[XOXO HIGH] ^PARTS 1-6^ Okay, heres parts 1-6, mianhaeyo, i - TopicsExpress


[XOXO HIGH] ^PARTS 1-6^ Okay, heres parts 1-6, mianhaeyo, i didnt know 1-6 isnt pinned already, so i will just post this again! :3 kamsahamnidaaa! :3 ©: Jham Panganiban Sto domingo ~XiUMiNNiE »XOXO HIGH« The bullies Sehun – the leader Xiumin Baekhyun The heartrobs Suho – Leader Lay – Suho’s bestfriend Chanyeol – Suho’s cousin Kris – Math Professor Tao – Physical Education Professor Chen – English Professor D.O. – the talkative Kai – the smart Luhan – transferee/ cousin of Jamilla Jamilla – transferee/ cousin of Luhan »PART 1« It was a usual day in XOXO High School, It is already 9:00 am, time for the first class of section 2-B. Professor Kris enter the class room. Prof. Kris: Good morning class! Students: Good morning sir! (the girls are giggling because of the handsome professor, they’re always like this every time that Prof. Kris is around) Prof. Kris: hey Sehun! Sit properly! You and your boys (xiumin & baekhyun) are always like this! Sehun: Okay! Okay! Pppfff… ….. Prof. Kris: Okay class! Let me see the homework that I gave to you the last time, I hope everybody did well, okay past if forward .. (Prof. Kris checking the papers ..) Prof. Kris: Sehun! Xiumin! and Baekhyun! Where is your papers?? …. Prof. Kris: what??? Are you going to speak or what?? Xiumin: uhmmmm… we forget it at home, sir! Baekhyun: Yes! yes sir, we forget it! (Sehun, no reaction, instead he’s looking from a far at the window) Prof. Kris: the three of you! You are always like this! Ever since that the school year starts you always make your teachers angry! Sehun! you…. (Prof. Kris stop when somebody knocks on the door.) Prof. Tao (P.E. Teacher) Professor Kris! Good morning! Can I interrupt your class for a while?? Xiumin: (whisper to Baekhyun & Sehun) Oh thanks to Prof. Tao! Woooh!! …. Prof. Kris: Okay what is it Prof. Tao?? (Prof. Tao enter the room) Prof. Tao: Okay class, I am here to introduce to you your two new classmates. (students are staring to murmur.) Prof. Tao: They are transferees from the Philippines. Class, I want you to meet Jamilla and Luhan. (Jamilla and Luhan are very shy.. they are pushing each other who will come in first.) Prof. Tao: C’mon Jamilla and Luhan don’t be shy!! (Jamilla and Luhan enter the room.) (Luhan enter the room first.) Girl 1: Oh my! You’re so handsome! Girl 2: aaahh! Sir here beside me! Girl 3: shut up! He will sit here next to me! Prof. Kris: class quiet!! Prof. Tao: class, this is Luhan, Jamilla come in. (Jamilla came in.) Xiumin: Oh! She’s pretty! Baekhyun: Wow, she looks like a doll! Sehun: Pppfff… just another girl, I’m sure she’s just like our girl classmates! Make-ups, shoes, bags, that’s all they know! …. Prof. Tao: Okay this is Jamilla, Jamilla and Luhan are cousins, they are transferees so be nice to them, okay? Show them that the students of XOXO high are nice! Okay class?? Students: okay Sir!!! Prof. Kris: Jamilla and Luhan, why don’t you introduce yourself to the class, Luhan you go first. Luhan: mmmm… hi everyone, I’m Luhan, I am 18, hope we can be good friends. (girls scream.) Girl 1: oh sure Luhan! Aaahhh .. Prof. Kris: quiet class! Jamilla, you’re next Jamilla: mmmmm…. Hi! I’m Jamilla .. …… Prof. Kris: Oh! That’s it?? Jamilla: Yes! Prof. Kris: Okay! It seems like Jamilla is very shy, okay Jamilla and Luhan you two sit there! (Jamilla sit next to Xiumin and Luhansit next to Jamilla Xiumin: Hi beautiful! (smile) Baekhyun: hi! (also smiling) (but Jamilla is not reacting, instead Luhan is the one who respond.) Luhan: Hello! Prof. Tao: Jamilla and Luhan! Luhan: yes sir? (Jamilla just look to Prof. Tao.) Prof. Tao: if you have any concern or questions, don’t hesitate to askme or Prof. Kris about it. Okay? Luhan: Okay sir! Prof. Tao: Okay! Class be nice to them. And thanks to you Prof. Kris! Prof, Kris: Okay Prof. Tao (Prof. Tao leaves the room.) Prof. Kris: Okay class let us continue! Xiumin! Baekhyun! Sehun! where is your assignment?? (the three guys are just looking to each other.) Prof. Kris: since you didn’t have your assignments, the three of you can go! Xiumin & Baekhyun: but sir.. Prof. Kris: leave now! Xiumin & Baekhyun: okay… (sad) Sehun: Ppppfff … Prof. Kris: the next time this will happen again I will call your parents and tell about this! Hard headed boys!! (after the boys leave, the class proceed, while Prof. Kris is lecturing …) Luhan: (talking to the guy next to him) hi .. D.O.: oh, hello .. Luhan: hi, I’m Lihan D.O.: I’m D.O. Luhan: nice to meet you! D.O.: nice to meet you! Luhan: the three guys earlier, who are they?? D.O.: oh don’t you dare make trouble to them.. they are called “the bullies” in this school. Luhan: Oh.. I see! D.O.: you see that guy (pointing to kai) the one who’s wearing an eye glasses, he always get bullied by them. And now look at him he looks so scared right?? Luhan: why?? D.O.: “the bullies” always ask him to do their assignments! And the last assignment that Prof. Kris gave to us was very difficult, maybe that’s the reason why Kai didn’t able to their assignments! I’m sure he’s getting hit again by “the bullies” after the class. Luhan: Oh my gosh.. that was so rude! D.O.: yes! so don’t you dare make trouble to them! Jamilla: (whispering) LUhan! Luhan! The professor are looking to the two of you! Luhan! …. Prof. Kris: D.O.! D.O.: yes sir! Prof. Kris: you’re being so talkative again! It’s just the first day of Luhan and you seem to tell him all the news in our school! (students laughing!) Boy 1: sir! He has found a new chatmate! Hahaha.. (student laughing) D.O.: Pppppffff… Prof. Kris: Okay quiet! Let us continue .. D.O. be quiet huh! …. D.O.: (whisper to Luhan) Let’s continue this later Luhan: okay! Okay! (smiling) (then the discussion continued.. Until the bell rang!) ………………………………………………………………… AT THE CANTEEN Luhan: D.O.! D.O.! sit here! Join us! D.O.: hi! (to Luhan) hi Jamilla .. (Jamilla just smile) Luhan: you continue the story .. go .. D.O.: okay! Jamilla: hey! Stop talking about that! You Luhan instead of knowing all the rumors in this school why don’t you go to the professor’s office and ask for our full schedule! Luhan: oh Jamilla dear .. I’m going to do that later! D.O.: (to Luhan) your cousin, why is she so serious?? Luhan: (whispering) she’s always like that, she’s always nagging at me, always reading, always studying, so boring! Sometimes it feels like I am with my mom when I’m with her! Jamilla: I heard that! D.O. & Luhan: (laugh) …. Student 1: C’mon c’mon! “the bullies” are now confronting Kai! (all the students runs to the ground) Sehun: (grabbed Kai’s collar) hey! You see what happened to the three of us at the math class!! (Kai looks so afraid) Baekhyun: that’s a shame, boy! Xiumin: (ready to punch Kai) you’ll pay for this, bighead (Kai) .. Kai: I’m so sorry! I’m sorry! It’s just … (Sehun punched Kai’s face And Kai down to the floor Xiumin and Baekhyun kicked him) “the bullies” stop when …. Jamilla: HEY! Sehun: who’s that??? (Xiumin and Baekhyun look around) Xiumin & Baekhyun: Who’s that?? (no one is talking .. moment of silence ..) Sehun:( (shout) who the hell is that?? ….. (Jamilla stepped forward) Jamilla: ME! WHY??? D.O.: OH MY GOD LUHAN! What’s your cousin doing??? TO BE CONTINUED >>> »Part 2 of XOXO HIGH« Sehun: who’s that??? (Xiumin and Baekhyun look around) Xiumin & Baekhyun: Who’s that?? (no one is talking .. moment of silence ..) Sehun:( (shout) who the hell is that?? ….. (Jamilla stepped forward) Jamilla: ME! WHY??? D.O.: OH MY GOD LUHAN! What’s your cousin doing??? Luhan: Oh I forgot to tell you behind of her being so weird, she’s also a war freak D.O.: OH MY GOD! This is insane! She’s crazy. That’s “the bullies”! oh my god! She’s going to be dead! Sehun: Oh look at that! The super shy transferee girl from the Philippines! (Jamilla look straight forward to Sehun’s eyes) Sehun: what?? … what?? Are you going to be a superhero now? Jamilla: Shut up!! (Jamilla help Kai to get up..) Xiumin: oh look at that Sehun, our dear big head now has his superhero! Baekhyun: hahaha .. (Baekhyun pull Jamilla’s at her arm) hey transferee! Who do you think you are huh?? Jamilla: get your hands off! (pulling back her arm) Xiumin: wow! You’re so brave huh! (going to catch jamilla) D.O.: OMG Luhan! Make her stop! right now! Luhan: trust my cousin. She can do that! (smile) (Jamilla pushed Xiumin and Baekhyun.. .. then look at Sehun) Jamilla: YOU! (pointing her finger at Sehun’s face) if you can’t do your own assignments then go to school either!! He is not your slave (pointing to Kai) the next time you do this again to anybody, I will make you pay for it. Huh! Understand! (Jamilla kicked Sehun at his feet) WOOOOOOH! The crowd screamed! Sehun: (to the crowd) WHAT?? You want to get hit?? Huh?? (Baekhyun and Xiumin helping Sehun… .. while Jamilla runs fast with Kai) Luhan: C’mon D.O., Let’s go!! D.O. Oh my G! your cousin is a freak! This is insane! Aaaahh.. (Luhan and D.O. follow Jamilla and Kai..) Sehun: Hey! What you’re doing??? (to Baekhyun and Xiumin) go get them! (Sehun still holding his feet coz it hurts while Xiumin and Baekhyun run to catch Jamilla) Sehun: they will pay for this! …………….. (Sehun, Xiumin and Baekhyun meet at the hallway..) Sehun: what?? Where are the freaks?? Xiumin: (tired, running for his breath) we didn’t find them! Baekhyun: maybe they already leave the school Sehun: Sssshh.. (kick the trashcan on the hallway) that transferees! That big head! And that talkative! they better not come here to school tomorrow! ………………. At the bus station Jamilla, Luhan D.O. and Kai are so tired running .. D.O.: oh my god Jamilla you’re crazy!! Jamilla: hahaha .. isn’t exciting?? Hahaha Luhan: that was great cous! Kai: ahhh Jamilla I want to … (the bus came) Jamilla: oh here comes the bus! Go ahead Kai and D.O. .. (smile) before “the bullies” came here .. hahaha Luhan: Go! Go! (Kai was about to speak..) D.O.: c’mon Kai! (then Kai and D.O. ride the bus .. .. then Luhan and Jamilla start to walk) ……. Luhan: that was great cous! You’ve never change! Haha.. Jamilla: we better get prepare for tomorrow! Luhan: yah! hahaha .. …………………………… The next day P.E. class All the students are in the field .. Prof. Tao: okay class while we are waiting for the others make some warm ups okay?? Students: Okay!!! Jamilla, Luhan, D.O., and Kai are already in the field with the other students. Kai: uhmmmm… (to Jamilla) I just want to thank you for what you did yesterday. I didn’t get a chance to thank you the last time coz you already leave when we reach the bus station. Jamilla: that’s okay Kai. It’s nothing (patting his back) it seems like I was just doing the right thing! D.O.: Oh my G! I remembered it again! You’re so crazy Jamilla! I am sure “the bullies” make us pay of what you did and Oh my G! and i am involve with this! Aaahhh!! Luhan: (holding the shoulder of D.O.) Don’t you worry! Jamilla can handle that! (smiling) (Jamilla smiled at D.O.) D.O.: You Luhan! Why you’re so fine?? And not even getting nervous of what happened the last day! Why you have so much faith to your cousin? Luhan: You know the reason why we get transferred here in XOXO HIGH?? It’s because she has been kicked out from our old school! D.O.: HHUh?? (D.O. was so shocked) Luhan: I will tell you the whole story later! (D.O. was so confused of what he heard) Kai: Uuhhmmmm.. can I join your group?? Jamilla: what group?? We don’t have a group .. so you are free to join us .. D.O.: you could join us Kai, you are smart! You could help us! Hehe .. (They all laugh) …….. The girl students screams … Luhan: Oh who are they?? Are they famous?? (Jamilla is confused) D.O.: that was Suho, Lay, and Chanyeol! The heartrobs of XOXO HIGH! Kai: they are seniors here and they are rich! Luhan and Jamilla: Ooohhh ... D.O.: the one with the black hair that is Suho, he is super rich! As in super and duper rich! His family own so many business here in seoul. And the one who has a blonde hair, that is Lay, he is the grandson of the president of this XOXO HIGH. Luhan and Jamilla: WOW! D.O.: and that one! The tallest one, that is Chanyeol! He’s so weird! Actually everybody here in XOXO HIGH do not considered him as a part of the heartrobs because .. it’s because he is not! Hahaha .. Jamilla and Luhan: (creepy face) D.O.: the reason why he is included is because he is Suho’s cousin. Jamilla: aaahh… Luhan: wow D.O. you really knows everything! D.O.: Ofcourse! I have a special power in gathering informations! Jamilla: then you should be a reporter! (They all laugh) Kai: Oh “the bullies” are here! (look so afraid) Jamilla: don’t be afraid Kai! Luhan: Yah, yah, yah! (Sehun, Xiumin and baekhyun go straight to Jamilla, Kai, Luhan and D.O.) Sehun: Hey freaks! Jamilla: who?? Freaks?? Watch your mouth boy! Sehun: hahaha .. don’t be too brave! (Sehun grab Jamilla at her collar) Sehun: you deal with the wrong guy transferee! I don’t even care if you are a girl! (Sehun pushed Jamilla , that make her fall to the floor) D.O.: hey! You bastard! Xiumin: what?? You also what to be like her?? A superhero of a superhero?? Huh?? Suho: wait guys! Wait … what is happening here?? Then everybody stop .. and they look at the person who asked them to stop D.O.: ooh! It’s Suho! TO BE CONTINUED >>>> »Part 3 of XOXO HIGH« (Sehun pushed Jamilla , that make her fall to the floor) D.O.: hey! You bastard! Xiumin: what?? You also what to be like her?? A superhero of a superhero?? Huh?? Suho: wait guys! Wait … what is happening here?? Then everybody stop .. and they look at the person who asked them to stop D.O.: ooh! It’s Suho! Baekhyun: Oh look at that! It’s the heartrobs ! ahahaha .. Xiumin: heartrobs! Ahaha .. Sehun: Hey Suho! It has nothing to do with you, so.. get lost! Lay: hey! Hey! Don’t be to boastful Sehun! Xiumin: (pushed Lay) why? Huhh why?? You want to fight?? Lay: hey! (also pushing Xiumin) Did you pushed me? Huh! (and they’re going to start a fight) Prof. Tao: Hey! Students! Stop! Ppprrrtttt.. (Prof. Tao blow his whistle) everybody stop! (so they all stopped) Prof. Tao: what is this huh? Sehun and the boys, what is this?? Xiumin: what sir?? You think we are the one who started this?? D.O.: hey! You are really the one who started this! Kai: Yes sir! That “bullies” started this! Xiumin: (acting to hit Kai) YOU!!! Prof. Tao: STOP!! If you don’t stop this, I will make all of your parents be called to the office! (then everybody stopped) Prof. Tao: you all stop this okay! Go to your places now and we’re going to start. Go! (while everybody is going to their places) Suho: (to Jamilla) uuuhmm.. excuse me, are you okay?? Jamilla: ahh .. ye.. yes! yes! I’m okay .. it’s nothing! (smile) D.O. & Luhan: yiiiiieeee … (Jamilla hit Luhan) Luhan: Ouch! (but still smiling) Suho: by the way, I’m Suho .. (giving his hand to Jamilla) Jamilla: (receive the handshake from Suho) hi .. I’m Jamilla .. Luhan & D.O.: YIIIIEEEEE!!! (Jamilla gave killer look to D.O. and Luhan) Suho: You are a newbie?? Jamilla: yes, me and my cousin (pointing to Luhan) Lay: oh welcome here at XOXO HIGH! Suho: oh this is Lay. My bestfriend Lay: hello .. (smiling) Suho: and this is Chanyeol! My cousin! Chanyeol: Hi! (smiling) Jamilla, Luhan, Kai, & D.O.: hello .. Jamilla: nice to meet you all .. Ppprrrrtttt… (whistle) Prof. Tao: everybody! Go to your places! Suho: well, see you around (smiling) (then the P.E. class start!) ………… After the P.E. class At the room 2-B Xiumin: Sehun! what is the plan now?? Baekhyun: Yah! That freaks are really getting through to my nerves! Sehun: wait! Just wait! I am thinking, okay! (bell ring) (Jamilla, Luhan, Kai, and D.O. enter the room) Xiumin: the freaks are here! (then he receive a killer look from Jamilla) Xiumin: you think I’m scared?? Haha (Prof. Chen enter the room) Prof. Chen: okay class, sit down! And we’re going to start. (Prof. Chen is their professor in English) Prof. Chen: we will start our new lesson and it is all about translation. Oh before I forget I would like to welcome our new students, Luhan and Jamilla. Luhan & Jamilla: thank you Sir! Prof. Chen: I hope your having a nice time here at XOXO HIGH. Okay, let us proceed, the translation that where going to do is going to be a teamwork! You’re going to have your partner in this activity. Students: YES!!! (students are happy) Prof. Chen: don’t be too happy class, coz I am the one who’s going to choose who is going to be your partner. (smile) I already make a list earlier, of the students who’s going to be partners. Students: Oooohhh.. (sad) Prof. Chen: okay, I am going to start with our new students.. Luhan you are going to be paired with …. D.O. Luhan: Oh my .. haha .. D.O.: thank you Sir! Haha .. Kai: (to Jamilla) i hope that we are partners! Jamilla: yah! Me too! (smiling) Prof. Chen: next is Jamilla, your partner is Xiumin. Jamilla: oh my god! What?? (shocked) Luhan & D.O.: What??? (Sehun and Baekhyun are laughing) Xiumin: what the! … sir! Are you serious?? You’re going to paired me with that new student?? Jamilla: hey! You think I really like to be paired with you? HUH! Prof. Chen: oh im sorry, I made a mistake. Xiumin .. your partner is Baekhyun. Xiumin: OH THANK GOD! Jamilla: oh I really thank god for that!! Prof. Chen: and Jamilla your partner is Sehun. Jamilla & Sehun: WHAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Xiumin and Baekhyun laughing so hard) Jamilla: OH MY GOD SIR! Are you serious with that?? Sehun: Sir I’d rather do it alone than to be paired with her! Jamilla: me too sir! I don’t need a partner if it’s him! Sehun: YOU! (threatening Jamilla) Jamilla: what?? (acting brave) Prof. Chen: Stop! Are you guys okay??? Well.. that was final! You are paired with each other! Sehun & Jamilla: BUT SIR! Prof. Chen: okay next is …………. Jamilla: aaahhh .. I hate this! Sehun: Damn! (kick the chair in front of him) ………………… Prof. Chen: okay we’re done. You already know who’s your partner, now go sit beside your partners. (all the students went to their partners.. except) Prof. Chen: Ms. Jamilla, Mr. Sehun! what are you waiting?? (Since they have no choice Sehun sit next to Jamilla but they are not facing each other) Prof. Chen: Okay, here is the papers, it was written here the words and the sentences that you’re going to translate. Get one.. and then start. ………………… Jamilla: hey! Are you just going to sit there and not going to help??? Sehun: Pppppfffff…. … you Jamilla: what?? Sehun: are you good in english?? Jamilla; of course! (confident) Sehun: Okay! Then do it! Jamilla: huh? (shocked) .. okay fine! (Jamilla start answering the paper…. few minutes later….) Jamilla: are you really not going to help?? Sehun: you said that you’re good at it right?? Then do it! Jamilla: haha .. this is so unfair! i’m the one who’s doing it and then you’re going to get a grade the same as mine! What the! …. Oh! Wait! Are you really want me to do it alone because you’re angry with me or it’s just … you don’t know much about English?? (teasing Sehun) (Sehun was shocked) Sehun: wha.. what?? Jamilla; oh my! Haha you must told me earlier! So that I didn’t forced you to help! Ahaha … Sehun: what you said? Give it to me! I will answer it! (but the truth is, Sehun really hates English) Jamilla: okay! here! Answer all of it! Sehun; fine! You think I can’t do it? Watch! (Sehun tries his best to answer the questions) Sehun: here! It’s done! Jamilla: AHAHAHAHA… (Jamilla laughed so hard) I knew it! Oh poor little Sehun! you must thank Prof. Chen coz he paired me to you! (Sehun decided not to talk because he was so ashamed) Jamilla: (copying Sehun’s voice) sir! Better to do it alone, than to be paired with her! Pppfff… alone?? Hahaha.. Sehun: YOU! Stop! I still don’t forget what you did to me yesterday! (angry) Jamilla; So?? Sehun: you must be thankful that Prof. Chen is here or else … (threatening Jamilla) Jamilla: (smirk! Then proceed on checking their paper) ………………… Prof. Chen: is everybody done?? Students: Yes! Prof. Chen: okay, Pass it! (bell ring) Prof. Chen: class you may go. (students are now leaving the room ..) Jamilla: SEHUN! Sehun: what??? Jamilla: can i talk to you?? Sehun: talk?? About what?? Jamilla: about …. about what happened yesterday. Xiumin; hey sehun! c’mon let’s go! Baekhyun: yes c’mon! we better go! We have to prepare for our little surprise for the freaks! Sehun: just wait guys! It seems like Ms. Transferee is going to say sorry to me now! Xiumin: wooohoho.. Baekhyun: is that true Ms. Transferee??? Jamilla: (ignoring Xiumin and Baekhyun) I just want to talk with you alone. Baekhyun: wooooohhh.. Xiumin: (teasing Jamilla) are you going to confess your love with our leader?? (holding Sehun’s shoulder) D.O.: oh my god is that true, Jamilla?? Jamilla: Shut up! LOVE?? What love are you talking about?? If you don’t want to talk then okay! (Jamilla getting her bag and was about to leave) Sehun: wait! (b’coz of his curiosity he stopped Jamilla) okay let’s talk. Guys just wait for me outside (to Xiumin and Baekhyun) Xiumin: what?? Sehun: Go! (then Xiumin and Baekhyun was about leave) Jamilla: you also, the three of you, wait for me outside.(to Kai, D.O. & Luhan) Luhan: me also cous?? Jamilla: yes cous. (then the three decided to leave) D.O.: Jamilla if that bully hurts you we’re just outside okay! Sehun: (acting to grab D.O.) You! (D.O. runs fast!) ………….. Sehun: then what is it Ms. Transferee?? TO BE CONTINUED >>>> »Part 4 of XOXO HIGH« Sehun: wait! (b’coz of his curiosity he stopped Jamilla) okay let’s talk. Guys just wait for me outside (to Xiumin and Baekhyun) Xiumin: what?? Sehun: Go! (then Xiumin and Baekhyun was about leave) Jamilla: you also, the three of you, wait for me outside.(to Kai, D.O. & Luhan) Luhan: me also cous?? Jamilla: yes cous. (then the three decided to leave) D.O.: Jamilla if that bully hurts you we’re just outside okay! Sehun: (acting to grab D.O.) You! (D.O. runs fast!) Sehun: then what is it Ms. Transferee?? Jamilla: about … Sehun: about what?? Jamilla: about .. what happened yesterday Sehun: ahahaha.. why? Are you afraid?? Are you going to ask me to stop now? Oh c’mon! Jamilla: you making me laugh Mr. bully! I’m not afraid of you! It’s just .. that .. I don’t want to get trouble again. Sehun: see! You’re asking me to stop, coz you are afraid! Jamilla: no! it’s not like that! It’s just that I don’t want to get involve to any trouble from now on. Sehun: haha .. first, you acting like a very shy type girl when Prof. Tao introduced you to the class the last day, then after that you are acting such a brave superhero when you confronted me, and now, what are you? A good girl?? Ahaha .. Jamilla: you don’t understand Mr. Sehun! ………….. (Luhan, Kai, and D.O. .. while waiting outside) D.O.: Luhan, about what you said earlier, that the reason why you and Jamilla get transferred here at XOXO HIGH, is because Jamilla has been kicked out in your previous school?? Luhan: Yes! (Xiumin and Baekhyun are listening) Kai: why?? Luhan: it’s because, she had so many bad records and enemies at that school. She always get troubled, almost everyday. D.O.: but why? She is a girl, and she’s like that?? Luhan: Jamilla grew up only with her grandma .. her mom and her dad divorced when she was young, her dad now has its own family in the US ad her mom is working here in Seoul for so many years, our grandma is so tired of being called by the school principal because of Jamilla, … I think that was her way of forgetting all of her sorrow and pain. Kai: so she’s also a bully?? Luhan: yes! i think the reason why she did that to “the bullies” when they are hurting you is because she don’t want to see a person that she used to be. But behind that Jamilla is such a smart student and didn’t forget about her studies. D.O.: and then?? Luhan: And then, our grandma call her mom to tell that she can’t handle Jamilla anymore. That she is so sick at tired of Jamilla. That’s why her mom decided to get her and bring here to Korea. Kai: but why are you also here?? (Xiumin and Baekhyun are still listening) Luhan: it’s because, besides from being her cousin, Jamilla also considered me as her bestfriend. Jamilla ask me to go with her, I can’t leave her so I decided to go with her, ever since that we we’re young I was the only person that Jamilla trust and I think I was the only one who can understand her. D.O.: ooh… I see but (D.O. stop talking when the door open) Xiumin: Oh, Sehun! Luhan: cous, are you okay?? Jamilla: Let’s go guys .. (acting normal) D.O.: Jamilla what happened? Jamilla: (smiling) it’s nothing, don’t worry Luhan: (to D.O.) it’s okay! I assure you! :) Baekhyun: Sehun! what happened? Sehun: c’mon lets go! Xiumin: what did she say?? Why you look so pale? Sehun: c’mon (Sehun start walking) …………. (at Jamilla and Luhan’s room .. Jamilla reading book while Luhan is browsing thru the internet) Luhan: cous! Jamilla: yes? Luhan: what happened when you talked to Sehun?? Jamilla: I just did what I’ve said to you?? Luhan: and it goes well?? Jamilla: yes! I think ( a bit confused) Luhan: mmmmm… …………. Luhan: oh my! Cous! Jamilla: why? What is that? Luhan: Suho is really a rich guy! Jamilla: whay? Are you checking on his background? Luhan: yes! come, take a look (Jamilla came to Luhan) Luhan: look! His family owns a lot of business, electronic company, shoe company and a lot more.. Jamilla: wow! Luhan: cous! Isn’t he’s cute?? Jamilla: mmmm… yah! He is .. Luhan: yiieee .. you! (teasing Jamilla) Jamilla: what? (Jamilla going back to her bed) Luhan: you like him! Jamilla: what?? Like?? Luhan: cous c’mon, be honest to me .. Jamilla: shut up! I don’t like him! Luhan: okay! .. let us say that you don’t like him … for now! But you had a crush on him??? Hmmm.. Jamilla: (Jamilla can’t hide her feelings and she’s smiling) oh my god! No! Luhan: oh! I knew it cous! Haha .. don’t hide it, it’s okay! Jamilla: Shut up cous! (throw a pillow to Luhan) Luhan: haha .. you’re guilty! (Jamilla turn her back to Luhan) Jamilla: whatever! ………. (Luhan going to the window) Luhan: Oh! Who is that?? Oh my god! Is that Suho and Lay biking outside?? (Jamilla run fast to Luhan) Jamilla: where?? Let me see! (but the truth is there is no one biking outside, Luhan is just teasing Jamilla) Luhan: ahahahah (laughing so hard) I got you there cous! Hahaha … Jamilla: YOU! (kicking Luhan) I hate you! Luhan: ahaha oh my god cous stop! Haha .. Jamilla: I hate you! (Jamilla going back to her bed) Luhan: Suho … Suho .. (calling Jamilla) Suuuuhooo … Jamilla: QUEIT! I’m going to sleep! Luhan: hahaha … ………………………………………… Since it’s Sunday, there’s no classes At the park (Jamilla and Luhan are siiting on the bench .. while eating ice cream) Jamilla: where is D.O.? he’s so late! Did you texted him?? Luhan: he said that he’s going to be here in less than 5 minutes Jamilla: that D.O.! grrr.. super late! Luhan: well what else can we do?? Just wait (Luhan look to his right, there are some boys skateboarding) Luhan: oh.. oh! Is that “the bullies” ?? (Jamilla look at where Luhan is looking) D.O.: Yes! that was “the bullies” (D.O. suddenly appear) Jamilla: you! Why you’re so late! D.O.: I’m so sorry dear! The good thing is.. I’m already here .. Jamilla: tsssk! D.O.: oh where is Kai? He’s still not here? Luhan: he’s not coming, he texted me earlier, telling that he can’t come with us because of some family matter. D.O.: ooh .. okay! Hey I also want ice cream! ;) Luhan: oh its really “the bullies” D.O.: yes! that’s their past time! Skateboarding! Luhan: oh cous! You didn’t tell me what exactly happened when you talked to Sehun. I forgot to ask, because we were talking about Suho (smiling) D.O.: what? Who? Suho? Jamilla: oh it’s nothing! (look angry to Luhan) Luhan: ahahah .. so.. what happened when you talk to Sehun?? D.O.: Yes, what is your purpose of talking to him? And take note! You talked to him “privately” Jamilla: it’s just … I asked him if .. we could forget of what happened that day. I told him about my situation in my previous school .. and I also told him about the promise that I made to my mom and to myself that I will stay away from any trouble from now on .. and … Luhan: and???? Jamilla: and I also.. say sorry to him! Luhan: what?? Is that for real cous?? You say sorry! It’s the first time! Oh my god! D.O.: Luhan is that true?? Jamilla: yes! I said sorry to him! I told you cous’ I’m going to change, I don’t want to go back of what I used to be before. Luhan: wow! That was a big improvement cous! (Jamilla smiled at Luhan) D.O.: then what that bully (Sehun) said?? Jamilla: actually I was surprised of Sehun, coz after I told him all of that .. he said that “ okay! Then let us forget it” D.O.: Ooh! As easy as that?? Jamilla: yes! I told you, I was also surprised by his response. I thought I was having a hard time asking that, but .. yes he said that! D.O.: wow! It seems like Sehun is also changing! (after that .. no one is talking) (while they are looking from a far to “the bullies”) D.O.: or is it possible that .. Sehun .. likes you! (Luhan and specially Jamilla was shock) Jamilla: what?? What did you say D.O.?? D.O.: (afraid of Jamilla) Oh! No! what I’m saying is … Luhan: is?? D.O.: oh! Uhmmm .. forget it! Lets do not talk about of what I’ve said! (suddenly…) Xiumin: oh guys! Look it’s the freaks! Baekhyun: are you guys following us?? D.O.: follow your face! (baekhyun wqs about to talk, but ..) Sehun: c’mon guys! (Sehun leave while riding his skateboard) Xiumin: oh! Sehun! (follow Sehun) Baekhyun: what?? (confused of Sehun) YOU!(to D.O.) you are lucky today! (then Baekhyun follow Sehun and Xiumin) …………………… Xiumin: Sehun! hey! (trying to reach Sehun) (Sehun stopped) Xiumin: hey Sehun! what’s wrong? (baekhyun came) Baekhyun: hey guys! What happened? Xiumin: what’s wrong with you Sehun?? you’re acting so weird since yesterday! Since that transferee talked to you! Baekhyun: yes Sehun! and yet you didn’t tell us what the two of you talked about! Sehun: okay! Okay! I will tell you now! She asked me if we could stop bugging them and they will do the same. Baekhyun: who? Is that true?? Sehun: yes! and she also say sorry for what she did to us! (Xiumin and Baekhyun are so confused) Baekhyun: but why? What’s the reason?? Xiumin: Baekhyun! Did you remember what his cousin telling to D.O. and Kai yesterday while we are waiting for them. Baekhyun: oh yes! I remembered it. That she has been kicked out from her school before! Sehun: yes! she told me that. That’s the reason why he asked me to forgive her, she don’t want to get troubled again. She said that she made a promise to her mom that she would change! Xiumin: so what did you said to her?? Sehun: I said … okay. Baekhyun: what? Are you forgetting it so easily?? Sehun: why? She already say sorry! And she said that she only did that because she don’t want to see a bully like what she is before, Xiumin: Sehun! you? The bully? Are now having a heart?? Sehun: she already say sorry! Baekhyun: Sehun! don’t tell us you like that girl?? (Sehun stopped because of what he heard) Xiumin: what? Is that true? You like her?? Sehun: ….. NO! .. let’s stop this! Let us just forget that! (Sehun ride his skateboard and leave) Xiumin: hey! Sehun! TO BE CONTINUED >>>> »Part 5 of XOXO HIGH« Sehun: she already say sorry! Baekhyun: Sehun! don’t tell us you like that girl?? (Sehun stopped because of what he heard) Xiumin: what? Is that true? You like her?? Sehun: ….. NO! .. let’s stop this! Let us just forget that! (Sehun ride his skateboard and leave) Xiumin: hey! Sehun! …………………. At Sehun’s roon Sehun lying on his bed At sehun’s mind it keeps on repeating what Baekhyun and Xiumin said .. Baekhyun: Sehun! don’t tell us, you like that girl?? Xiumin: is that true? You like her? Baekhyun: don’t tell us you like her? Xiumin: you like her? (and it keeps on repeating oh his mind) Sehun; AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! ( Sehun scream so loud) (his mom was shocked and run fast to his room) Mom: (open the door) Sehun! son! What is that? Why you scream? Are you okay?? Sehun: (Sehun is surprised) ahh.. uhmm.. yes mom! i.. just.. I just saw a cockroach! (he’s making the cockroach as an excuse) Mom: Oh son! You didn’t change! You are still afraid of cockroach! (his mom closed the door) Sehun: uuuhhhh! Oh god! Do I really like her?? No! no! this is not true!! …………………. Monday morning Jamilla and Luhan walking and wqs about to enter the gate of the school Beep! Beep! (Suho riding his car) Suho: (waving) hi Jamilla, hi Luhan, good morning! Luhan: good morning! Jamilla: uh.. hi .. good morning! ( her heart beating fast) (then Suho continue driving entering the school, Jamilla and Luhan also enter the school , still walking on their way to their lockers.) Luhan: mmmmm… cous! (teasing Jamilla) Jamilla: what?? (smiling! Can’t hide she feels) Luhan: yyiieeee … you can’t hide it! Jamilla: Ssshhh… D.O. is coming D.O.: hi Jamilla, hi Luhan let’s go! (they went to the lockers) …………… (while they are in their lockers) D.O.: Oh Luhan, did you have your assignment in Math?? Luhan: Yes D.O.: what about you Jamilla?? Jamilla: yes! why? Luhan: of course she have an assignment! Why you asking?? D.O.: can I copy? (shy) Jamilla: tssk! Tsk! Luhan: you don’t have yours?? Why?? D.O.: yes! it’s because of … Super Junior! Jamilla & Luhan: SUPER JUNIOR??? D.O.: yes! I was busy watching their music videos last night, and I forget about the assignment! (sad) Jamilla: you D.O.! maybe tomorrow you’re going to be a member of “the bullies” D.O.: Oh my god Jamilla, you’re over reacting! Luhan: here! (giving his notebook to D.O.) do it faster, you’re running out of time! (When Jamilla closed her locker.. Suho, Lay, and Chanyeol suddenly appeared) Suho: hi Jamilla: oh! (shocked) Chanyeol: haha.. she’s surprised, Suho D.O.: oh it’s Suho! Luhan: Ssshhh.. Lay: hello Jamilla! Suho!(asking Suho to speak) Suho: aahhh .. Lay: go tell her! D.O.: oh my god! What is it?? (excited) Chanyeol: (to D.O.) it’s Jamilla, not you! D.O.: Hmmppff! I’m just asking! Lay: go Suho! Suho: aaahh .. I just wanna ask if …. If … Chanyeol: Oh c’mon Suho! Jamilla what he want to say is if he could ask you out on a date! Lay: hey! (shouting to Chanyeol) Suho: you!(hitting Chanyeol) Chanyeol; why? You acting so shy! That’s why I said it! (D.O., Luhan specially Jamilla was shocked) Luhan: oh my god! D.O.: aaaahhhh (scream) is that true?? Chanyeol: (to D.O.) you are excited than Jamilla D.O.: grrr… (Jamilla feels like freezing) Luhan: cous! Cous! Jamilla: oh! What is it?? What is it again?? D.O.: he want to ask you out on a date! Ayyyiiieeee… Chanyeol: Ssssshhhhh! (covering D.O.’s mouth) D.O.: YOU! Suho: yes, uhm.. I want to ask you if we could go out later?? Luhan: yyiiiee! Jamilla: aah …. D.O.: yes! yes! Jamilla say yes! Jamilla: ssshhh .. uhmm.. okay (shy) Lay: yes! haha (holding Suho’s shoulders) Suho: really?? Jamilla: ahh yes! Suho: thank you! Uhhhmm .. so I will wait you at the gate after class? Jamilla: mm.. okay! :) D.O.: aahhh.. Luhan: cous! (smiling) Jamilla: (mouthing words) quiet! (to D.O. & Luhan) (the bell ring) Suho: so see you later?? Jamilla: okay! Suho: okay! So.. we have to go D.O.: bye Suho! Chanyeol: ssshhhh! (D.O. angry face) Jamilla: bye! Suho: see you later! (Suho, Lay, and Chanyeol leave) Luhan: oh my god cous! (Jamilla open her locker and put her head inside and scream) Jamilla: AAAAHHHHHH! Luhan: ahahaha D.O.: you didn’t tell me you like Suho (acting angry) Jamilla: because you are so talkative! You might spread it to the world! D.O.: hhhmmpp! Luhan: c’mon we’re going to be late (while walking going to their room) Luhan: oh D.O. you didn’t have your assignment yet! D.O.: OH MY GOSH! Jamilla: ahahah “super junior” I’m sure Prof. Kris would be mad at you! D.O.: uhuhuhu .. I’m dead! (they enter the room, Xiumin and Baekhyun looking at them, while Sehun looking down and so quiet) D.O.: oh my god huhu .. (Prof. Kris enter the room) Prof. Kris: Good morning class! Students: good morning sir! Prof. Kris: okay get your assignment and pass it here D.O.: Luhan! Huhuhu .. Luhan: Sssshh .. just act normal! Prof. Kris: (holding the papers) did everybody pass their assignment?? (looking at “the bullies”) let me see who did pass their assignment! D.O.: Oh my god! Prof. Kris: Oh! Wow! This is shocking! Sehun! you did your assignment?? Impressive! This is the first time! (everybody was surprised specially Xiumin and Baekhyun) Baekhyun: what?? Xiumin: Sehun! (angry) (Sehun still quiet) Prof. Kris: as ussual, Xiumin and Baekhyun didn’t make their assignment! Oh wait! .. D.O.?? (D.O. talking on his mind, “I wanna die! Please sir stop!”) Prof. Kris: D.O.! …….. D.O.! Luhan: D.O.! (hitting D.O.’s shoulder) D.O.: yes sir! Prof. Kris: where is your assignment?? D.O.: uhmmm.. sir ah … Prof. Kris: what?? You also didn’t have your assignment?? D.O.: yes, sorry sir! Prof. Kris: did, you and Sehun change places? Are you now a part of “the bullies”?? (students laughing, D.O. is so shy) Jamilla: (whispering to D.O.) super junior! Ahahaha .,. (Luhan laughing) D.O.: grrrr .. Prof. Kris: okay! Quiet! D.O. I’m warning you! (D.O. look so pale) ………….. (The class has ended) Xiumin: Sehun! what’s your problem?? Baekhyun: are you now a good boy?? Sehun: aren’t you getting tired of what we’re doing? Xiumin: what?? Sehun: of being a bully Baekhyun: are you kidding Sehun?? Xiumin: are you serious?? Baekhyun: why are you being like this? Is that because of that girl?? ………………. At the gate (Suho, Lay, and Chanyeol are waiting) Chanyeol: oh they’re coming! Jamilla (shouting) Jamilla! Jamilla: uhmm sorry if we keep you guys waiting Suho: it’s okay! Lay: I think it’s worth the wait (teasing Suho) Suho: so .. let’s go?? Jamilla: okay Luhan: go cous! (Suho open the door of his car for Jamilla) Jamilla: Thank you! (Suho and Jamilla was about to leave) Luhan: bye cous! Lay: have a nice time! D.O.: don’t forget to tell us tomorrow! (smiling) Chanyeol: Ssshhh .. bye Suho! Bye Jamilla! (then Jamilla and Suho leave) TO BE CONTINUED >>>> »Part 6 of XOXO HIGH« Xiumin: Sehun! what’s your problem?? Baekhyun: are you now a good boy?? Sehun: aren’t you getting tired of what we’re doing? Xiumin: what?? Sehun: of being a bully Baekhyun: are you kidding Sehun?? Xiumin: are you serious?? Baekhyun: why are you being like this? Is that because of that girl?? Xiumin: what? Sehun! c’mon tell us! Sehun: Yes! (Xiumin and Baekhyun was surprised) Baekhyun: oh. Ahaha .. oh my god Sehun! Sehun: yes! it’s because of her! After she talked to me, I realized that .. we’re doing such a non sense thing Xiumin: what?? Non sense? Are you saying now that we are non sense! Huh! Baekhyun: Sehun! c’mon! Sehun: sorry but I don’t to be like this anymore Xiumin: (pushed Sehun) what? Sehun! are you quiting?? Sehun: yes! Xiumin: (grab Sehun’s collar) why are you being like this huh! (Baekhyun trying to stop Xiumin) Baekhyun: guys! Stop it! We can talk about this on a nice way Sehun: no! I don’t want to be a bully from now on Xiumin: See! You’re throwing are friendship Sehun! Sehun: no! of course not! You are my friends, it’s just that .. all I want for us .. is to change Xiumin: you’re crazy! C’mon Baekhyun! Let’s go! Leave that loser alone! ………………….. (meanwhile Suho and Jamilla driving ) Suho: So.. ahh where did you want to eat? Jamilla: uhhmmm… anywhere, you decide Suho: okay! (then Suho and Jamilla to the restaurant) Waiter: good evening sir! Good evening ma’am! Here is the menu. Jamilla: thank you Suho: Jamilla, what you want ?? Jamilla: mmmm.. pasta? Suho: (to the waiter) okay give us this (pointing to the menu) and also this. Waiter:is that all sir? Suho: is there anything you want Jamilla? Jamilla: no! that’s it Suho: okay Waiter: okay sir thank you! (they are now eating) Suho: Jamilla Jamilla: yes? Suho; how is ti? (referring to the food) Jamilla: it’s good Suho: (smiling) .. you know what.. the first time I saw you, I found you so pretty Jamilla: (blushing) really?? Suho: yes! you are so pretty Jamilla: Thank you! (shy) Suho: Jamilla Jamilla: yes? Suho: uhmm I … I want to know you more Jamilla: ….. (speechless) Suho: I want us to be more than friends Jamilla: (talking to her mind .. more than friends?? Oh my god he’s so fast!) Suho: Jamilla Jamilla: oh! Uhmmmm… Suho: I want to ask if I can court you? Jamilla: (surprised)( she have no words to say but deep inside she really want to scream out loud) Suho: Oh did I surprised you?? I’m sorry, am I being so fast? I’m sorry Jamilla: ahh it’s okay.. Suho: ah .. I know it’s only our first time to go out on a date but I really like you Jamilla: ahh (she really don’t know what to say) uhmm.. thank you! Suho: so is it okay if I will continue this?? Jamilla: mmm… okay (feeling a bit awkward) Suho: im so happy thank you Jamilla, oh go eat well Jamilla: (smiling) ………………………… In front of Jamilla’s house Jamilla: uhmmm.. thank you for tonight Suho: it’s nothing.. so.. I’ll go ahead! See you at the school tomorrow! Jamilla: okay! Be careful on driving! Suho: thank you! Bye! …………………… Jamilla ang Luhan’s room (Jamilla open the door) Luhan: oh cous! You’re here! How is it!(excited) Jamilla: (jump on her bed & scream so loud) aaaahhhhh … Luhan: oh my god cous! C’mon tell me! Jamilla: he said that … Luhan: that?? C’mon cous! Jamilla: he want to court me! Jamilla & Luhan: AAAAHHHHHHHHHH! Luhan: oh my god cous!is that for real?? Jamilla: yes! Luhan: oh my! D.O. will be so shocked if he will know about this! Jamilla: aaaahhh.. im feeling crazy! …………………….. Jamilla and Luhan running late Jamilla: oh my god cous! Faster we’re late! Luhan: it’s you’re fault cous! Last night it is so late and you keep on talking about Suho! (Jamilla bumped with somebody) Jamilla: UH! (she fell down on the floor) Luhan: oh cous! Are you okay?? (helping Jamilla to stand) Luhan: Oh Sehun! (they are shocked when they noticed that the person that Jamilla bumped to .. is Sehun) TO BE CONTINUED >>>> ©: Jham Panganiban Sto domingo ~XiUMiNNiE
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 08:55:37 +0000

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