*Your HEALTH is your greatest WEALTH* Happy New Years Eve! I - TopicsExpress


*Your HEALTH is your greatest WEALTH* Happy New Years Eve! I love this day for so many reasons. I love the potency of looking back on all that has occurred this past year. I love the energy of possibility and intention for what is to come. I am taking time today to appreciate 2014 completely and seal the deal that 2015 is going to be even better. In my own health I had to deal with things this past year that I hadnt before, and I used all my best skills to sail through them and come out the other side feeling even better. (Oy, that concussion was a doozie!) Take a moment today and appreciate this incredible body that you have, all the places it has taken you, and feel into all that you want for the future. The thing is, stuff happens. This life includes stress, and accidents, and grief. The key is to know how to navigate those heavy things in your body so that they dont get stuck and cause dis-ease. My wish for you in the new year is that you feel super competent at handling whatever comes your way and that your health becomes/remains top priority. When your health is up front, everything else clicks into place with more ease. So cheers to 2014 and all its experiences and lessons. And heres to a vibrantly healthy 2015! And today is the *last day* for the 2014 packages and prices to support you into your healthiest body yet! Whether your goal is weight loss, muscle tone, alleviating chronic pain, training for an event, or gaining energy and over all health, Ive got a plan for you. My expertise is in creating specific and unique custom plans for your health needs, your personal preferences, and your goals. Mostly I want to help you change your relationship with exercise so that it is easy and fun, and you barely know that you are working out! Please visit jessielucas/2014-deals/ today, so you dont miss out! Wishing you a vibrantly healthy 2015! lots of love! ~Jessie
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 13:29:02 +0000

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