“Who’s your daddy?” This term has been around for years and - TopicsExpress


“Who’s your daddy?” This term has been around for years and has become a part of our cultural dialect. It’s a slang expression that, in one use, takes the form of a rhetorical question and is commonly used as a boastful claim of dominance over the intended listener. Most of you know I’m a football guy, and one of my favorite movies is “Remember the Titans” where Denzel Washington plays a high school football coach. When they leave for camp one of the players starts giving him orders. Denzel gets in his face and asks, “Once we get on that bus there’s only one daddy on this team, now answer me this, ‘Who’s your daddy?’ Say it, ‘Who’s your daddy?’ the player finally says, ‘You are.’” Great movie! Let’s transition back to reality! In a very real way, you and I have to answer the question “Who’s your daddy.” I’m not talking about a slang expression or making a rhetorical statement, I’m talking about your spiritual daddy, your eternal Father. It’s either one of two! Either you’ve realized your need for a Savior and have confessed your sin and asked Jesus to be your Lord, or you have not. You either believe that Jesus died and rose on the third day and now sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven interceding on your behalf or you don’t. Some of you are thinking, “So, why does it matter?” Well, let me assure you, it matters! Eternity hangs in the balance. If Jesus is your Lord, then God is your Father and you’ll spend eternity in a real place called Heaven. If you’re not a believer and you die, you forfeit the right to have God as your Father and by default are a child of Satan. The consequence of your default is to spend an eternity separated from my heavenly Father in a real place called hell. Many are thinking, “Brad, why do you put this junk on here?” Well, it’s because I love you and want you to know the truth. So, “Who’s your daddy?” Just some food for thought! “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 21:24:18 +0000

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