“YOU DESERVE AN AWARD FOR BEST MOMMY!” said my daughter’s - TopicsExpress


“YOU DESERVE AN AWARD FOR BEST MOMMY!” said my daughter’s friend to me at their school day before yesterday!! This was extra special because that very day I felt like THE worst mommy ever! But, speaking of being the best mommy, today I have exciting news to report! I’ve confirmed that God is indeed our Helper!!! Yesterday, I attended my kid’s award’s ceremony at school and I think I was the proudest and happiest mommy and “aunty” there! EVERYONE DID ASTONISHINGLY WELL, with our family taking home lots of certificates! I really wasn’t expecting them to do so well, given I’ve had to work so much lately, but my children all rose to the challenge, despite mommy missing in action to stay on top of them! God, I’m grateful!!! But, back to more proof that God is our Helper! It was about a year and a half ago, I remember going to a parent teacher’s conference early one morning and feeling extra compelled to be there! A Nigerian gentleman spoke that day, but it was around a time that I was feeling awful over the fact that Emmie was crying because he was unable to complete his Kindergarten homework by himself most evenings. The teacher’s assistant confirmed that he was struggling, unlike other kids. This gentleman asked one question that changed me: “Why do we rush our children out of school?” And that was my wakeup call! Emmie was the youngest student in that class, and he was struggling to keep up! I rushed to the Principal’s office right after that meeting and discussed with her moving Emmie back to his old Pre-Kindergarten class! She along with Emmie’s teacher discussed it and they agreed that this would be the best decision for him. After lots of fighting with my hubby, he finally allowed us to move Emmie back. Now my Emmie is doing amazingly well with all A’s, with only one B! Go Emmie! “Seek Me (God) first and foremost; then the rest of your life will fall into place, piece by piece.” Going to God in that decision, I felt incredible peace that this was the right decision for Emmie! I’m learning to wait and listen for His direction and guidance in those 1000 daily decisions, as this is THE WAY to make the best decisions! God knows everything and He really is our incredible helper!!!!!!!!! WE ROLL WITH GOD! But don’t go yet, there’s more to this story!!! In Emmie’s first Kindergarten class, his best friend was Ethan, who eventually moved up ahead of him. This time there was unbelievably another Ethan who became his new best friend! This Ethan amazingly got all A’s, with their teacher telling me that this Ethan has been so good for Emmie! And his mom is now my friend! I wrote about her, who on their second play date together, I encouraged to write daily posts like I do! She’s another certifiable God maniac and her messages are incredibly good, with someone actually writing her saying that they wait for her daily emails!! It’s like God had all of this perfectly planned! God, I’m on to You!
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 07:39:02 +0000

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