> Wmc AfricanCommunion In our sermon of Sunday 5th October, - TopicsExpress


> Wmc AfricanCommunion In our sermon of Sunday 5th October, 2014 Dr Godwin Icon preached on the topic GOD HAS A DIFFERENT IDEA THAN ALL YOUR true FRIENDS. Please read the excerpts.Choose only one option for your future. (A) You can plan well, (B) Your friends love you so much and they can help out for your future, (C) GOD alone can. As humans it behooves on us to decide who will decide our future. As for me, I go whole hearted for option (C). We did not come into the world by our own accord. JEHOVAH who knows best sent us to the world and this mission of ours on earth is not in a vacuum. HE sent us here with beautiful plans for our sojourn. Only GOD knows the best of friends and in certain cases enemies He gives to us in the process of actualizing HIS plans for our lives. According to the passage quoted, GOD is thinking well about us. Unfortunately, many evil inspired prophecies about us are of doom. Only the LORD thinks goodies about us. HIS plans for us are for our wellbeing. In the entire universe, it is only the LORD Who is good and thinks well about mankind. Once JESUS is your LORD, rest assured that you are in good Hands. As long as JESUS is your LORD, your nightmares and omen have no dominion over you because they will certainly be damaged by the Will of GOD. The expected end that GOD talks about may not be what you are planning for. HE knows what is best for you and will propel you to the best of successes, surpassing your own ambitions and plans. As a unique person that you are, you must not walk away from JESUS. If you do, the devil lurks at the corners to cajole you and surprisingly, the convenient hiding place of his is in the church because he uses any church that the Spirit of GOD does not reign over, to deceive many souls into worshiping GOD by wrong means, and to his (devil) pleasing. He uses this medium to advertise and glorify himself; to create fear in the hearts of men; to lead men into fetish acts and to minister for illicit monetary gains. He pretends GOD, drawing the hearts of many to himself. And since no good thing comes from him, he prophesies doom and not good. But JEHOVAH is not a prophet. HE does not prophesy to anyone. HE simply gives commands which must be obeyed. It is a shame upon any man who seeks to prophesy into the mouth of the LORD. And in most cases such prophecies are pregnant with doom. GOD does not speak evil concerning HIS children. HE thinks and speaks prowess, victory, success, liberation and vitality for HIS redeemed. No matter the stronghold or fortress that you may have been caged in by the devil, the LORD will liberate you from his hands no matter how impregnable it may be. I have read from the Bible and I have never come across any portion the LORD had said “Please”. HE speaks and HIS Words must be carried out. GOD cannot say “Please” to mortals whom HE created. We are the only one to say “Please” to GOD. That is the reason GOD simply decided that Pharaoh should harden his heart and at the end of the story, the wishes of GOD came to be. GOD has never asked us to say “Please” to the devil. “Please” is strictly reserved to be said to JEHOVAH. Brethren, do not succumb to messages of doom transmitted to you by humans who will not be happy to see your progress. Have you ever wondered why these self-styled prophets never prophesied good tidings to you except doom? Would they ever prophesy doom to themselves? The devil is in the church to create fear in the hearts of men but JESUS comes to cultivate in our hearts dominion over fear and deliverance from the shackles of the devil. You must always confess JESUS for HE is worthy to be professed and when we confess HIM, salvation will be ours. When we go into a relationship with JESUS, every other story is funny and unimportant. With JESUS, your life and future are so secured. There is nothing that the devil will do unto you that will surprise JESUS. John 8:36 states succinctly that, “when the Son sets you free, you are free indeed.” If JESUS is your LORD, you do not need prophecies again for HE is much more than prophecies. Seek JESUS and not prophecies. Your needs and ambitions are not as vast as the oceans that GOD created. Then why do you fret that HE will not be able to provide them for you? Just get LORD JESUS into your life and HE will do them for you and nobody will be competent to oppose and obstruct HIM. JESUS will never seek for permission from anyone to do something worthwhile in your life. Come to the knowledge that you must be alive, not as they (friends or foes) planned but by the plans of the LORD. Do not again give anyone the permission to prophesy to you and do not even go seeking for prophesies to be said to you, for they will have something to say for you went there on your volition. I strongly advise, with every sense of humility, that you should leave any Church, which tells you that your family is responsible for your problems, for JESUS that I know is Sovereign over every problem. JESUS does not come from Heaven to be saying such things in HIS Church, but HE comes to liberate men from whatever problems there may be. GOD knows about all our problems, for HE allowed them and HE knows when to stop them. No problem is a strange fellow to HIM. GOD allows problems to prove our decisions as Christians. Your problem is your own cross to carry; do not look for prophecies to take these problems away but look for JESUS - invariably, believe absolutely in JESUS and wait patiently on HIM then such problem will come to expiration. We are the descendants of Abraham and as such we must believe strongly in GOD concerning our problems and more importantly because HE is GOD. As kin persons of Abraham, GOD also allows problems for us just as HE gave to Abraham. You must stand with GOD and make the devil ashamed. If the devil is not ashamed of you then you are not yet a Christian. Do not let the devil be proud of you. Please stand still with the LORD and you shall be somebody that GOD wants you to be. More often, great people begin their lives from the scratch. You must be uncompromising with the deception of the devil because the day you accept JESUS, you are a different person. GOD assures that those who depend on HIM will never see shame. All these problems shall pass away. Success shall be yours. In my humble opinion I believe strongly that GOD should be allowed to have HIS way in our lives. If you make a choice of option © in the first paragraph of this treatise, I confidently assure you that JEHOVAH will make your life a gallery for people to ask you “How did you do it?” BLESSED BE THE LORD.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 19:10:56 +0000

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