Why vote, when politics are vile, the right wing is a pack of - TopicsExpress


Why vote, when politics are vile, the right wing is a pack of intransigent bullies and the politicians who call themselves progressive inevitably go belly-up and give in to them? Obama, the guy who stood for hope, turned out to be just another good-looking guy who let us down, and a true progressive like Bernie Sanders probably doesn’t stand a chance......... ....Hate fracking? One of the most successful strategies to stop it has been getting local towns to ban it. Care about climate change? Then care about local public transport, urban food growing, community gardens and farmers’ markets which are all subject to local regulation. Want to legally re-use your graywater? Want programs to teach inner-city youth to grow and eat healthy food? Want schools that teach critical thinking, that have programs for art and music, that have curriculums that reflect diversity? All of these issues come back to the local, where your vote does make a difference! I vote to honor the ancestors. The women who campaigned for sixty years to get the right to vote. The civil rights marchers who put their lives on the line to open the vote to the people who were most disenfranchised. How could I possibly turn up my nose at the rights for which they worked so hard and sacrificed so much? Ah, you say, but politics are so ugly, so nasty and conflictual and such a low vibration. Won’t I sully my spiritual purity and disturb my inner peace by getting involved?The farmer whose land is taken for a pipeline doesn’t have the luxury of denial. The community whose drinking water is toxic from a chemical spill is looking for a very practical form of purity. They need our solidarity Excerpts from Starhawks morning blurb.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 12:42:22 +0000

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