; adventure.asm ; ; A simple adventure-like game for the 6502asm - TopicsExpress


; adventure.asm ; ; A simple adventure-like game for the 6502asm site ; ; RRRRR EEEEEE AA DDDDD MM MMM EEEEEE ; RR RR EE AA AA DD DD MMM MMMM EE ; RRRRR EEEEEE AAAAAA DD DD MM MM MM MM EEEEEE ; RR RR EE AA AA DD DD MM MM MM EE ; RR RR EEEEEE AA AA DDDDD MM MM MM EEEEEE ; ; Thank you for trying my game! You are Good Guy, and you are on a ; quest to defeat Bad Guy, the only other guy in this area of The ; World. ; ; You start in the forest. Somewhere within the forest are a pair of ; flippers, which will allow you to swim in the river. Somewhere along ; the banks of the river there is a key to the White Castle. Within the ; White Castle are a protective crown and a deadly weapon (it looks like ; a red star thingy). These two items are needed to defeat Evil Guy. ; ; Evil Guy lives in the Black Castle, which you can get to through the ; desert. Conveniantly enough, the key to the Black Castle is somewhere ; in the desert. ; ; Find Evil Guy in the Black Castle while wearing the crown and weapon ; and you win! If you lack either the crown or weapon, the screen will ; flash only red, and you will loose! ; ; Copyright (c) 2010 Norman B. Lancaster ; ; Released under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later. ; See gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ; ; *=128 player_map_x: *=129 player_map_y: *=130 player_screen_x: *=131 player_screen_y: *=132 player_sprite: *=133 screen_item_x: *=134 screen_item_y: *=135 screen_item_idx: *=136 item_flags: *=138 *=254 random: *=255 keypress: *=512 frame_buffer: *=1536 jmp start screen_item_x: dcb $00 screen_item_y: dcb $00 screen_item_idx: dcb $00 ; Screen RAM, 64 Bytes screen_ram: dcb $0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f dcb $0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f dcb $0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f dcb $0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f dcb $0f,$03,$0f,$05,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f dcb $0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f dcb $0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f dcb $0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f ; Item RAM, 64 Bytes ; Map X, Screen X, Map Y, Screen Y, Item Number, Fill x3 item_ram: dcb $00,$05,$00,$05,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; Flippers dcb $01,$05,$00,$05,$01,$00,$00,$00 ; White Key dcb $0d,$05,$0d,$05,$02,$00,$00,$00 ; Black Key dcb $0d,$05,$0e,$05,$03,$00,$00,$00 ; Crown dcb $0d,$04,$0c,$05,$04,$00,$00,$00 ; Death Star dcb $08,$03,$0d,$03,$05,$00,$00,$00 ; Evil Guy (DO NOT MAKE TAKEABLE!) dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$06,$00,$00,$00 ; Not Used dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$07,$00,$00,$00 ; Not Used start: ; Init item patch table pointers ldx #0 lda #screen_data sta item_patch_table_hi,x inx lda #sprite_data sta item_patch_table_hi,x inx lda #tile_flags sta item_patch_table_hi,x inx lda #item_flags sta item_patch_table_hi,x ; Init player position, etc lda #$00 sta player_map_x lda #$00 sta player_map_y lda #0 sta player_sprite lda #4 sta player_screen_x sta player_screen_y sta keypress jsr spawn_items ; Initial map rendering jsr update_map_screen jsr blit_player ; Main game loop main_loop: ; Debug, load location info into registers lda player_map_x asl asl asl asl ora player_screen_x tax lda player_map_y asl asl asl asl ora player_screen_y tay ; Wait for input input_loop: lda keypress beq input_loop ldx #0 stx keypress ; Act on input (key code in A) cmp #97 ; Move left bne test_input_1 jmp input_do_move_left test_input_1: cmp #104 ; Move left bne test_input_2 jmp input_do_move_left test_input_2: cmp #100 ; Move right bne test_input_3 jmp input_do_move_right test_input_3: cmp #108 ; Move right bne test_input_4 jmp input_do_move_right test_input_4: cmp #119 ; Move up bne test_input_5 jmp input_do_move_up test_input_5: cmp #107 ; Move up bne test_input_6 jmp input_do_move_up test_input_6: cmp #115 ; Move down bne test_input_7 jmp input_do_move_down test_input_7: cmp #106 ; Move down bne test_input_8 jmp input_do_move_down test_input_8: jmp input_loop ; Input handlers input_do_move_left: lda #2 ldx player_screen_x ldy player_screen_y dex jsr move_player jmp main_loop input_do_move_right: lda #1 ldx player_screen_x ldy player_screen_y inx jsr move_player jmp main_loop input_do_move_up: lda #3 ldx player_screen_x ldy player_screen_y dey jsr move_player jmp main_loop input_do_move_down: lda #0 ldx player_screen_x ldy player_screen_y iny jsr move_player jmp main_loop end: jmp end ; ; ; palette_rotate_effect ; ; Rotate all colors in the framebuffer ; ; Uses ; $2 - $3 Framebuffer pointer ; $4 Itterations counter ; $5 Step ; $6 Itterations ; ; Inputs ; A Palette rotation step ; X Number of itterations palette_rotate_effect_max_fb_page: dcb $00 palette_rotate_effect: sta $5 stx $6 ; Loop through itterations lda #0 sta $4 palette_rotate_effect_itter_loop: lda #frame_buffer sta $3 ; Loop through pixels ldx #0 palette_rotate_effect_pixel_page_loop: ldy #0 palette_rotate_effect_pixel_loop: lda ($2),y clc adc $5 sta ($2),y iny bne palette_rotate_effect_pixel_loop ; Page step inc $3 inx cpx #4 bne palette_rotate_effect_pixel_page_loop ; Itteration step inc $4 lda $4 cmp $6 bne palette_rotate_effect_itter_loop rts ; ; ; spawn_items ; ; Spawns items everywhere ; ; spawn_items: lda #0 jsr spawn_item lda #1 jsr spawn_item lda #2 jsr spawn_item lda #3 jsr spawn_item lda #4 jsr spawn_item rts ; ; ; spawn_item ; ; Spawns a single item ; ; Uses ; $2 - $3 The item's address in the item RAM area ; ; Inputs ; A The item number to spawn spawn_item_number_backup: dcb $00 spawn_item_x_backup: dcb $00 spawn_item_y_backup: dcb $00 spawn_item: sta spawn_item_number_backup jsr get_random_spawn_location stx spawn_item_x_backup sty spawn_item_y_backup ; Calculate the item's RAM address lda spawn_item_number_backup asl asl asl clc adc #item_ram sta $3 ; X location ldy #0 lda spawn_item_x_backup lsr lsr lsr lsr sta ($2),y iny lda spawn_item_x_backup and #$0f sta ($2),y ; Y location iny lda spawn_item_y_backup lsr lsr lsr lsr sta ($2),y iny lda spawn_item_y_backup and #$0f sta ($2),y rts ; ; ; get_random_spawn_location ; ; Gets a random spawn location for a given item ; ; Uses ; $2 - $3 The base address in the spawn location table ; ; Inputs ; A The item number to spawn ; ; Outputs ; X The X location byte ; Y The Y location bytes get_random_spawn_location: ; Calculate the base address in the spawn location table asl asl asl asl asl clc adc #spawn_points sta $3 ; Get a random number between 0 and 15 lda random and #$0f ; Convert to the offset asl ; X location byte tay lda ($2),y tax ; Y location bytes iny lda ($2),y tay rts ; ; ; End of Game ; ; end_of_game_count: dcb $00 end_of_game: ; Does the player have the crown and death star? ldx #0 lda item_flags,x beq end_of_game_loose inx lda item_flags,x beq end_of_game_loose ; Win routine lda #1 ldx #32 jsr palette_rotate_effect jmp end ; Loose routine end_of_game_loose: lda #0 sta end_of_game_count end_of_game_loose_loop: lda #7 ldx #1 jsr palette_rotate_effect lda #9 ldx #1 jsr palette_rotate_effect inc end_of_game_count lda end_of_game_count cmp #8 bne end_of_game_loose_loop lda #7 ldx #1 jsr palette_rotate_effect jmp end ; ; ; move_player ; ; Handles moving the player to a new location ; ; Inputs ; A The new direction code of the player ; 0 = Down, 1 = Right, 2 = Left, 3 = Up ; X The new screen X location of the player ; Y The new screen Y location of the player move_player_direction: dcb $00 move_player_x: dcb $00 move_player_y: dcb $00 move_player: sta move_player_direction stx move_player_x sty move_player_y ; Check for Out of Bounds move lda move_player_x bpl move_player_bounds_1 ; Went off left side of screen dec player_map_x lda #7 sta move_player_x jsr update_map_screen move_player_bounds_1: cmp #8 bmi move_player_bounds_2 ; Went off right side of screen inc player_map_x lda #0 sta move_player_x jsr update_map_screen move_player_bounds_2: lda move_player_y bpl move_player_bounds_3 ; Went off top side of screen dec player_map_y lda #7 sta move_player_y jsr update_map_screen move_player_bounds_3: cmp #8 bmi move_player_bounds_4 ; Went off bottom side of screen inc player_map_y lda #0 sta move_player_y jsr update_map_screen move_player_bounds_4: ; Clear previous location ldx player_screen_x ldy player_screen_y jsr clear_screen_position ; Test location for moveability ; Calculate screen RAM offset to get tile color lda move_player_y asl asl asl ora move_player_x tay ldx screen_ram,y ; Now X is the tile color lda tile_flags,x ; Load the tile flags into A lsr bcs move_player_do_move ; If the walkable flag is set, continue jmp move_player_skip_move move_player_do_move: ldx move_player_x ldy move_player_y stx player_screen_x sty player_screen_y move_player_skip_move: ; Update the position and sprite ldx player_screen_x ldy player_screen_y lda player_sprite and #$fc ora move_player_direction sta player_sprite jsr blit_sprite ; Check for Items and Act on Them lda player_screen_x cmp screen_item_x bne move_player_skip_item lda player_screen_y cmp screen_item_y bne move_player_skip_item jsr take_screen_item move_player_skip_item: ; At end of game check lda player_map_x cmp #$08 bne move_player_skip_eog lda player_map_y cmp #$0d bne move_player_skip_eog lda player_screen_x cmp #$03 bne move_player_skip_eog lda player_screen_y cmp #$04 bne move_player_skip_eog jsr end_of_game move_player_skip_eog: rts ; ; ; take_screen_item ; ; Called when the player has stepped onto the item on this screen. ; ; Uses ; $2 - $3 Base pointer into the item patch table ; $4 - $5 Patch pointer ; $6 Temp take_screen_item_idx: dcb $00 take_screen_item_patch: dcb $00 take_screen_item: ; Remove the item from the screen lda screen_item_idx sta take_screen_item_idx lda #$ff sta screen_item_x sta screen_item_y sta screen_item_idx ; Remove the item from the map lda take_screen_item_idx asl asl asl tax lda #$ff sta item_ram,x inx sta item_ram,x inx sta item_ram,x inx sta item_ram,x inx sta item_ram,x ; Calculate the base offset into the item patch table lda take_screen_item_idx asl asl asl asl asl clc adc #item_patch_data sta $3 ; Itterate through all patches lda #0 ldy #0 sta take_screen_item_patch take_screen_item_patch_loop: ; Validate the patch is valid lda ($2),y bpl take_screen_item_valid_patch ; Skip over this patch iny iny iny iny jmp take_screen_item_next_patch take_screen_item_valid_patch: ; Calculate the patch pointer lda ($2),y tax lda item_patch_table_lo,x sta $4 lda item_patch_table_hi,x sta $5 iny clc lda ($2),y adc $4 sta $4 iny lda ($2),y adc $5 sta $5 iny ; Do the patch lda ($2),y iny sty $6 ldy #0 sta ($4),y ldy $6 ; Go to the next patch take_screen_item_next_patch: inc take_screen_item_patch lda take_screen_item_patch cmp #8 bne take_screen_item_patch_loop lda #1 ldx #16 jsr palette_rotate_effect jsr render_screen lda player_sprite ldx player_screen_x ldy player_screen_y jsr blit_sprite rts ; ; ; clear_screen_position ; ; Redraws a single location on the current screen ; ; Uses ; $2 - $3 Frame buffer base address ; $4 X location ; $5 Y location ; $6 Tile color ; ; Inputs ; X X location ; Y Y location clear_screen_position: stx $4 sty $5 ; Calculate the screen RAM offset and get the tile color tya asl asl asl ora $4 tay lda screen_ram,y sta $6 ; Calculate the framebuffer base offset asl $4 asl $4 asl $5 asl $5 lda $5 asl asl asl asl asl ora $4 sta $2 lda $5 lsr lsr lsr clc adc #>frame_buffer sta $3 ; Itterate rows ldx #0 ldy #0 clear_screen_position_row_loop: lda $6 sta ($2),y iny sta ($2),y iny sta ($2),y iny sta ($2),y tya clc adc #29 tay inx cpx #4 bne clear_screen_position_row_loop rts ; ; ; blit_player ; ; Blits the player's sprite to the screen ; ; blit_player: lda player_sprite ldx player_screen_x ldy player_screen_y jsr blit_sprite rts ; ; ; update_map_screen ; ; Loads and renders the player's current map screen ; ; update_map_screen: ; Render the screen ldx player_map_x ldy player_map_y jsr load_map_screen jsr render_screen rts ; ; ; blit_sprite ; ; Blits a sprite to the frame buffer ; ; Uses ; ; Inputs ; A Sprite number ; X X screen coordinate ; Y Y screen coordinate blit_sprite: ; Set up framebuffer offset sta $6 tya asl asl tay ; Now we have the pixel row, so make the row base offset asl asl asl asl asl sta $2 tya lsr lsr lsr clc adc #>frame_buffer sta $3 ; Now we have the base row offset, add the collumn offset txa asl asl ora $2 sta $2 ; Set up sprite data pointer lda #sprite_data sta $5 lda $6 asl asl asl clc adc $4 sta $4 lda $5 adc #0 sta $5 ; Itterate bytes ldy #0 ldx #0 blit_sprite_byte_loop: ; Blat out the pixels lda ($4),y lsr lsr lsr lsr beq blit_sprite_skip_pixel_1 sta ($2,x) blit_sprite_skip_pixel_1: inc $2 lda ($4),y and #$0f beq blit_sprite_skip_pixel_2 sta ($2,x) blit_sprite_skip_pixel_2: inc $2 ; Step to next byte iny ; If we are on an even byte, step the framebuffer pointer tya and #$01 bne blit_sprite_fbinc_skip clc lda $2 adc #28 sta $2 lda $3 adc #0 sta $3 blit_sprite_fbinc_skip: cpy #8 bne blit_sprite_byte_loop rts ; ; ; load_map_screen ; ; Loads a map screen from the world map into the screen RAM ; ; Uses ; $2 - $3 Item RAM pointer ; $4 Temp variable ; $5 Item Map X ; $6 Item Screen X ; $7 Item Map Y ; $8 Item Screen Y ; $9 Item Idx ; ; Calls load_screen ; ; Inputs ; X X world coordinate ; Y Y world coordinate load_map_screen_x: dcb $00 load_map_screen_y: dcb $00 load_map_screen: ; Wrap coordinates tya and #$0f tay txa and #$0f tax sty load_map_screen_y stx load_map_screen_x ; Calculate the offset into the world map table tya asl asl asl asl stx $2 ora $2 tax ; Get the screen number and load lda world_map,x jsr load_screen ; Clear out the screen item variables lda #$ff sta screen_item_x sta screen_item_y sta screen_item_idx ; Itterate through all items to see if we have an item on this ; screen. lda #item_ram sta $3 ldx #0 load_screen_item_loop: txa asl asl asl tay lda ($2),y sta $5 iny lda ($2),y sta $6 iny lda ($2),y sta $7 iny lda ($2),y sta $8 iny lda ($2),y sta $9 lda $5 cmp load_map_screen_x bne load_screen_item_skip lda $7 cmp load_map_screen_y bne load_screen_item_skip ; Now we have an item that is on this map, put that item's ; info into the screen item variables. lda $6 sta screen_item_x lda $8 sta screen_item_y lda $9 sta screen_item_idx ; And go to the next item load_screen_item_skip: inx cpx #8 bne load_screen_item_loop rts ; ; ; load_screen ; ; Decompresses a screen into the screen RAM ; ; Uses ; $2 - $3 Map data pointer ; ; Inputs ; A Screen number to load load_screen: ; Calculate base screen data offset tay asl asl asl asl asl sta $2 tya lsr lsr lsr sta $3 clc lda $2 adc #screen_data sta $3 ; Itterate through all bytes ldy #0 ldx #0 load_screen_byte_loop: lda ($2),y lsr lsr lsr lsr sta screen_ram,x inx lda ($2),y and #$0f sta screen_ram,x inx iny cpy #32 bne load_screen_byte_loop rts ; ; ; render_screen ; ; Renders the entire screen from RAM to the display as well as any ; item that may be present. ; ; Uses $2 - $3 ; ; render_screen: ; Set up the base screen offset lda #frame_buffer sta $3 ; Itterate through all tiles ldx #0 render_screen_tile_loop: ; Blat out the pixels ldy #0 lda screen_ram,x sta ($2),y iny sta ($2),y iny sta ($2),y iny sta ($2),y tya clc adc #29 tay lda screen_ram,x sta ($2),y iny sta ($2),y iny sta ($2),y iny sta ($2),y tya clc adc #29 tay lda screen_ram,x sta ($2),y iny sta ($2),y iny sta ($2),y iny sta ($2),y tya clc adc #29 tay lda screen_ram,x sta ($2),y iny sta ($2),y iny sta ($2),y iny sta ($2),y ; Go to the next tile inx ; Update the screen base offset clc lda $2 adc #4 sta $2 lda $3 adc #0 sta $3 ; If we have gone to a new row, jump ahead txa and #$07 bne render_screen_skip_row_adjust clc lda $2 adc #96 sta $2 lda $3 adc #0 sta $3 render_screen_skip_row_adjust: cpx #64 bne render_screen_tile_loop ; Render the on-screen item if one is present lda screen_item_idx bmi render_screen_skip_item ; Add 4 to the item number to get the item sprite number clc adc #4 ldx screen_item_x ldy screen_item_y jsr blit_sprite render_screen_skip_item: rts ; ; ; DATA ; ; world_map: ; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f dcb $04,$02,$00,$02,$00,$02,$00,$07,$17,$0f,$18,$19,$19,$19,$1a,$14 ; 0 dcb $04,$03,$08,$03,$05,$01,$ff,$0b,$16,$0e,$15,$14,$17,$0f,$13,$12 ; 1 dcb $ff,$01,$01,$06,$01,$06,$ff,$0c,$0f,$0f,$13,$12,$1b,$1c,$0e,$11 ; 2 dcb $ff,$06,$0a,$00,$09,$00,$ff,$0d,$0e,$0e,$10,$11,$16,$1d,$19,$1e ; 3 dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$45,$43,$43,$43,$40,$3d,$36,$3a,$2c,$25,$25,$1f ; 4 dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$45,$43,$40,$43,$37,$3e,$37,$3b,$2d,$2f,$30,$21 ; 5 dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$46,$43,$37,$43,$41,$38,$38,$3c,$2e,$26,$27,$20 ; 6 dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$47,$44,$44,$44,$42,$3f,$39,$39,$31,$28,$29,$21 ; 7 dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$32,$22,$22,$20 ; 8 dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$33,$2a,$2b,$20 ; 9 dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$32,$28,$29,$21 ; a dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$33,$22,$22,$20 ; b dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$48,$4f,$4f,$4e,$32,$26,$27,$21 ; c dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$49,$4a,$50,$51,$34,$28,$29,$21 ; d dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$4b,$4c,$4e,$4b,$32,$22,$22,$20 ; e dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$4a,$4d,$4a,$4d,$35,$24,$24,$23 ; f screen_data: ; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 dcb $55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$dd,$dd,$55,$dd,$99,$d9,$d9,$99,$99,$99,$99,$99,$99,$99,$99,$9d,$d9,$99,$dd,$55,$dd,$dd,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55 ; $00 Forest, E/W Path dcb $55,$d9,$9d,$55,$55,$99,$9d,$55,$5d,$99,$9d,$d5,$5d,$99,$99,$d5,$5d,$9d,$99,$d5,$5d,$99,$99,$d5,$55,$d9,$99,$55,$55,$d9,$9d,$55 ; $01 Forest, N/S Path dcb $55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$dd,$dd,$55,$d9,$99,$99,$9d,$99,$d9,$99,$99,$99,$99,$99,$99,$d9,$99,$d9,$99,$5d,$99,$99,$d5,$55,$d9,$9d,$55 ; $02 Forest, E/W/S Path dcb $55,$d9,$9d,$55,$5d,$99,$99,$55,$99,$99,$99,$d5,$99,$9d,$99,$d5,$d9,$99,$99,$d5,$dd,$99,$99,$d5,$5d,$d9,$9d,$55,$55,$dd,$9d,$55 ; $03 Forest, N/S/W Path dcb $55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$dd,$dd,$55,$5d,$d9,$99,$dd,$5d,$99,$99,$99,$5d,$99,$d9,$99,$5d,$d9,$99,$d9,$55,$dd,$dd,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55 ; $04 Forest, Dead End E dcb $55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$d9,$dd,$55,$5d,$9d,$9d,$d5,$5d,$d9,$d9,$d5,$5d,$d9,$99,$d5,$5d,$9d,$d9,$d5,$55,$d9,$9d,$55,$55,$dd,$99,$55 ; $05 Forest, Dead End S dcb $55,$99,$9d,$55,$55,$99,$9d,$55,$5d,$d9,$99,$d5,$5d,$99,$d9,$d5,$5d,$d9,$99,$d5,$5d,$9d,$9d,$d5,$55,$dd,$dd,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55 ; $06 Forest, Dead End N dcb $55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$dd,$dd,$55,$dd,$9d,$9d,$d5,$d9,$99,$d9,$d5,$9d,$9d,$99,$d5,$d9,$d9,$9d,$d5,$5d,$dd,$dd,$d5,$55,$dd,$dd,$55 ; $07 Forest, Path W/S dcb $55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$dd,$dd,$d5,$5d,$d9,$99,$dd,$5d,$9d,$99,$99,$5d,$99,$99,$d9,$5d,$99,$d9,$99,$55,$d9,$99,$d5,$55,$d9,$9d,$55 ; $08 Forest, Path E/S dcb $55,$d9,$9d,$55,$5d,$d9,$99,$55,$dd,$99,$d9,$d5,$99,$9d,$99,$d5,$99,$99,$99,$d5,$dd,$99,$9d,$d5,$5d,$dd,$dd,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55 ; $09 Forest, Path N/W dcb $55,$d9,$9d,$55,$5d,$99,$99,$d5,$5d,$9d,$9d,$9d,$5d,$99,$99,$99,$5d,$d9,$99,$99,$5d,$dd,$99,$dd,$5d,$dd,$dd,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55 ; $0a Forest, Path N/E dcb $55,$d9,$dd,$55,$55,$9d,$d9,$d5,$5d,$dd,$dd,$d5,$55,$9d,$9d,$95,$55,$dd,$d9,$55,$55,$dd,$dd,$55,$5d,$d9,$dd,$55,$5d,$dd,$dd,$55 ; $0b Forest, River Transition 1 dcb $5d,$dd,$dd,$55,$5d,$dd,$d9,$d5,$5d,$dd,$d9,$dd,$5d,$9d,$d9,$99,$5d,$dd,$99,$ee,$55,$dd,$99,$ee,$55,$dd,$9e,$ee,$55,$5d,$9e,$e6 ; $0c Forest, River Transition 2 dcb $55,$5d,$9e,$e6,$55,$5d,$9e,$ee,$55,$5d,$9e,$ee,$55,$55,$d9,$ee,$55,$55,$d9,$99,$55,$55,$59,$9d,$55,$55,$55,$d5,$55,$55,$55,$55 ; $0d Forest, River Transition 3 dcb $66,$66,$66,$66,$e6,$6e,$e6,$6e,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$99,$99,$99,$99,$dd,$9d,$dd,$9d,$55,$d5,$55,$d5,$55,$55,$55,$55 ; $0e River, E/W Channel Bottom dcb $55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$d5,$d9,$dd,$dd,$dd,$99,$99,$99,$99,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$e6,$ee,$66,$ee,$66,$66,$66,$66 ; $0f River, E/W Channel Top dcb $66,$66,$66,$66,$e6,$6e,$e6,$6e,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$9e,$ee,$99,$e9,$de,$ff,$ff,$9d,$5f,$ff,$ff,$f5,$11,$ff,$ff,$11 ; $10 River, White Transition dcb $6e,$ee,$ed,$55,$ee,$ee,$ed,$d5,$ee,$ee,$e9,$d5,$ee,$ee,$99,$d5,$ee,$e9,$9d,$d5,$dd,$99,$dd,$55,$5d,$dd,$d5,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55 ; $11 River, N/W Channel dcb $ee,$ee,$ed,$55,$ee,$ee,$9d,$55,$ee,$e9,$9d,$55,$ee,$ee,$99,$d5,$ee,$ee,$99,$d5,$ee,$e9,$9d,$55,$ee,$ee,$9d,$55,$6e,$ee,$ed,$55 ; $12 River, N/S Channel Right dcb $55,$d9,$ee,$ee,$55,$99,$ee,$ee,$d9,$ee,$ee,$ee,$99,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$e6,$6e,$e6,$ee,$66,$66,$66,$66 ; $13 River, N/W Channel Join E dcb $55,$55,$55,$55,$5d,$dd,$d5,$55,$d9,$99,$9d,$d5,$e9,$99,$99,$d5,$ee,$ee,$99,$d5,$ee,$ee,$e9,$d5,$ee,$ee,$e9,$55,$ee,$ee,$ed,$55 ; $14 River, S/W Channel dcb $6e,$ee,$9d,$55,$ee,$ee,$99,$d5,$ee,$ee,$e9,$9d,$ee,$ee,$ee,$99,$99,$ee,$ee,$ee,$d9,$9e,$ee,$ee,$5d,$99,$ee,$ee,$55,$d9,$ee,$ee ; $15 River, SE/NW Gap dcb $55,$de,$ee,$e6,$55,$d9,$ee,$ee,$5d,$99,$ee,$ee,$5d,$99,$9e,$ee,$5d,$99,$99,$9e,$5d,$9d,$d9,$dd,$55,$d5,$5d,$d5,$55,$55,$55,$55 ; $16 River, N/E Channel dcb $55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$5d,$dd,$d5,$55,$dd,$dd,$dd,$5d,$dd,$99,$9e,$5d,$d9,$9e,$ee,$5d,$d9,$ee,$ee,$5d,$d9,$ee,$ee,$55,$de,$ee,$e6 ; $17 River, E/S dcb $55,$55,$55,$55,$5d,$dd,$dd,$dd,$dd,$dd,$99,$99,$99,$99,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$99,$ee,$ee,$e9,$dd,$6e,$ee,$9d,$55 ; $18 River, Gulch Transition West dcb $55,$55,$55,$55,$dd,$99,$dd,$dd,$99,$ee,$99,$99,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$99,$99,$9e,$e9,$dd,$dd,$d9,$9d,$55,$55,$55,$55 ; $19 River, Gulch dcb $55,$55,$55,$55,$dd,$dd,$dd,$55,$99,$99,$99,$dd,$ee,$ee,$99,$99,$ee,$ee,$e9,$9e,$99,$ee,$ee,$ee,$dd,$9e,$ee,$ee,$55,$d9,$ee,$ee ; $1a River, Gulch Transition East dcb $55,$d9,$ee,$e6,$55,$d9,$9e,$ee,$5d,$d9,$99,$ee,$5d,$99,$ee,$ee,$55,$9e,$ee,$ee,$55,$9e,$ee,$e6,$5d,$d9,$ee,$66,$55,$d9,$ee,$e6 ; $1b River, Confluance SW dcb $66,$66,$66,$66,$e6,$6e,$e6,$6e,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$99,$6e,$ee,$e9,$9d,$6e,$ee,$99,$d5,$6e,$e9,$99,$d5 ; $1c River, Confluance SE dcb $6e,$e9,$99,$d5,$ee,$97,$77,$dd,$ee,$97,$77,$d9,$ee,$e9,$99,$9e,$ee,$ee,$ee,$ee,$dd,$d9,$99,$99,$55,$5d,$dd,$dd,$55,$55,$55,$55 ; $1d River, Gluch Transition South by West dcb $55,$55,$56,$66,$dd,$d9,$66,$66,$99,$9e,$ee,$66,$ee,$ee,$e7,$e6,$ee,$ee,$77,$e8,$9e,$e7,$7e,$e8,$d9,$77,$77,$88,$57,$77,$78,$88 ; $1e River, Desert Transition dcb $88,$77,$77,$88,$87,$77,$78,$88,$77,$77,$78,$88,$77,$77,$77,$88,$77,$77,$78,$88,$77,$77,$88,$88,$77,$77,$78,$88,$77,$77,$77,$88 ; $1f Desert, Entrance dcb $77,$77,$77,$88,$77,$77,$78,$88,$77,$87,$88,$88,$77,$78,$88,$88,$77,$77,$88,$88,$77,$77,$88,$88,$78,$77,$78,$88,$77,$77,$77,$88 ; $20 Desert, East Wall 1 dcb $77,$77,$77,$88,$77,$77,$78,$88,$77,$77,$88,$88,$77,$77,$78,$88,$78,$77,$77,$88,$77,$77,$78,$88,$77,$77,$78,$88,$77,$77,$77,$88 ; $21 Desert, East Wall 2 dcb $77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77 ; $22 Desert, Center dcb $77,$77,$77,$88,$77,$87,$78,$88,$78,$77,$88,$88,$77,$77,$88,$88,$77,$78,$88,$88,$78,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88 ; $23 Desert, SE Wall dcb $77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$78,$77,$87,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$78,$77,$78,$87,$77,$77,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88 ; $24 Desert, South Wall dcb $88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$78,$88,$87,$87,$77,$88,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$78,$77,$77,$87,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77 ; $25 Desert, North Wall dcb $77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$78,$77,$77,$78,$88,$77,$77,$78,$88,$77,$77,$88,$88 ; $26 Desert, Rock Formation 1, NW dcb $77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$87,$77,$77,$77,$88,$77,$77,$77,$88,$87,$77,$77,$88,$87,$77,$77 ; $27 Desert, Rock Formation 1, NE dcb $77,$77,$88,$88,$77,$77,$78,$88,$77,$77,$77,$88,$77,$77,$77,$78,$77,$77,$77,$88,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77 ; $28 Desert, Rock Formation 1/2, SW dcb $88,$87,$77,$77,$88,$77,$77,$77,$88,$87,$77,$77,$88,$87,$77,$77,$87,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$77 ; $29 Desert, Rock Formation 1/2, SE dcb $77,$77,$77,$77,$78,$77,$77,$87,$78,$88,$78,$88,$77,$88,$88,$88,$77,$78,$87,$78,$77,$88,$77,$77,$77,$88,$87,$78,$77,$77,$88,$88 ; $2a Desert, Rock Formation 2, NW dcb $77,$77,$77,$77,$77,$78,$88,$87,$87,$88,$87,$77,$88,$88,$77,$87,$88,$87,$78,$87,$77,$77,$88,$87,$88,$88,$88,$77,$88,$87,$77,$77 ; $2b Desert, Rock Formation 2, NE dcb $18,$88,$88,$88,$18,$78,$88,$88,$17,$77,$88,$87,$11,$77,$78,$77,$ff,$17,$77,$77,$11,$77,$77,$87,$17,$78,$77,$77,$17,$77,$77,$77 ; $2c Desert, White Wall N/NE dcb $17,$77,$77,$77,$17,$71,$11,$77,$17,$11,$f1,$17,$11,$1f,$ff,$11,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$11,$1f,$ff,$11,$17,$1f,$ff,$17,$17,$1f,$ff,$17 ; $2d Desert, White Bastion 1, N dcb $17,$1f,$ff,$17,$17,$1f,$ff,$17,$11,$1f,$ff,$17,$ff,$ff,$ff,$17,$11,$1f,$ff,$17,$17,$11,$f1,$17,$17,$71,$11,$77,$17,$77,$77,$77 ; $2e Desert, White Bastion 1, S dcb $77,$77,$77,$77,$71,$11,$11,$11,$71,$ff,$ff,$ff,$11,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$11,$ff,$ff,$ff,$71,$11,$11,$11,$77,$77,$77,$77 ; $2f Desert, White Bastion 2, W dcb $77,$77,$77,$77,$11,$11,$11,$17,$ff,$ff,$ff,$17,$ff,$ff,$ff,$17,$ff,$ff,$ff,$17,$ff,$ff,$ff,$17,$11,$11,$11,$17,$77,$77,$77,$77 ; $30 Desert, White Bastion 2, E dcb $17,$77,$77,$77,$17,$77,$77,$77,$11,$77,$77,$77,$ff,$17,$77,$77,$11,$77,$77,$77,$17,$77,$77,$77,$17,$77,$77,$77,$17,$77,$77,$77 ; $31 Desert, White Wall S/SE dcb $b7,$77,$77,$77,$b7,$77,$77,$77,$b7,$77,$77,$77,$b7,$77,$77,$77,$b7,$77,$77,$77,$b7,$77,$77,$77,$b7,$77,$77,$77,$b7,$77,$77,$77 ; $32 Desert, Black Wall dcb $b7,$77,$77,$77,$b7,$77,$77,$77,$bb,$bb,$bb,$77,$ff,$ff,$fb,$77,$fb,$bb,$fb,$77,$ff,$ff,$fb,$77,$bb,$bb,$bb,$77,$b7,$77,$77,$77 ; $33 Desert, Black Bastion dcb $b7,$77,$77,$77,$bb,$bb,$f7,$77,$bb,$bb,$ff,$77,$fb,$ff,$ff,$77,$bb,$bb,$ff,$77,$bb,$bb,$f7,$77,$b7,$77,$77,$77,$b7,$77,$77,$77 ; $34 Desert, Black Gate dcb $b7,$77,$77,$77,$b8,$78,$77,$77,$b8,$77,$87,$77,$b8,$87,$88,$77,$b8,$88,$77,$77,$b8,$88,$88,$77,$b8,$88,$88,$88,$b8,$88,$88,$88 ; $35 Desert, Black Wall SW dcb $11,$ff,$ff,$11,$1d,$ff,$ff,$d1,$1d,$df,$fd,$d1,$1d,$df,$fd,$d1,$1d,$ff,$ff,$d1,$11,$1f,$f1,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$1f,$f1,$11 ; $36 White, Gate dcb $11,$1f,$f1,$11,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$11,$11,$11,$11 ; $37 White, W/E w/ N Door dcb $11,$11,$11,$11,$1f,$ff,$ff,$f1,$1f,$ff,$ff,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$11,$11 ; $38 White, S Snail dcb $1f,$f1,$11,$11,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$ff,$f1,$1f,$ff,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$ff,$ff,$f1,$1f,$ff,$ff,$f1,$11,$11,$11,$11 ; $39 White, N Snail w/ E/W Doors dcb $11,$11,$11,$11,$1f,$ff,$ff,$f1,$1f,$ff,$ff,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$ff,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$11,$11 ; $3a White, S Snail w/ E Door dcb $1f,$f1,$11,$11,$ff,$f1,$1f,$f1,$ff,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$ff,$ff,$f1,$1f,$f1,$ff,$f1,$1f,$f1,$11,$11,$1f,$f1 ; $3b White, 11x5 dcb $11,$11,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$ff,$ff,$f1,$1f,$ff,$ff,$ff,$1f,$ff,$ff,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$11,$11 ; $3c White, 11x6 dcb $11,$11,$11,$11,$ff,$ff,$ff,$f1,$ff,$ff,$ff,$f1,$11,$11,$1f,$f1,$11,$11,$1f,$f1,$ff,$f1,$1f,$f1,$ff,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$1f,$f1 ; $3d White, Dual W/S Hall dcb $1f,$f1,$1f,$f1,$ff,$f1,$1f,$ff,$ff,$f1,$1f,$ff,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$11,$11,$11,$11 ; $3e White, W/E, Dual N Hall dcb $1f,$f1,$11,$11,$ff,$f1,$1f,$f1,$ff,$f1,$1f,$f1,$11,$11,$1f,$ff,$11,$11,$1f,$f1,$ff,$ff,$ff,$f1,$ff,$ff,$ff,$f1,$11,$11,$11,$11 ; $3f White, Dual W, N w/ E Door dcb $11,$11,$11,$11,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$11,$1f,$f1,$11,$11,$1f,$f1,$11,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$11,$1f,$f1,$11 ; $40 White, Dual W/E, S Hall dcb $11,$11,$11,$11,$ff,$ff,$ff,$f1,$ff,$ff,$ff,$f1,$11,$11,$1f,$f1,$11,$11,$1f,$f1,$ff,$ff,$ff,$f1,$ff,$ff,$ff,$f1,$11,$1f,$f1,$11 ; $41 White, Daul W, S Hall dcb $11,$1f,$f1,$11,$1f,$ff,$ff,$ff,$1f,$ff,$ff,$ff,$1f,$f1,$11,$11,$1f,$f1,$11,$11,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$11,$11,$11,$11 ; $42 White, W, Dual E, N Hall dcb $11,$11,$11,$11,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$11,$11,$11,$11 ; $43 White, Dual E/W Hall dcb $11,$11,$11,$11,$1f,$ff,$ff,$f1,$1f,$ff,$ff,$f1,$1f,$ff,$ff,$f1,$1f,$ff,$ff,$f1,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$11,$11,$11,$11 ; $44 White, Cell dcb $11,$11,$11,$11,$1f,$ff,$ff,$ff,$1f,$ff,$ff,$ff,$1f,$ff,$11,$11,$1f,$ff,$11,$11,$1f,$ff,$11,$ff,$1f,$ff,$11,$ff,$11,$11,$11,$11 ; $45 White, E Snail dcb $11,$11,$11,$11,$1f,$ff,$ff,$ff,$1f,$ff,$ff,$ff,$1f,$f1,$11,$11,$1f,$f1,$11,$11,$1f,$f1,$1f,$ff,$1f,$f1,$1f,$ff,$1f,$f1,$11,$11 ; $46 White, E/S Hall dcb $1f,$f1,$11,$11,$1f,$ff,$ff,$f1,$1f,$ff,$ff,$f1,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$1f,$ff,$ff,$ff,$1f,$ff,$ff,$ff,$11,$11,$11,$11 ; $47 White, Cell End dcb $bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$ff,$ff,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb ; $48 Black, E dcb $bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb ; $49 Black, S dcb $bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$ff,$ff,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb ; $4a Black, N/E dcb $bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb ; $4b Black, N/S dcb $bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$ff,$ff,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb ; $4c Black, S/E dcb $bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$ff,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb ; $4d Black, N/W dcb $bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$ff,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb ; $4e Black, S/W dcb $bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb ; $4f Black, S/E/W dcb $bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb ; $50 Black, N/E/W dcb $bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$bb,$ff,$fb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bf,$bb,$bb ; $51 Black, N/E/S/W sprite_data: dcb $01,$cc,$11,$cc,$01,$cc,$01,$10 ; $00 Player Down dcb $00,$1c,$01,$1c,$01,$1c,$00,$10 ; $01 Player Right dcb $c1,$00,$c1,$10,$c1,$10,$01,$00 ; $02 Player Left dcb $01,$1c,$11,$11,$01,$1c,$01,$10 ; $03 Player Up dcb $00,$b0,$ee,$e0,$00,$0b,$0e,$ee ; $04 Flippers dcb $01,$10,$11,$00,$01,$10,$01,$00 ; $05 White Key dcb $0b,$0b,$bb,$bb,$00,$b0,$00,$00 ; $06 Black Key dcb $e0,$0e,$70,$07,$77,$77,$77,$77 ; $07 Crown dcb $00,$20,$22,$20,$02,$22,$02,$00 ; $08 Death Star dcb $0c,$c0,$22,$22,$c2,$2c,$02,$20 ; $09 Evil Guy ; Tile flags meanings ; 0 Walkable tile_flags: dcb $00 ; 0 Void, darkness, nothingness dcb $00 ; 1 White Castle wall dcb $00 ; 2 ??? dcb $00 ; 3 ??? dcb $00 ; 4 ??? dcb $00 ; 5 Tress, forest dcb $00 ; 6 Deep water dcb $01 ; 7 Desert sand dcb $00 ; 8 Desert rocks dcb $01 ; 9 Dirt, road dcb $00 ; a ??? dcb $00 ; b Black Castle Wall dcb $00 ; c ??? dcb $01 ; d Grass dcb $00 ; e Shallow water dcb $01 ; f Castle Floor ; Spawn points. ; 16 spawn points per area ; 2 bytes per spawn point ; First byte is X position, second is Y position ; Hi-nibble of byte is map position, Lo is Screen position spawn_points: dcb $13,$13,$02,$13,$12,$35,$35,$15,$33,$23,$21,$12,$21,$36,$32,$32,$41,$31,$43,$24,$43,$11,$54,$25,$72,$03,$73,$16,$75,$25,$76,$36 ; Forest dcb $b5,$35,$b5,$24,$b3,$13,$92,$15,$82,$15,$84,$04,$91,$02,$f4,$02,$f3,$15,$f2,$25,$d4,$26,$c6,$13,$c5,$22,$c3,$33,$d7,$32,$e4,$35 ; River dcb $d2,$63,$d5,$85,$e4,$81,$e3,$97,$d5,$95,$e2,$a1,$d6,$a3,$c1,$91,$c6,$b4,$d2,$b2,$e5,$b4,$f3,$b2,$e3,$e3,$d1,$e5,$c3,$f3,$f2,$f2 ; Desert dcb $c1,$44,$c4,$52,$c3,$53,$c5,$53,$c4,$56,$c4,$61,$c4,$65,$c3,$64,$c5,$64,$d3,$53,$d5,$53,$d7,$53,$e0,$53,$e2,$53,$e4,$53,$c1,$73 ; White Bastions dcb $b6,$41,$b5,$51,$a6,$66,$a5,$71,$95,$71,$96,$66,$71,$71,$66,$71,$51,$71,$41,$75,$46,$72,$45,$66,$46,$54,$42,$55,$46,$46,$42,$45 ; White Castle ; Item patch data ; First byte is the table to patch, which indexes the item_patch_table_lo ; and item_patch_table_hi arrays. ; The tables are: ; 0 screen_data ; 1 sprite_data ; 2 tile_flags ; 3 object_flags ; Due to the lack of support for the dcb statement, we populate ; these pointers at startup time. ; The second and third bytes are the offest from the begining of the ; table to patch. ; The fourth byte is the value to insert. ; Each item has 8 patches thay may occur. ; A table index of $ff indicates that this patch is not valid. item_patch_data: ; Flippers dcb $02,$0e,$00,$01 ; Make shallow water walkable dcb $01,$06,$00,$0e ; Sprite, Down, Left Foot dcb $01,$07,$00,$e0 ; Sprite, Down, Right Foot dcb $01,$0f,$00,$e0 ; Sprite, Right, Foot dcb $01,$16,$00,$0e ; Sprite, Left, Foot dcb $01,$1e,$00,$0e ; Sprite, Up, Left Foot dcb $01,$1f,$00,$e0 ; Sprite, Up, Right Foot dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill ; White Key dcb $00,$d9,$06,$1f ; White castle gate 1 dcb $00,$da,$06,$f1 ; White castle gate 2 dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill ; Black Key dcb $00,$8c,$06,$ff ; Black castle gate 1 dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill ; Crown dcb $01,$00,$00,$08 ; Sprite, Down, Head dcb $01,$09,$00,$8c ; Sprite, Right, Head dcb $01,$10,$00,$c8 ; Sprite, Left, Head dcb $01,$18,$00,$08 ; Sprite, Up, Head (Left) dcb $01,$19,$00,$8c ; Sprite, Up, Head (Right) dcb $03,$00,$00,$ff ; Crown object flag dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill ; Death Star dcb $01,$02,$00,$21 ; Sprite, Down, Hand dcb $01,$0b,$00,$2c ; Sprite, Right, Hand dcb $01,$1a,$00,$21 ; Sprite, Up, Hand dcb $03,$01,$00,$ff ; Death Star object flag dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill dcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff ; Fill item_patch_table_lo: dcb $00,$00,$00,$00 item_patch_table_hi: dcb $00,$00,$00,$00
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 17:45:28 +0000

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