...every once in a while, your body is going to need to be down - TopicsExpress


...every once in a while, your body is going to need to be down – whether it is a few times a year, even once a month, your body’s going to need to be down – and that is not the time to start wondering what you did wrong. That’s the time to understand that it is like taking your car into the garage, into the repair station, getting some maintenance on it. It’s going to be down, you’re going to catch a cold or a flu, or you’re just going to be extremely tired. But your body is going to go through those periods. These are sacred periods, my dear friends, sacred periods of biological rejuvenation, but also time for you to spend by yourself, with you, loving you, caring for you, stopping for a moment. Yes, this world tends to get very hectic. The energies are coming at you stronger than ever before. And that down time – which you should never feel guilty about taking, never feel guilty about taking a day or two off of work each month or a week or two off several times a year – that is a sacred time, and it’s something that is so important and what I would call a bare necessity for each and every one of you. Lay in bed all day. Sit out on the porch in the sun. And don’t try to heal your body; let yourself, let your body heal. Don’t try to force energies. Don’t get out your crystals or your healing rods or anything else, because that’s trying to force something that’s unnatural. Let your body do what it already knows how to do. It knows how to clear out the cancer. It knows how to even re-grow limbs. It knows how to flush out the toxins all by itself. You don’t need to give yourself all these strange spiritual enemas. Your body knows how to do that for itself. Adamus
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 16:26:31 +0000

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