“...and because of the Midianites the children of Israel made - TopicsExpress


“...and because of the Midianites the children of Israel made them the dens which are in the mountains, and caves, and strong holds.”-(Judges 6: 2)That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional today.Whilst the attacks from the Midianites persisted, the Israelites hid in the mountains and caves. Mountain climbing is a difficult task; hiding in caves is a risk that requires a lot of courage. So, the Israelites did difficult things in their moment of adversity; they manifested great strength and courage in their moment of adversity.Isn’t true that sometimes, we allow our moments of pressure and adversity to weaken us or break us into pieces? Sometimes, we allow disappointments to depress us and drain us of positive energy; sometimes, unlike the Israelites, we sit back and allow negative experiences to defeat us or impact negatively on us.Friend, instead of being weakened by adversity, allow it to strengthen you; instead of allowing negative experiences to depress you, allow them to build your faith in God; let the things you go through push you to strengthen your prayer life; let the challenges and disappointments on your path teach you to trust God more; let the wickedness of men against you make you stronger and more determined to succeed.When men mock you, let their mockery fuel your resilience and confidence; when men put you under pressure, let their pressure improve you; let the issues that should break you, make you a better person. Every challenge you face adds to your experience in life if you act positively and learn the lessons.There are people who need the lessons you are learning from your dark moments in life; the lessons of your dark moments will surely be needed when you step out of obscurity and step into visibility.Pray With Me: Lord, my experiences will make me better; adversity will not reduce me, in Jesus’ name!Follow on Twitter @jerrystreams.Have A Blessed Tuesday.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 10:00:33 +0000

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