[YGP Sermon] Why my life is like this? In many cases, we - TopicsExpress


[YGP Sermon] Why my life is like this? In many cases, we think this word in our life not enough. I have money but not enough. I have food but not enough. I have a place or house but not enough. I have a family but not enough. And we are thinking and just saying why my life is like this? I am not satisfied in my life.. Why do you think like this even God gives me everything and God said that He has been provided us everything. When I was young, many times I was thinking, why I was born in this family, If my father was a rich man, my life is not like this now. I had a life always not enough! even though I believed in Jesus Christ our Lord. Is somebody else here thinking like me, not enough in your life? But when we read these verses today, here there is an one blind man. He is a man blind from birth. You know, If you are not blind, if you can see it means that we already have a life good enough, at least, much better than him. Dont you think like that? You know why? Because this man has been blamed by other people even his neighbours. People they are thinking when they look at him, he has sinned, if not his parents have sinned, and then he was born in blind. Do you imagine how about his life is? When the people accuse, blamed, cursed him in all his life, every moments he has been thinking, yes I am not blessed at all! because of my sin, because of my parents, because of my family, I am blind, I couldnt see. Surely, he was thinking such a life too bad (sucks)! But Jesus never says like others. The blind man never heard about like what Jesus told him. Thats not true! John 9:3 Neither this man nor his parents sinned! but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life!. Even though the blind man never ever have been thinking like this. I was born in blind but this is for the work of God will show me? What?! The blind man couldnt understand what Jesus saying because he still couldnt see! There are no changes yet! But Now Jesus is working in Him! Jesus touched his eyes. But its so weird! John 9:6-7 Jesus spit on the ground, he made some mud with the saliva, and put it one the blind mans eyes! And Go! Wash in the Pool of Siloam Its not a dead sea black mud! Its not for a facial care! Perhaps Dead sea mud can offer many physical health benefits! Jesus sent him not to the dead sea but the Pool of Siloam. Have you ever been there? Of course the Siloam water is not good enough like today but I hope thats okay. But he had to go with mud on his eyes. What about you? If you are blind man like him, would you like to go to the pool of siloam with mud on your eyes? שלוח But he did!!! He went and washed and came back home Seeing! changed! He was a blind but now he can see! God has been working in his life! Amen! The situations have not been changed! His neighbors and those who had formerly seen him beggkng asked, Isnt this same man who used to sit and beg? Some says yes but other says no, he only looks like him. It couldnt possible, the blind man is not able to see. never heard about that kind of things is happened in this world! But the blind man said he himself insisted I am the man. I think He always denied himself, im not sinned. Other said that you are the man who has sinned and you couldnt see. But now totally changed it! Yes! I am the man! He never shamed himself at all! People said! How? How then were your eyes opened? The blind man replied, The man Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyses. He told me to go to Siloam and wash. So I went and washed, and the I could see now! They bring him to the Pharisees. Becasue the day was a Shabbat. The Jews still did not belive that he had been blind and he had received his sight! They send for the mans parents. Is this your son? Is this the one you say was born blind? How is it then now he can see? The parents answered, we know he is our son! we know he was born blind! but we dont know how he can see now, we dont know who opened his eyes! Ask him! He is of age and he will speak for himself! People called him again said Give glory to God because we know this man Jesus is a sinner But Blind man replied I dont know whether he is a sinner or not. One thing I do know, I was blind but now I see!. His parents were afraid of the Jews but this man is not afraid of anyone. John 9:17 What do you say about him? He is a prophet. Spiritual Blindness! He believes in Jesus as a prophet. Like most of moslem, they believe in Jesus as a prophet. He didnt know really who is the Jesus. Jewish people they didnt believe in Jesus at all. John 9:31 We know that God does not listen to sinners. God listens to the godly man who does His will Becasue what hes saying, and again people throw him out from the synagogue! But Jesus heard and came to him, not just Jesus comes, Jesus found him, Jesus looking for him and saying Do you believe in the Son of Man? Tell me so that I may believe in him. You have now seen him! Lord! I Belive! and He worhips Jesus Christ! He couldnt worship Jesus Christ when he was blind but Now he can worhsip and believes in Jesus Christ as a Son of Man, his saviour Lord, because He can see and meet the Jesus Christ! Yes, true, but he couldnt see and he couldnt think like this way because he was a blind! Before he has been met the Lord Jesus Christ, he couldnt see, but now he can see! Jesus said I am the light of thr world! Dont be stay in the darkness! I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. As you see, his life has been changed through Jesus Christ. He does not afraid of people anymore, his life is enough because of Jesus Christ! Why are you not satisfied in our life? Whats the problem? Whats trouble in your life now? Even though we are saying that we can see but actually we are living with blindness, we are working in darkness. What does it mean? We just have seen what we need and what we want. We are not interested what the Lord has concerned in our life as like Pharisees. In our life, if you need and want to change something? Do you want completely to change of it? There is only one way of transformation. Its Jesus! Even until now something you couldnt see, when you meet Jesus Christ in your life and believe in Him, your life will be totally changed like a blind man! You dont have to worry and you dont need to be afraid from any kind of situations!Trust Him as like the blind man went to the shiloam pool becasue of Jesus commanded him. He went and washed! Even though its so weird! He did what Jesus saying! We have many thinkings amd worries, anxious, fears in our life. You know, there are many enemies around us in our life. Even when we have been getting Grace of the Lord, the enemy will come and will try to take it again. Because they dont care about Jesus Christ as Pharisees. They just want to make the problems. Dont confuse it! Dont get involve it! Just trust in God! Because now you can see, dont return to your formal life. The old one is gone and new blessings have come to your life through Jesus Christ! Dont complain because of your life! Why my life is like this? Because God has a wonderful plan in your life, especially, for His kingdom and for the Glory of God! When it will be happened? When you meet true Jesus christ and when you listen from Him and when you are doing whatever he said to you. Go and Do it! and You will see what the Lord is working and making miracles in your life. Did you see and frust God has been working in your life before you were born here the world! Ephesians 1:3-7 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God`s grace. The riches of Gods grace were freely given to us! He saved us with his precious blood! Trust in Him! Take blessings through Jesus Christ! God would satify us! Like Israelite had passed through the dessert, God had provided everythig! During the forty years that I led you through the desert, your clothes did not wear out, nor did the sandals on your feet. Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all things what we have been needed will be given to us as well. And therefore as Jesus said us, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Do you have trouble in your life? Do you know why? Because you couldnt see Our God in your life like a blind man. But when you are looking on the Kingdom of God, only Jesus Christ first, and when your eyes will have focused on Jesus, you will see! You could see the working God! We have a life good enough with Jesus Christ! Lets pray! Yes, until now I was blind but I want to see you! Open my eyes to see you more clearly! Tell me what I sould do now! Be with me and Work in my life. Thank you for your grace. You forgive my sins and die for us and carry on cross to take my sins away. Bless us in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, I pray. Amen. 2014. 11. 29. Good God Church. YGP.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 21:09:47 +0000

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