(continued from....2....) All temples were destroyed . A huge - TopicsExpress


(continued from....2....) All temples were destroyed . A huge tax was imposed on Hindus . If a Hindu was caught in a Muslim dress to escape capture, he would be tortured most severely. His policy towards Hindus was -- convert or die. As has happened time and again in Indian History it was a Sufi saint Sayyid Mir Ali Hamdani , along with 700 Sayyids, his followers , who came to Kashmir in 1393 and drove a wide and deep wedge between the majority Hindus and minority Muslims. And as usual these Sufi saints do propaganda that they were told to do all this by Allah himself at Mecca. The Muslim king Sultan Qutubudin was under his spell and he ordered him to impose the following sanctions on non-Muslims,as per Allah’s will : The Hindus will not construct any new temples under the rule of Muslims. They will not repair old temples fallen into ruins. They will respect Muslims. They will not dress like Muslims. They will not ride a horse with saddle and bridle. They will not put on a ring on their fingers. They will not carry swords or bows and arrows. They will not adopt Muslim names. They will not harbour spies or act as spies. If any relation of theirs wants to embrace Islam, they will not oppose it. If a Muslim comes to attend a Hindu meeting he will be respectfully received. They will receive Muslim travelers into their houses & provide them hospitality. They will not prevent Muslim travelers from staying in their temples & shrines. They will not mourn their dead loudly. They will not buy Muslim slaves. They will not build houses in neighbourhood of Muslims. They will not sell intoxicating drinks. They will not carry their dead near the grave-yards of Muslims. They will not openly practice their customs and usages among Muslims. They will not give up their traditional dress so that they can be distinguished from Muslims. But it was this Sufi saint Sayyid Mir Ali Hamadanis son Mir Mohammed Hamdani , who worked with the cruel Sikandar Butshikan, to enforce these fiats and more to make life traumatic for the Kashmiri Pandits. His heart filled with bigotry and hate, Sayyid Mir Ali Hamdani son, openly preached extermination of Hindu religion from the soil of the Kashmir so that Islam may flourish and get unshakably entrenched in their place, as per Allah’s decree. Their sacred Hindu books were thrown into the Dal Lake by Sikandar Butshikan . The Pandits numbering over one lakh ( 100 000 ) were drowned in the Dal Lake by holding their heads underwater and then they were burned in a heap at a spot in the vicinity of Rainawari in Srinagar City known as Bhatta Mazar beyond present day Jogilanker. The waters of the placid Dal Lake holds all these morbid memories. ’Living water’ is an organized state of matter and energy, and capable of storing and transmitting information. Water in everything we eat or drink carry with it a subtle informational content that imparts a memory into our water body. Molecules of water are affected by our thoughts, words, and feelings. The implications go beyond homeopathy and ’energy medicine and into the interaction between water and consciousness. Water has a memory in which it stores information about the surrounding sounds, chemicals and even human emotions. Water retains information, even after the most stringent purification and filtration processes The memory is stored in clusters of H20 molecules that are formed when several molecules join together. This is the reason why tourists after boating at Srinagar Dal Lake get sleepless nights and nightmares. (to be continued....3....)
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 13:35:01 +0000

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