[few pictures from the recent USA and Arab air strikes in Syria] - TopicsExpress


[few pictures from the recent USA and Arab air strikes in Syria] Unbelievable news. Almost four years of Bashars atrocities on innocent civilians and children and not a single foreign air strike took place to dismantle him. Today, the US and their allies intervened and conducted airstrikes inside Syrian soil against civilians ignoring the sentiments of the Muslims everywhere who have all collectively suffered alongside the Syrian people at the hand of Bashars oppression. Today, the West embarked on a mission to thwart the revolution and redirect back it to their wicked agenda. The air strikes today took the lives of innocent CIVILIAN causalities, even it were just one, proving finally that it is not a war on terrorism and never was. Surely, this injustice cannot and will not last. Where are the cowardly dumb coconut Scholars that spoke against Islamic State? That spoke for Alan Hennings and James foley ??? When are you going to condemn your masters in Washington and London for their coalition against the Muslims, that clearly killed innocent children and women? May Allah swt guide you, or twist your tongues! may He humiliate you, in this life and the next! Btw, I dont see emergency posts by any of the al Maghreb sell-outs or the other coconut scholars regarding this..! Whenever dawlah does something these al Maghrib and west scholars condemn clearly and directly and highlight all the crimes and say all types of things. But when the west commit crimes and kill Muslims it suddenly becomes indirect criticism and how it would lead to more radicalization and how it was the action of the radicals that lead to this and will get worse if they wont stop. Those to whom hypocrites said, Indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear them. But it [merely] increased them in faith, and they said, Sufficient for us is Allah , and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs. (Quran 3:173) Keep this in your minds: #IS Mujahideen survived the US Airstrikes for 10 years, These coalition against Islamic State will do nothing but make the Mujahideen much stronger, unite the Truthful Muslims, Expose the hypocrites, At the end, end of USA, Israel,Assad Terrorists and their allies. (During the recent airstrike #IS Mujahideen shot-down 2 USA ffigher Jets, 1 Saudi F-16, 1 UAE fighter Jet) May Allah strengthen the Mujahideen and grant them huge victory over all the arrogant tyrants !
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 04:17:25 +0000

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