#drhwenk For a mathematician, things are much more clear. - TopicsExpress


#drhwenk For a mathematician, things are much more clear. Manifoolds (wher the rhizome is the model of, by definition) potential thory, including ststisdtical, probalistic (mathmatical) brownian motion, heat, values expectations and integrations. Phiopsophical, finite modes of Spnoza., the critique of final causes (Zweckursachen), reduction to force - effective causes (Spinozaas deed). The Takinf away is the way of absrtraction., This is usuall< a very vrute practial padagigics, the koans in twn buddhisn are bit like thast, but in mathrematrics it is everday usual thinkinfg, which has masde mathematics such trutggfulkll and practical effectiv on one side, so uncredibböle antiji-huiman. anru-instoinctive, so straining, that it maybe one of the aims of DElieze7Guattari, to fiund a way of absrtractng (THe abstract machine plsyys a big role) which nonetles hold contact to affects ans aassicuaticve thinking. Indeed, mathmtics is totally folle (french, original!!) , crazy, mad is stated in Rhizome. For a mathmatician One should use this very very strong ability, surpassing any other thinking by magnitudes, to surpass any other thinking on itss own territory!! There is nothing impossible to an engeneer is a german proverb. A mathemtical trained can grasp everythingm, if it is graspable at all!! (Lokk at Spinoza, Yoga like philosophy samkhya means arithmetics...) And: Here ewe go... The neurlogical vieew of desire????... Oh, you have to do the right YOGA asanas!! Bevause of the neurotransmittersm glands, (pasra)symapathicus.. next problem.. Oh. the adranlin fight-flight-responsse - present in the (para)symmapathicus too? The lines of flight? Tackling bxy tapas and fakirism, in sufism too, flagenallism in christian traditions, certain very intelligent and reflected masochistic practices called it in western culture. The third eye is obviously anja chakra from kundalini yoga )divine shiva is the god of yida, DDEleuze/Guattar named Krisna/Yoga/Love - in BWO Plateau), pinpointing to the frintal lobe of the brain as most importsnt rewgion of abstractt thinking. Oh, financial crisis? Her we have marxian money theorry by banking, money econmoists bernard schmitt. A world money and banking with state property, as the money is produced by the state!!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 12:57:54 +0000

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