“exchequer bill” « bon du Trésor » “exchequer - TopicsExpress


“exchequer bill” « bon du Trésor » “exchequer bill” means a bank-note, bond, note, debenture or security that is issued or guaranteed by Her Majesty under the authority of Parliament or the legislature of a province; “exchequer bill paper” « papier de bons du Trésor » “exchequer bill paper” means paper that is used to manufacture exchequer bills; “false document” « faux document » “false document” means a document (a) the whole or a material part of which purports to be made by or on behalf of a person o (i) who did not make it or authorize it to be made, or o (ii) who did not in fact exist, (b) that is made by or on behalf of the person who purports to make it but is false in some material particular, (c) that is made in the name of an existing person, by him or under his authority, with a fraudulent intention that it should pass as being made by a person, real or fictitious, other than the person who makes it or under whose authority it is made; “revenue paper” “revenue paper” means paper that is used to make stamps, licences or permits or for any purpose connected with the public revenue
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 22:13:54 +0000

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