“Why won’t you go with me?” Dallas asked him, raising her - TopicsExpress


“Why won’t you go with me?” Dallas asked him, raising her fine brows just a hair and widening her already gorgeous eyes, but not looking at him. He knew what she was doing; trying to put on her best guilt trip and make him feel bad into going with her to the party. He didn’t want to go, and he figured that for one night they hung out, just one night, that he could keep Dallas to himself. Make her put her phone up instead of letting some random guy scoot her skirt up. She never let him get too far—or at least Wyatt didn’t let him—but it still agitated more than she would ever know. He once insisted she didn’t wear anything provocative and she teased him for a month about being a prude. But don’t get him wrong. It was nice to see her in such form-fitting clothing, but it wasn’t nice to watch other guys enjoy the view as well. Did he even have a right to be jealous? No, he didn’t. So he convinced himself it was only protectiveness. Dallas eventually looked at him, a bit impatient towards his silence as he hadn’t answered her question yet. He didn’t want to, knowing that he would have to come up with something totally untrue or be seriously vague about it with a shrug or something just as piteous and unconvincing. She wouldn’t buy it. And he didn’t really like lying to her, and let’s face it; he wasn’t any good at it either. Her phone went off again, and Wyatt would have been lying if he had said he wasn’t surprised that she ignored it. She tossed onto the recliner by the couch and he was almost grateful for her quick dismissal of it, though he knew it wouldn’t last very long and she’d soon be tapping at the letters again, especially if he refused to attend the party with her. She leaned back against his arm, the soft strands pressing against his skin with the weight of her head, and he was halfway tempted to pull her in closer, against him, and kiss her hair and tell her everything he had wanted to since his eighth grade year. But… he couldn’t. She then found it necessary to reach up and run her slender fingers through his hair, making a soft shiver creep through his spine that he forced back. She smiled sweetly and it seemed as though she even batted her lashes a bit. “Please, Wyatt? Please come to the party with me?” she crooned, not failing to continue taunting him. He had a feeling she secretly knew what she did to him, or at least what running her hands through his hair did, and that’s why she only did it when she wanted something. He watched her, careful not to give too much away in his facial expression, his head lulling with whichever direction she moved her hand through the thick mass of blonde hairs atop his head, his eyes almost falling shut before he decided that was too obvious. As soon as she knew how he felt, she would get scared and leave him. Isn’t that what she did with other boys that actually cared for her? Maybe not, but he had seen it happen at least once before and it was too much of a risk. Wyatt grit his teeth then, reminding himself that best friends don’t melt in the palm of other best friend’s hands, and he took her wrist and placed it back in her lap, almost regretting it instantly as his scalp tingled with longing for the gentle massage to continue. Maybe he could have held it off a bit longer, but it was too late. In order to get her to stop asking, he had to be straight up with her. It would come off mean and it would hurt her feelings, but maybe she would stay with him that night. “I don’t want to go. You always get hammered and hit on anything that walks by and I have to drag you home and come up with some excuse as to why I let you do it. Please, just stay with me. We can even get drunk /here/, or just watch old movies, or roast marshmallows on the stove like we did when we were younger, but I don’t want to go to a party. Stay, or go on your own.” He looked her in the eye, dead serious, waiting for her reaction. Of course she would get upset, or pissed, but hey. And it wasn’t as if he would actually let her go on her own, he was always there at parties he knew she was at. To keep her safe.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 05:07:10 +0000

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