[YOSH!!!] ---------------------- ~Mizuki~ I had a warm - TopicsExpress


[YOSH!!!] ---------------------- ~Mizuki~ I had a warm feeling in my chest.Is this...? Wait,the contract...Did Saeki just form the contract?!And why was it formed?I mean,he didnt...I didnt... ...I accepted it? S-Saeki!I pushed him away,and the glow was gone.I blinked in surprise when I saw how red Saekis face was,despite the fact that it was so dark.Saeki averted his eyes. Youre my master now,Mizuki,he told me.I covered my mouth in embarrassment.He is...Now he and I are like... My expression turned into hatred and rage at the thought of those two. Uchiha Sasue and Misumi Satochi. Tomorrows the third day,wasnt it?How fast time flies. This is gonna be interesting. Hey,Ice Boy,I nudged Saeki on the shoulder.Wanna take a walk? ---------------------- ~NO POV~ Sasue,whats bothering you?Satochi asked.Mizukis already fine,right? Yeah,but dont you remember what day it is tomorrow?Sasue looked at him.When Satochi remained silent,Sasue sighed. Its the day when I have to give Mizuki an answer. Tensed silence filled the air.Satochi looked down,his hair covering his eyes....So,what are you gonna do? Sasue glanced away,feeling uncertain.Ill just have to accept whatever happens. Satochis eyes widened when he felt something...Or someone,crashing into the lower half of his body.He blinked,realising that it was a young boy. The boy looked up at him with teary eyes.Satochi raised an eyebrow.Then guilt overwhelmed him.That kid looked just like...One of those children he had killed back in those days. Satochi,calm down,Sasue seemed to know what he was thinking.He locked eyes with her for a few seconds.Then he looked back down at the boy. Satochi knelt down to the boys level as he held the boys shoulders,giving a sweet sincere smile.Whats wrong? The boy stifled a tear.I-Im lost...M-Mom left me back there... Satochi sighed as he he cupped the boys cheek.Whats your name? K-Kenji... Okay,Kenji.Youre going to grow up and be a man,right?A man wont cry over being lost in the streets. Kenji nodded,looking less and less scared. Satochi continued.So wipe your tears,man up and find a way out of your problems,okay? Kenji nodded as he wiped his tears.Thank you,big brother! Satochi seemed slightly taken aback by Kenjis way of adressing him,but it caused his grin to grow wider. Hey,look...Is that your mother?Satochi said as he carried Kenji onto his shoulders,pointing to a panicked lady. Sasue smiled as she watched Satochi cheering the boy up.Thats why she loved him.Despite his past and the darkness in him,he tries to change and always make people feel secured and belong. The lady ran to Satochi and thanked him profusely,looking relieved to see her child.Satochi smiled sheepishly as he handed Kenji over to the lady.He bowed to her as she walked off with the boy in her arms. Satochi straightened up as he looked at Sasue smiling gently at him.He blinked.What? Sasue giggled.Nothing.Just thought you were like an older brother back there. Satochi glanced away as he hid his blush.I-I just dont want to cause a commotion,okay? Satochi looked back at her and finally smiled.Lets go. Yeah. As they walked,they had nice chats and exchanged jokes and teases.Sasue didnt know what would happen to her if Satochi and her were not to have met each other.She shook her head with a chuckle as she thought it was impossible to imagine a life without her dear Dark Dragon. Satochi had conflicting feelings in his heart.Part of him told him that he should devour Sasue as she had broken the rule of the contract.But the other part of him... Wants to be with her forever. Satochi,Sasue stopped him.He snapped out of it and stopped in his tracks. His expression grew serious as he looked at who were blocking their path.As the sun just started to rise,light shone on the other two people infront of them.One has golden eyes,the other has sky blue eyes. Perfect timing,Sasue-chan,Mizuki smiled,but this smile was just full of hatred.Its finally the day. ---------------------- [Ohhh this is so exciting!!Honestly,I have no idea where my ideas come from.I just type whatever the hell I think of on the spot.So if theres any crap you see,blame my lazy brain for not planning it through first.Ah,what crap am I talking now?Okay,wait for the next chapter! Admin of Hirota Mizuki,signing out.]
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 05:19:37 +0000

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