(edited cuz jan made me take off names even though shit is public! - TopicsExpress


(edited cuz jan made me take off names even though shit is public! Nobody better come say Jan isnt the coolest PA, Ill kick-em) Im about to do a no-no. The unspoken and spoken rule for authors is: We dont complain about reviews, its bad form and it makes you look like you cant take criticism. *palm on face-- shove* You know I love a good honest review, I do. I swear to God I do. I look at the bad ones and I learn what I can from them, thats what reviews are for to me, the writer. But what I dont like are fakes and liars on reviews, as they can harm an author. Below are 2 reviews by the same person for 2 of my books. (For Book 1) 5.0 out of 5 stars Love Isadore, love Ruin, August 29, 2014 By (blocked out name cuz jan made me even though its public!) (Portage, WI USA) - See all my reviews Verified Purchase(Whats this?) This review is from: Ruin: The Waking (Kindle Edition) I dont normally read paranormal romance - its just not my thing - but this book? Its SO my thing! Love Isadore, love Ruin, love Caliber and all the other splashes of Cajun color youve added. The book sucks you in and before you know it, youre on the last page... Cant wait for the next book! Get writing Mr. Bane... ***** Okay that was when her and I were friends..... And then when we were not friends she gave this for book 4: 2 of 4 people found the following review helpful 2.0 out of 5 stars I cant do it..., January 2, 2015 By (blocked out name again cuz jan made me but its public! I told her but she said no!) Verified Purchase(Whats this?) This review is from: Ruin, The Turning: The Turning (Ruin Series Book 4) (Kindle Edition) I kept hoping this series would improve,(no review book 2) that someone would edit, proofread, read for content - something - but it didnt happen. I hate to admit it, but I cant finish the book. By this point in the series, youd think Id give a crap about ANY of the characters in the book, but I dont. (so much for I love all the characters) Im still just as confused about Ruin as I was at the start - and Isadores quirks just annoy me. That being said, I called it quits at the 42% mark and dont know that Ill EVER pick it up again. Truly disappointed. **** This could have been a legitimate review and I would have respected it like I do all the others. Im sure some of what she said in the low review is true, thats not the part I have a problem with. I have plenty of negative reviews and can appreciate most of them unless theyre just plain nasty about their opinion. And holy shit, they stopped at 42%, If anybody has read Ruin The Turning, they know that at 42% you dont stop reading! I dont care how bad you hate me, Isadore, Ruin, or anybody, becuse that is exactly at the threshold of the biggest climax in the book, yes, it happens there and the reader doenst not read to find out if Oh my God, will she live or die? Sorry, no. Is this what it comes down to? And really, if you want to hate me, fine, hate me, but dont try to hurt my career and livlihood. I dont have to tell this person that this kind of thing hurts an authors career, they are on a street team, they know this. And honestly I can care less if this persons HONEST opinion is the second or the first one. I wrote 4 books in this series so far, she raved on the first one, no review of the 2nd and suddenly returns on the 3 with negative (though not this contrary ) and 4 with this. I can tell you now, if this woman were on my street team and I found out she did something like this, Jan would beat her ass all the way to the door. We expect our members to behave with integrity and honesty. And really, Im a nice guy, despite what all the haters say, lol. If you dont shit on my shoe, I wont rub your face in it, deal? Deal. and thats all folks. Your friendly neighborhood dictator, Lucian
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 01:20:55 +0000

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