(comment from) David Olds · Top Commenter · Retired at - TopicsExpress


(comment from) David Olds · Top Commenter · Retired at Retired Anyone trying to check black violence is bad mouthed. Black crime is the problem, not bad cops. from : (Comment reply) Kevin Brookshire 16 min ago David Olds So let me see if I understand you, then! Not Bad cops? Are their any bad cops? In your educated opinion. Lets see about the white color violence, :brown color, yellow color and all the other colors of the rainbow too! Victims of white collar crime violence are everybody. And they dont physically hurt or kill you most of the time, but they do in another sense! I think almost everyone has been a victim of: fraud, bribery, Ponzi schemes, insider trading, embezzlement, cybercrime, copyright infringement, money laundering, identity theft, and forgery. Too name a few anyway. Are there bad apples in the African American ranks? More than likely, yes. Just like there are in every group of people. Does the black citizen deserve the right to accuse others, namely public officials that they are being treated unfairly or singled out? YES!! Do you know that a white person is more likely to commit a mass murder situation than a black person? Or that they (white) are primarily serial killers as well? In the issue of Ferguson, this has been what a lot of citizens there maintain about the Police. And the number of citations, hearings, etc compared to the other ethnic groups speaks for itself! Go do some research!! And Mr McCullochs unwillingness to file charges of perjury against Juror #40 and his admittance to he was aware of some of this as well now helps give a piece of evidence to the greater public about some of the public officials and their lack of continuity in following their job duties. .. Nationwide, black people are arrested at higher rates . African-Americans are still the most frequent targets of hate crimes in America, black students are suspended or expelled ...The standard assumption that criminals are black and blacks are criminals is so prevalent that in one study, 60 percent of viewers who viewed a crime story with no picture of the perpetrator falsely recalled seeing one, and of those, 70 percent believed he was African American. When we think about crime, we “see black,” even when it’s not present at all. “Whites commit crimes but blacks are criminals.” While whites can and do commit a great deal of minor and major crimes, the race as a whole is never tainted by those acts. But when blacks violate the law, all members of the race are considered suspect; corrosive racial stereotype in America: the black-as-criminal mindset. Historian David Levering summarizes... Well into the twentieth century lynchings of blacks in the southern United States were not only common but were social events where white families would bring the children and a picnic lunch, and take pictures of the hanging, to be made into commemorative postcards. On average, an African American man, woman, or child was hanged, generally by a white mob, once a week, every week between 1882 and 1930, as police actively participated or stood by and condoned the murders. Lynchings continued until the 1950s, as thousands of black Americans were hanged for offenses like “disputing with a white man.” (A much smaller number of whites were lynched as well, often for taking the side of a black person.) Remember Trayvon was black, therefore Trayvon was a criminal. Similar logic is used daily in the assumptions police and citizens make about African Americans, especially young males. I once broke down at night in the worst part of St Lois. My wife and I didnt know that at the time though. You know what happened? NOTHING!!! I nice black man help get us a taxi and gave us his word that our car would be safe there overnight. No one will bother it. At no time was a feeling of threat or fear present in our minds. We had been informed later about the area being really bad . So, What you really should look at is the who you know, more than the what or who you have been conditioned to think they are!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:50:09 +0000

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