(YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE) As mankind we choose to live our lives in - TopicsExpress


(YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE) As mankind we choose to live our lives in diverse ways. Many surprisingly today despite their age and maturity still do not understand life and their lives. Many assume it’s just about existing and functioning, some think it’s about struggling to stay alive and well, some think it’s about securing genealogy by raising great, responsible offspring, some conclude it’s about living a moral life so as to enjoy the afterlife, some do not even have a personal conviction or philosophy and their lives are patterned with the trend; what they do is what is popular and common, they are as dynamic in their ways as life itself. Many however, have their personal opinion, understanding, interpretation and mindset about life. But irrespective of these persuasions and philosophies, everyone looks forward in life with anticipation of success, greatness, happiness and fulfilment. Everyone has got a good dream; a positive expectation. Personal expectations are as diverse as our various aspects and interests in life. We have expectations concerning our careers, our marriages, our children, our finances, our wealth, our relevance, our health, our longevity, our social standing and influence. And for each of these varying aspects of life, we expect to do well and be happy. In as much as we have these anticipations; we all do not know exactly how and when these things would be; hence we keep hoping and making plans in order to apprehend these expectations. For instance many single people today can’t tell precisely who they would eventually be married to, they can’t tell the look and behavior of such a one, they just hope the person would be whom they really would like and can live with, they hope such a one will fit into their expectations. Many today cannot chest beat about their careers and say they would eventually become the managing director for example. They work towards it and still just hope it comes their way. No one today can precisely predict how their children would turn out; it’s all about hoping and praying they turn out well. Many of us today just believe and hope for the best life can bring our way and our lives keep unfolding without a good grip on control over outcomes and eventuality to a large extent. Some religious teachings also endorse the ideology you’re not in any way in charge of your life and divinity determines everything; hence many hide behind this popular advocacy and wouldn’t take charge of their lives and future leaving it all to fate. Dear friend, may I inform you this morning that life; our lives don’t exist on the outside of us. Our lives; past, present and future is powered by what we carry within and what we do with what we carry. Let me explain, life is less about fate and more about choices. Most of what happens to you; most of what you experience in life is as a result of the choices you make. This life runs on laws and principles, for example the law of gravity; whatever goes up must come down. Having effective control over your life and being able to influence your future efficiently largely depends on your respect or disregard for these life principles. For example poverty today comes upon the ignorant, the lazy and the fearful. Becoming rich has little to do with the environment, it’s within you. If you disdain knowledge, hate hard work and have low attitude to risk you may become poor anywhere in the world. Also a successful marriage today is an outcome of purpose, compatibility, patience and forgiveness; it’s not so much an emotional venture as it is a responsibility project. If you don’t understand this, your marriage could be rough; it’s not just in the feeling, it’s in the things you do. A successful career today is an outcome of competence, intelligence, productivity, excellence, great relationships, leadership skills and outshining contemporaries. It has little to do with paper qualifications. If you disdain these laws, your career may suffer. Becoming very rich today also, has little to do with just hard work; many hardworking people today are broke, it’s about uncommon ideas, excellent and needed products, superior marketing strategies, speed of execution, passion, customer relationship, great attitude to losses, mistakes and risks, and the never give up spirit. If you disdain any of these rules, you may never be able to come into great wealth or sustain it. Our lives are guided and determined by principles and rules; if you are willing and obedient to the rules of life you will succeed and fulfil your dreams, if you however disdain or ignore any of the rules you will really struggle and consequently begin to look for who and what to blame for your failures. A desert land can produce plenty billionaires and a land of abundance can have the highest number of poor people; it’s not by location, it’s in the rules. Every nation in the world has got the rich and the poor; it’s in the mentality not location. Real opportunity is not around you, it is within you. Dear friend, how then do you succeed and fulfil your dreams? You may be worried, depressed and discouraged today, you may have concluded you don’t have time, energy and support on your side any longer. You may have made terrible mistakes and calculations in time past. Today you may have lost all hope, purpose and vision for a great future, but may I say to you this morning my friend that nothing in your past is a waste. All the good, the bad and the ugly served a purpose. You see every hurt, every pain, every mistake and even successes impacted you so as to prepare you for a better future. The essence of the past is not to destroy you; no, it’s to prepare you. All that happened in your past are ingredients, lessons and instructions for your wonderful future. So don’t let it stop you or weigh you down instead let it inspire you and drive you into superior ways to living and success. Dear friend you still have hope, your tomorrow is still great, infact today could be the start of the best days of your life, but there is something you must learn and do. You see there are two formations in every man’s personality. One does the wrong,one does the right, one is a stopper, one is a promoter, one will hinder you, one will enhance you; one wants to destroy you, the other wants to establish you. One would bring happiness, joy, fulfilment and pleasure eventually, the other would bring sorrow, disappointment, remorse and regret eventually. However, that form; the choices of that aspect of you that leads to a happy ending is tough, rough, unpopular, lonely; full of criticism and discouragement. The choices of that form with the tragic ending is easier, popular, common, pleasurable and less stressful. The challenge is, your body naturally yields more easily to the easy life with a disappointing and tragic end and many people in and around your life want you on that easier lane with tragic consequences because many are there. You would also find the easier but tragic choices attractive because it’s more convenient. That second personality with great and wonderful outcomes; that hard choice life, is for a few with leadership possibilities; influencing great change and transformation in their world and in the world. The hard life is for the independent minded, with dreams, discipline and purpose. The easier life is for the dependents, complainants, grumblers, weak and clueless. The hard life is for the solution minded, the result driven ones, the builders and great achievers. The reality is, as mankind we all keep alternating between these two formations, the one we yield to the most would eventually tell on the quality of our results and outcomes. Dear friend, you can change your experience in life today by sticking with the difficult but superior choices. Life is less of ease, it’s more of outcomes. Excellence in life depends on how long you remain on the hard lane; a great life is about tough choices. (Happy sunday) Enjoy your day.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 07:14:02 +0000

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