(...cntd) The Alpha Omega Key of King Solomon King Solomon - TopicsExpress


(...cntd) The Alpha Omega Key of King Solomon King Solomon also understood the great importance of the 4 cardinal directions, as well as their four intersecting corners guarded by the various hierarchies of live conscious entities and beings, who are subservient to the most high god, and this divine knowledge became the basis of temple to be constructed by King Solomon upon the holy rock in Jerusalem. When the angel of god “Hismael” appeared before the most righteous King Solomon, he was given the divine wisdom having the attributes for understanding the hidden secrets of the universe, including the magical seal of the most high god known as the “Alpha Omega Key”, upon which is based the entire evolution of this planet earth. This magical seal upon the instructions of most high was earlier revealed to the 4 kumaras at “Gir e Kumar” [The Garden of Eden], who thus established it upon planet earth. The kumar’s through divine revelation were made aware of this important fact that the third conscious outpouring of the great lord god known as the “Conscious aspect of Intellectual Activity”, whom the Kumar’s called as the creative aspect of their most high creator father “Brahma”, the role played in our solar system by the “Saturn Scheme Creator Logos”[Shani Prajapati also known as “El or Shaddai”], whose objective body manifested in our solar system wearing a ring crown among all other planets of our solar system, which later became a symbols of royalty upon this planet earth, as all kings since antiquity wore crowns upon their heads as a symbol of royalty. They were also made aware of this cosmic fact that through this “Alpha Omega magical seal” defined the role of all planetary entities and beings having all the angelic hierarchies, including the various important conscious hierarchies known as the planetary spirits upon this planet earth. The kumar’s termed this magical seal of the nine cubes as “Bhupura” which in Sanskrit means “the Physical plane house of Earth” [“Bhu” means physical plane of planet earth, and Pura means House]. In occult sciences they called it in Sanskrit the house of the “Panchadasanka” or the “House of 15 numbers”, as the totality of all numbers when counted vertically, horizontally or diagonally amounted to the number 15. Keeping in line with the third consciousness outpouring of god for the intellectual activity upon the physical plane, each of the 4 directions of this “Alpha Omega Magical seal” existing in the form of a magical energy square depicted their three divisions, and due to their such intersections, they thus formed the nine perfect cubes, depicting the number “9” which thus became the basis of all magic upon this planet earth. This number 9 in a codified way also depicts the most high number 10, which is the number of the creator solar Logos himself which when numerically reduced becomes 1 + 0 =1 or [Aleph or Alpha], in whose objectively manifested body existing in the cosmic ethereal space is known as our “Solar system”. It was also revealed to the great King Solomon that our solar System has 10 major energy organs or the 10 energy distribution systems known as 10 energy spheres known as the 10 “Sephirot’s” in Hebrew occult sciences known as Kabbalah [The word Kabbalah technically means the secret science of Kabba or Cube geometrically depicted as a square in its two dimensions], which are the manifested bodies of the cosmic entities who are known as planetary scheme creator logos or in Sanskrit as the “Das Prajapatis’, who are also the governing collective consciousness of these 10 spheres or energy distribution centers. Occultly they are known in Hebrew as the “Sefer Yetzirah” meaning the Ten sephirots or spheres of nothingness”. Through these 10 energy distribution centers or the source of radiating emanations having the 10 differentiated energy attributes of which the first three are the final synthesizer spheres of the rest 7 spheres of evolution in our solar system, through which the “Ein Sof” or the reflected consciousness of the most high, whose reflected consciousness exists as our Creator Solar logos in the cosmic physical plane, thus existing as the “cosmic physical energy point” [para bindu] in the cosmic ethereal fabric of the cosmic physical plane thus reveals himself, and continuously creates both the seen physical realm and the chain of unseen or invisible higher metaphysical realms known in Hebrew as the “Seder Hishtalshelus/Hishtalshelut” , meaning the Order of Development through Evolution”. The higher occult science secrets which were revealed to the great Hebrew King Solomon through the angel “Hisamael” of the most high lord, gave him all those possibilities, through which the great king Solomon was easily able to discern all types of languages which prevailed upon this planet earth, it was thus revealed to the great king Solomon this great universal secret, that the number “9” related to the 10 planetary scheme creator logos known in Sanskrit as “Prajapati’s”, and it was a true fact that only 9 planetary creator scheme logos known as the Prajapatis or the fathers of all manifestation evolving upon this planet earth existed , as they in reality are only nine, as the Saturn Scheme creator logos [Shani or El] plays a father/mother double role. The Saturn Scheme creator logos thus exists in the Kabbalistic tree of life as a part of the 3 higher spheres of conscious existence, as well as the first sphere of the rest of the 7 spheres groups [sephirot’s]. The great king Solomon understood the great importance of this “Alpha Omega” Key, as it also represented the two cosmic energy crosses of the heavens, known as the celestial mutable cross representing the 4 zodiacal constellations of Gemini [North], Virgo [East], Sagittarius [South] and Pisces [West] represented by the 4 cardinal directions known as “Tsafon” [North], Negev [ South], Kedem [East] and Yam [West] and the celestial fixed cross which was formed by the four angular corners known as North East [Tsafon Kedem], South West [Negev Yam], North West [Tsafon Yam] and the South East [ Negav Kedem] which represented the four zodiacal constellations of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius, which for proper celestial energy movements is depicted as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. The center of this Magical Alpha Omega key where all the 10 directions including the vertical up and down intersected, was represented by the mathematical number “5” or a pentacle which for involutionary or material plane purposes was depicted as an inverted or downward pentagram and for the higher spiritual evolutionary purposes was represented by a upward pentacle. This Alpha Omega Magical seal also revealed to the great king Solomon, that the energy square/cube of the north direction [Tsafon] was represented by mathematical number “3”, which in a codified way depicted the start or the “Alpha Point” upon this planet earth, and which occultly represented the third conscious outpouring of the most high, as the vital conscious energy flow having the attributes of intellectual activity, which thus flowed toward the physical plane in the form of magnetic energy of attraction, which was required for the elemental angelic essence of air, water and dense minerals to aggregate together, for the creation of dense material form, which was then animated with the evolving personality consciousness of the mind known as the “soul” which existed in the mental plane in the center of an lotus flower shaped energy formation composed of cosmic gaseous matter. The vital universal energy consciousness flows through the cosmic ethereal fabric in which our own planet earth also exist, in a counter clockwise direction which is also the motion direction of opening and attaining wisdom for the required consciousness expansion in the infinite universe. And through following this universal motion, the great King Solomon thus understood the value of the basic universal numbers, which were revealed to him in this most important magical key of the entire infinite universe. The great King Solomon thus consciously moving along the “Alpha Omega” magical key in the counter clock direction further discovered that the North West corner [Tsafon Yam], which is known as the “Vayu Kona” meaning the “corner of air entities” in Sanskrit is under the joint domain of “feminine hermaphrodite angelic energies” commonly known as various hierarchical groups of “angelic fairies”, as well as the myriad of Ghostly hierarchies which was represented by the mathematical number “4”. The West direction [Yam], which was represented in the “Alpha Omega Key by the mathematical “9”, the great King Solomon found out that it was predominantly the domain of various “Ghost hierarchies”, who technically ruled this direction of planet earth. The Jewish festival of “Yom Kippur” known as the day of atonement is related to the directional sides of Yam [West] , Tsafon Yam [North West], and Negev Yam [South West], as it is the tenth day of the month of Tishrei, which is regarded as the “Sabbath of Sabbaths” or the day of the verdict of the most high [god]. The evening and day of Yom Kippur are set aside for public and private petitions and confessions of guilt known as “Vidui”, hoping to be forgiven by most high the compassionate God. The great King Solomon thus consciously travelling through his mind in counter clockwise direction upon the “Alpha Omega” magical seal through visualization, which he attained through the blessing of the most high god, further unlocked the hidden secrets of nature, as he discovered that: The South West corner [Negev Yam] of the “Alpha Omega” magical Key also known in Sanskrit language as the “Nairutiya Kona” was represented by the mathematical number “2”, which was under the joint control of the ghosts as well as the form giving forefathers known as the “Pitris”. The South direction [Negev] of the Alpha Omega” magical key was represented by the mathematical number “7” which was predominately under the sole control of the form giving “forefathers” who are known as the “Pitris”. This is the direction for all the departing “personality souls” which leave the physical domain of the planet earth, after the death of their physical bodies. The South East corner [Negev Kedem] of the “Alpha Omega” magical key also known in Sanskrit as the “Agni Kona” meaning the “Corner of the Fire Entities” was represented by the mathematical number “6”, which is the important number depicting the duality through the intertwined male and female upward and downward triangles thus composing the 6 pointed Star of his father “King David” also known in the occult sciences as the bright morning and evening star of the heavens which happens to be the planet “Venus” known in Sanskrit as “Shukra”. This direction of planet earth was under the joint control of both the “forefather’s” [Pitris] and the masculine hermaphrodite devas [angelic beings] who are known as the Positive “Devas” and negative “Danvas”. The East direction [Kedem] of the Alpha Omega” magical Key, was represented by the first mathematical number “1” [Aleph]. The East [Kedem] is the direction for receiving the solar ray energies of the Solar Sun upon this planet earth. This direction of planet earth is under the sole control of the masculine hermaphrodite devas [angelic beings] who are known as the Positive “Devas” and negative “Danvas”. The North East corner [Tsafon Kedem] of the “Alpha Omega Magical Key” also known in Sanskrit as the “Ishana Kona” meaning the “Corner of the most high – God”, was represented by the mathematical number “8”, which is also the number of infinity. The throne of god is in this direction which is continuously worshipped by the seven planetary spirits representing the consciousness of the seven planetary scheme creator logos. King Solomon thus with the grace of god found out that in this “Alpha Omega Magical Key”, the number “8” depicted the “Omega Point”. It is the number “8” where the old spiral of outpouring consciousness of god ended and the new spiral of the outpouring consciousness of the most high god started. When the mathematical number 8 of the “Omega Point” was joined with the number “7” representing the seven spirits before the throne, it gave the “Panchadasanka” number 15 [8 + 7 = 15], which when further mathematically reduced became 1 + 5 = 6, which also symbolically represented the “Six pointed star of David”. Thus finding this great secret wisdom of the universe, the great king Solomon proceeded to build the great temple of the most high in Jerusalem, in which the square shaped Sanctum Santorum was based upon this “Alpha Omega” Magical Key. The Arc of the covenant was centrally located corresponding to the square holding the number 5 corresponding to the Hebrew letter “He”, while the tabernacle of the most high was established in the “North East” corner [Tsafon Kedem]. This was the same corner stone of the temple, to which later Jesus Christ referred to in the Holy Bible. This direction of planet earth was under the joint control of both the “Feminine hermaphrodite angelic beings” and the masculine hermaphrodite devas [angelic beings] who are known as the Positive “Devas” and negative “Danvas”. And both of these kinds were symbolically represented as the “Cherubs” upon the arc of the covenant. The Great King Solomon thus by the blessings of the most high was able to discern the hidden secrets of nature whom he termed as the celestial and terrestrial sciences as well as the angelic powers which governed it, and he was able to see the most important “Alpha Omega Magical Key” in all the past present and future languages in its full glory, as he got the true wisdom hidden in these secrets, about which he shared the knowledge of his such accomplishments to his trusted son “Roboam” much later in his life. King Solomon experimented with this “Alpha Omega” magical key for a long period of time after which he found out that the Northeast direction [Tsafon Kedem] of the most high, and served by the both Female and Male acting hermaphrodite angelic hierarchies, in a codified way also represented the “mountains” of this planet earth, and its polar opposite Southwest direction [Negev Yam] represented the “Seas” of this world jointly governed by the forefathers [Pitris] and the ghosts. [Bhuta, Preta, Pischas etc.] So from looking at the past, present and future of this world through this secret hidden knowledge provided to him by the “Alpha Omega Magical Key, the great king Solomon became aware of this fact that most of the evolving humanity which lived on the mountains were going to be more spiritual in prosperity than the ones living around the seas, who would be more materially prosper and their glamorous cities will be renowned for their worldly riches acquired through trading and material sciences. King Solomon also received the supernatural gift of understanding the subtle vibrations of the mineral kingdom as well as their systematic evolution, which helped him to experiment with the alchemy. He was also able to decipher the feelings and emotions of the planet kingdom as well as the language of creatures of the animal kingdom. Following the secrets hidden in the “Alpha Omega” magical key, he came to various conclusions about the state of being ‘Holy’, as he found out that such a state of being pure and holy in any evolving kingdom of planet earth was only attainable, when all its differentiated parts were helpful to each other and were thus consistent in such relationships of love and attraction, which were based upon the universal law of “Will to do Good”, so the first and highest universal principle for something to become and exist as holy was to help each other through cooperation, as all evolving kingdoms of planet earth for their conscious existence depended upon each other. By deep observations he also found out that separation in various kingdoms through unjustified competition which causes unjustified war between evolving elements of the society, which reciprocally destroys each other power to sustain itself in the nature, and thus is an unholy act which brings forth death and direction. By paying close attention to the mineral kingdom King Solomon found out that the mineral crystals belonging to the first evolutionary kingdom of planet earth also possessed the ability to grow as well as the power to reproduce, which they achieved through divisions, budding through chemical affinities as well as through endogenesis in which the new crystals formed themselves and came out of the mother crystals, through unnoticed circular motion, which is an evolutionary attribute of the 3rd cosmic aspect defined as intellectual activity. King Solomon carefully listened to the emotions of the plants and trees which permeated through them as stronger and more prominent desires than the preceding mineral kingdom, as they depicted the ensouling vital life force granted by the most high working itself in the plant kingdom, and thus moving upon the higher path of evolution. He also noticed that the plants and trees were composed of tiny living cell organisms, who had their own likes and dislikes related to their evolutionary desires, and in their own organized bodies like any other society they had differentiations, but all worked together for the good of the whole. The plant and tree leaves performed the function of accumulators of carbon as the source of their energy and released what was not needed [oxygen], and thus stored the food materials in the tubers and stems, while the flowers on the other hand used this stored energy in the interest of the whole body, for its continuation of life cycles through new generations. By listening to the members of the animal kingdom and observing their behavior, King Solomon found out that by continuation of evolution upon planet earth by passing through the preceding kingdoms, their desires became much more defined and stronger than the previous plant kingdom, and they thus depicted strong emotions and feelings related to their life existence upon planet earth. He also noticed that the domesticated animals being in the company of human beings developed their astral bodies to a much greater extant, which persisted even after their death for many days and months depending upon their mental development, and thus he also came to know about the animal ghosts, which could be controlled through the art of magic. As he was also the great king famous for his fair justice, King Solomon also paid great attention to the desire mind of his subjects, the evolving human beings. He observed that most humans were having animalistic nature having strong desires related to the material world along with some mental development as most of them unconsciously utilized their astral bodies during their sleep [dream zone], but after their physical death they were more conscious of it by passing their astral life for many earth years, some times for many hundred years. Thus he came to know of the variety of ghosts, especially the mighty “Jinns”, who all became subservient to him. He became fully aware of the angelic hierarchies who are having a parallel evolution to the human beings as well as the planetary spirits, whom he can summon at will to perform any task which was righteous and just in the eyes of the most high.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 07:24:23 +0000

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