#World-war3... How close are We?# Biblical Prophecies have - TopicsExpress


#World-war3... How close are We?# Biblical Prophecies have never failed and will never fail! This generation is living virtually on the verge of eternity as we see many explicit prophecies being fulfilled in our day! Most recent happenings in the world point to the imminence of a global war which would climax in the rapture of the bride of Christ leading up to the revelation of the Antichrist and then the 7yrTribulation. To set these momentuous events into play, the USA government led by President Barack Obama has recently lifted up nuclear sanctions off Iran, a move that has raised lots of rows in certain quaters especially Israel. Israel seem to be a sworn enemy of Iran, Syria and most mid-eastern Nations going by their perennial conflicts (both cold and hot).... Irans Nuclear program has been on Israels topwatch eversince but going by the recent sanction ease granted by President Obama, Israel may have cause to worry much now! Israel had earlier today reiterated its promise to deal decisively with Irans nuclear threat due to the free-hand now given to them to operate. The grave issue is ; if Israel most certainly attack Irans nuclear facilities in order to stop its nuclear program, Iran, Hezbollah, Gaza and Damascus will most readily lauch an anhillatory reprisal on Israel as they have 40,000 missiles aimed at Israel already waiting for an Israeli provocation to launch. If this scenario were to play out, the USA as usual may get meddling again in a bid for peace which probably, the Mid-easterners would object to in view of the biblical prophecy in Ezekiel chapter 37, 38 n 39 which fortells this attack on Israel. USAs move will be met with stiff resistance and this would affect its Oil revenue and consequently the American economy. With the U.S economy out of shape, internal feuds will erupt which would culminate in a civil war, which would be a bit of a childs play due to the martial law (disarmament of the citizenry) already in place. This would leave President Obama in a strait, tending to both internal and external wars. As the middle-east-Israeli war tempo heightens, Russia would join in the the craze to obliterate Israel from off the face of the Earth. They would also in league with China seize upon the opportunity to anihillate the USA. The war would take on the fashion of a Jihad as Islamists within the warring territories go on rampage against those of opposing faiths... Of course, Nigeria and other African countries are already beseiged by Islamic extremists and only a shift in power from the south to the north will do to Islamise Nigeria full-scale. The more reason a Worse Jonathan is far better than a bedevilled Buhari. With the world thrown into Chaos, most hearts would be tested. Many shall fall from the Christian faith while others shall be strengthened. It shall be a time of Faith-scarcity as many shall be tempted to believe in the non-existence of God. But in that moment of fiery trial, only those who had earlier strengthened their faith by a vital union with Gods words and prophecies shall scale through spiritually for at the peak of the fiery trials shall Jesus descend from Heaven with a cry of summons for his bride to be taken to heaven for the consumation of the Marriage process which began at Calvary. With Millions of Christians taken off the scene, the world shall seek answers to this event and shall be fooled into believing the Lie that those who are missing were Aliens who by their psychic activities cause terror in the world. This Lie will be told by the Antichrist who shall dare to attribute speaking in tongues to Alienic means of communication. He may also attribute the disappearance of Christians to His power in flushing out the evil ones from the earth and He will back such preposterous claims by calling down fire from heaven to fool those who refuse to love the Truth but delighted in Deception and traditions of men. He shall then merge the state powers with the Harlot church of Rome who shall through her large influence over many persuade them to accept the New World order to be initiated by the United Nations.... This is but the beginning of trying times! Where shall you be when the screams start coming?? Get acquained with the truth whilst there is time for when chaos shall strike, all attention shall be focused on survival and spiritual edification shall be a scarce commodity... To escape the trying times ahead, You must be Born again and live by the Spirit of Truth... Godbless U as You turn to Jesus Christ the Saviour and only Potentate God...
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 10:23:02 +0000

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