{YA ALLAH (ONE N ONLY) !!!} How to Be a VIP on the Day of - TopicsExpress


{YA ALLAH (ONE N ONLY) !!!} How to Be a VIP on the Day of Judgment? Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem As-salamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatoh, Holy Prophet Muhammad al Mustafā (S.A.W.W) said: “One who heeds the call of a Muslim and relieves him of sorrow and difficulty Allāh writes ten rewards for him, increases his rank by ten levels, grants him reward of freeing ten slaves, drives ten calamities away and will grant him ten intercessions on the Day of Judgment.” [Reference: Sawaabul A’amaal, page 195] (السلام عليک يا ابا عبد الله الحسين (ع DONATION APPEAL - IRAQ - UPDATE All Praise and Thanks to Allāh (SWT) we have received contributions for 400 water Heaters (till date). The last date for donation/ pledge is now extended to 3rd of December. We DO NOT have Ejaza to use Sehme Imam however you are free to donate the Sehme Sadaat part of your Khums. Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. (Holy Quran 2:274) Zawwar-e-Masoomeen (a.s) Trust in association with the Management of Imam Ali (a.s.) shrine (Najaf) has organised distribution of water heaters to poor shia families in Holy cities of Najaf and Kerbala (Iraq). Ahead of the winters, we intend to provide water heaters to Widows & Shia families who are displaced from their residences due to war and are currently seeking refuge in the Holy Cities of Najaf and Kerbala. A list of 1,000 deserving families has been prepared by the Haram Authorities. The distribution and logistics support is provided by Management of Imam Ali (a.s.) shrine (Najaf). Purchases will be done from Najaf. Targeted distribution: 1,000 water heaters of 120 ltr each. (400 sadaat and 600 non sadaat families) Cost: INR 2900 /U.S.Dollar 47/AED 172/ GBP 30 each. : 3rd Dec 2014 DATE OF DISTRIBUTION: InshaAllah -16th to 19th Dec 2014 Momeneen can donate part/full cost of a heater. Contact Details: India Aliraza Merchant +919969121895; Navroz Panjwani +919819814336; Rizwan Virani (Gujrat) +919825280910 Dubai, U.A.E. Aliraza Vasaya +971502819303 For more details and information kindly Email - zawwaremasoomeen@gmail. We do have volunteers in other counties. Pls note : This charity initiative is solely for the pleasure of ALLAH (swt) with no commercial intent & on ZERO administrative cost. humble request: Please do pray for earliest restoration of Jannat al-Baqi; protection of Mausoleum of Holy Imams (a.s.) in Iraq, Mausoleum of Sayyidah Zaynab bint ‘Alī ibn Abī Tālib (a.s.) and Sayyidah Ruqayyah/Sakina bint Hussain (a.s.) & early re-appearance of Imam-E-Zamana (atfs) . How to Be a VIP on the Day of Judgment? On the Day of Judgment there will be special shade and treatment for seven types of VIP. Who are they? The Prophet (saww) said, Allah will cover seven people with His shade, on the Day when there will be no shade but His: (1) A just ruler, (2) A youth who has grown up in the worship of Allah, (3) A man whose heart is attached to the mosques, (4) Two persons who love each other only for Allah’s sake and they meet and part in Allah’s cause only, (5) A man who refuses the call of a beautiful and influential woman for illicit relation with her and says: I am afraid of Allah, (6) A man who gives charitable gifts so secretly that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given, and (7) A person who remembers Allah while he is alone and his eyes are flooded with tears. We all need Allah’s shade. To be under Allah’s shade is to be protected by Him and be blessed by Him. We need His shade in this life and in the Hereafter. It is mentioned that the Day of Judgment will be a very hard and difficult Day. On that day everyone will be worried and will try to find some protection and shade; but there will be no shade on that Day except the special shade of Allah. This shade will be granted to seven special types of people as mentioned in the Hadith: 1. A just ruler or a just leader: It could be any person who has some authority and he/she uses this authority with justice and fairness without any favoritism or prejudice. Justice is the command of Allah for all people; but the most critical is the doing of justice when one has power and authority.. More difficult is, of course, dealing justly with those who show hate and animosity towards you. A just person, especially a just leader or ruler, is given number one place in this list of seven. 2. A young person growing up in the worship of Allah: Worship of Allah is good for all people at any age and time; but the worship of Allah from the tender young age has special blessings. Many people become devoted to Allah when they grow old. In the old age when the body becomes weak, people start paying attention to the spirit. However, to be conscious of one’s spirit and growing up as a youth in the obedience of Allah bring a special honor and blessings. 3. A person whose heart is connected to the Masjid: Literally it says that the heart is hanging (mu`allaq) in the masjid. Imam Malik explained that it was a person who when he leaves the masjid, looks forward to coming back again soon. Normally people’s hearts are attached to their jobs, business and home. The masjid are not the priority for many people. However, those who love the House of Allah and keep it as their priority are the blessed people and they shall receive the special favor of Allah. 4. Two people loving each other for the sake of Allah: One should be friendly to all people and deal with all people in a kind and courteous manner. However, the friendship for the sake of Allah, for the reasons of piety and goodness is a very blessed friendship. This is a sincere friendship and when two or more people become attached to each other for Allah’s sake they bring a lot of good to themselves and to those around them. This is a kind of friendship that generates goodness in the world and is especially blessed by Allah. 5. A person of solid moral character: The Prophet (saww) gave an example of this solid character. He said a man tempted for illicit relationship by a woman who is beautiful and rich, influential or of a prestigious family (the word “mansib” means all these things in Arabic) and he refuses. This is not limited to a man only who is tempted by a woman; it equally applies to a woman who may be tempted by a man who is very beautiful, powerful and rich and she refuses and says “I fear Allah.” It requires a lot of moral strength to refuse temptation when the other partner is attractive, rich, and not only consenting but persuasive. Those who have such a strong character are indeed under the protection of Allah. 6. A person of charity who does not show off his/her charity: A person gives charity in such a way that even his left hand does not know what his right hand has done. This is a very powerful and beautiful way to say that a person gives quietly, discreetly and with sincerity. His/her purpose is not to show off, seek publicity, name or fame; but only to please Allah. This is the highest kind of charity and it has a special reward and blessing from Allah. 7. A person who remembers Allah privately with eyes filled with tears: Thinking of Allah, repeating His Beautiful Names, thanking Him and praising Him, these are the ways to remember (dhikr) Allah. Doing the “dhikr” alone in one’s privacy, when no one is watching, with moving heart and tearful eyes is a sign of sincere faith and deep love of Allah. Those who have the love of Allah, they are indeed under His shade and protection. All these seven characters are deeply moral and spiritual characters. They indicate a person’s faith and sincere commitment. They are related to feeling, thinking, speaking and action. These are true characters of sincere believers. We pray to Allah to bless us with these characters and with his shade in this world and also in the Hereafter. To Receive free Islamic Articles send a blank mail to ahlulbayt.24434@gmail. Kindly dont mark mails as SPAM, to unsubscribe, email with subject as Unsubscribe. Please remember us in your duas. 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Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 20:39:11 +0000

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