:) :) ....and one more :) I was so happy that millions of - TopicsExpress


:) :) ....and one more :) I was so happy that millions of people got the opportunity to know this incredible man...... Norman Michael Murburg Jr I am so happy for Mike concerning his health and the weight loss ....but....the real journey and breakthrough for him in my eyes was the ability to trust and love himself and others again ..... You see I have known Mike for well over 30 years and remember when he became a father as it seemed to complete and define him as a man .... Mike started his law career as a Prosecutor for the Sixth Judicial Circuit in Pasco and Pinellas Counties in Florida. After 4 years he went into private practice and became one of the one of the top litigators in our area. In private practice Mike has always defended those that have lost the ability to defend themselves...his clients ...the disabled and our Veterans.... before his son Ehren even thought of joining the service. Mike used to take on cases pro bono (for free) for some Veterans as he felt they deserved the benefits they had earned ...now that they could no longer serve due to duty related injuries..... As we fast forward to the death of Erhen ..... even though Mike had put on some weight with middle age etc. he was still relatively healthy and active at this point in his life......At Erhens passing Mike was devastated as any parent would be and became withdrawn ....as the weeks turned to months Mike waited for the official notification from the military of the cause of death of Erhen. When it arrived the autopsy report stated the cause of death was due to a snake bite from a poisonous snake. Well Mike didnt believe the cause of death to be accurate because as he raised his son and daughter they frequently went camping and hunting in the wilderness and were taught the respect and dangers of wildlife.... Mike knew that the official cause was a lie and that he was being betrayed and that caused him to slip farther into depression..... not only was he trying to grieve the loss of a son ...with his daughter ..... he was also being betrayed the truth of the circumstances of his death When the answers that he kept getting from the Army dint add up ...Mike was forced (as an attorney) to subpoena the autopsy records and file from the Army ...and left to his own accord to try and find the truth..... this really took a toll on Mike ....but with the assistance and support of our wonderful Congressman Bill Young and his wife Beverly who were both long time supporters and advocates of Veterans issues ... and the help of our local medical examiner ...Mike was able to conclude that his son died of dehydration and not a snakebite...... Once this happened the top Army officers from the Pentagon flew to Mikes house and apologized for the way they had botched the investigation into Erhens death ...This was reported on the 6 oclock news that day .....and here is the clip...... You can see how broken Mike was at this point in the clip ...... . So everyone knows the rest of the story as told on the show.....Well I do photography and Mike finally decided to fulfill his promise to Erhen this year and called me one day and asked me if I would bring my gear and take some video to submit to the show.... and we did and Mike was selected..... . The calluses that were smothering his heart are disappearing and even though the pain of losing his son will never go away .... i think he is finally able to grieve his death ... on his terms...... Oh and the poem is sooooooo Mike it is who he is ;;; really in life ....no BS ....what you see is what you get .....that is why we love him so much...... Thank you Bob and TBL ...for taking a broken and beat down man .....fixing him up .....and giving us back OUR Mike ......we are eternally indebted and grateful .....bless you all ........ :) . The 6 oclock news link is right here . . .
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 10:20:18 +0000

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