By his immense trust in Allah and the way he didn’t retaliate with violence or harshness, but with a prayer to Allah. If only we didn’t retaliate and take revenge when other’s hurt us. If instead we remained patient and prayed to Allah, seeking His refuge, seeking His help. Such was the heart of our Messenger, and such was his humbleness and mercy. If only they knew what an amazing person he really was, and how amazing the message he portrayed actually was, they would realize that Islam is indeed the truth. May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 08:52:31 +0000

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