#doubletap for #pediatricnurses . The health history interview - TopicsExpress


#doubletap for #pediatricnurses . The health history interview is a very personal conversation with a parent, care- taker, or adolescent during which private concerns and feelings are shared. Try to ensure that this exchange of information with the parent or the child is clearly understood by both parties and that it is an effective communication. Effective communication is difficult to accomplish because parents and children often do not correctly interpret what the nurse says, just as the nurse may not under- stand completely what the parent or child says. People’s interpretation of infor- mation is based on their life experiences, culture, and education. Strategies to Build a Rapport with the Family When beginning the history, make sure the parents understand the purpose of the interview and that the information will be used appropriately. To de- velop rapport, demonstrate interest in and concern for the child and family during the interview. This rapport forms the foundation for the collabora- tive relationship between the nurse and parent that will provide the best nursing care for the child. The following strategies help to establish rapport with the child’s family during the nursing history: ■ Make a self-introduction (name, title or position, and role in caring for the child). To demonstrate respect, ask all family members present what name they prefer you to use when talking with them. ■ Explain the purpose of the interview and why the nursing history is different from the information collected by other health professionals. For example, “The nurses will use this information to plan nursing care best suited for your child.” ■ Provide privacy and remove as many distractions as possible during the interview. If the patient’s room does not offer privacy, attempt to find a vacant patient room or lounge. Assure the parents and the child that the information provided during the assessment is protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a federal law that requires written consent to be provided before health information can be shared with healthcare providers outside the facility. #family
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 16:45:02 +0000

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