~~~copied from a page~~~~~~ IS HINDUISM A VIOLENT RELIGION - TopicsExpress


~~~copied from a page~~~~~~ IS HINDUISM A VIOLENT RELIGION ? The extremists among Hindus have hijacked the religion of peace and non-violence, just as the extremist among Buddhists, Jews and Muslims have done it to their religions. I urge you to read this note before you comment. If the moderate Hindus dont speak up now, the new narrative would be Hinduism is a religion of violence, fascism and forcible conversions. In reality,no religion teaches violence, but each one is infested with violent Hindus. Muslims and others in their respective religions. Do the Hindus condemn hijacking of their religion? We have to stand up for the rights for every human being from tyrants no matter what religion, race, nationality or ethnicity they belong to. Please refer to the links below. If PM Modi does not control the situation in India, the rogues among Hinduism will define his agenda and not him. It will not be sab ka saath, sab ka vikas anymore, but Hindutva ka saaz BJP ka bakwas. What the Hindus are doing to Christians is shameful. Is Modi in charge of Indias affairs or the RSS? Links to several articles are appended below; How many Indian Americans would agree if the Christian right says all humanity has to be Christians, and tell Hindus and Muslims to become Christians or go back to India or wherever the hell we came from to support the rogue elements back in India. It is time for Moderate Hindus to speak up and take action and prevent India from becoming ISIS or a Taliban nation. The only way to save Hindus and non-Hindus from rogue Hindus is for good Hindus to speak up. The Muslims are struggling with similar rogues among them. Modi needs to show he is in charge and not let the Mir Jaffers and Purnayyas in the guise of Mohan Bhagwati, Sadhvi and their ilk to destroy him. It would be betrayal of the trust Indians placed in Modi. India has had a beautiful tradition of greeting her citizens on occasion of major festivals of each group of people. Every Prime Minister since Independence has wished on festivals of people of different faiths. However, Mr. Modi has chosen not to greet Muslims or Christians on the occasion of their biggest festivals. Part of the problem is the education system, the RSS Madrasas indoctrinate one to be exclusivist and in their vocabulary all others are their enemies and not fellow humans. Mr. Modi has never been taught to include others in his language, and or he has not matured enough to believe we are all one people. He claims to espouse Hinduism but rejects the very essence of the idea of Vasudhaiva Kutumbukum - a genuine Hindu value. India is not completely lost yet, President Pranab Mukherjee Greets the Nation On Christmas; NEW DELHI: President Pranab Mukherjee greeted citizens on the eve of Christmas and said let us strive ceaselessly for peace on earth and goodwill among men. In his message, Mukherjee said: On the joyous occasion of Christmas, I extend my warm greetings and good wishes to all fellow citizens, especially our Christian brothers and sisters. I wish everyone a merry Christmas. He added: As we light the candles for Christmas this year, let us rekindle in our minds and hearts the teachings of love and compassion of Lord Jesus Christ. May the spirit of caring and sharing pervade our beings. Let us on this day resolve to apply the divine teachings of Lord Jesus in our daily lives. Let us strive ceaselessly for peace on earth and goodwill among men, he said. Thank you Mr. President for keeping the light of sanity alive. The Majority Hindus need to speak up to save the nation. LINKS TO A FEW ARTICLES
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 19:51:26 +0000

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