(here is the next chapter) 3. Love...and - TopicsExpress


(here is the next chapter) 3. Love...and Pain ___________________________________________________________ Alan jumped awake as the sound of thunder boomed around him. he held back a scream, though a small whimpering noise escaped his lips as he sat alone in he dark room, his body shaking violently. He put a hand on his chest and tried to breathe. Another whimper came from him as he began to panic--for he was alone, in pain, and having difficulty breathing. Tears filled his eyes and he whispered the name of the only person he wanted to be there to comfort him, Eric, he said in such a low voice that even Alan barely heard it. Eric, who had fallen asleep on the chair near Alan, heard Alans voice and opened his eyes. He heard Alan gasping for breathe and reached out to hold his hand. Shh...Its okay. Its okay, Eric whispered in a soothing voice. E-Eric? Alan gasped his name in relief, he had forgotten that Eric was still there. Eric sat up and wrapped his arms around Alan. Yes, its Eric. Im here. Calm down, okay? he said in a calming voice, worried with how badly Alan was shaking. Alan took a deep breath and leaned his head on Erics chest. Slowly, his breathing went back to normal and the shaking stopped. Eric ruffled Alans hair a bit. Thats better, he said happily, though there was still a tone of worry in his voice. Alan smiled and looked up at Eric, barely ably to make out more than his silhouette in the darkness. Thank you, he whispered. Eric smiled and leaned down, kissing Alans forehead softly. Alan tensed in Erics arms, the kiss surprising him. Eric felt Alans tension. He started to pull away, realizing what he had done. Nervously, Alan reached out and held Erics face so that he wouldnt back away anymore. For a moment they were both completely still. Then, Alan leaned over and kissed Erics lips. This time, it was Eric who was surprised. He felt himself blush, then he relaxed and returned the kiss. When they finally pulled away from each other, they were both shaking slightly. Alan looked away shyly, Im sorry, he whispered. Eric looked at him in confusion, the gently held Alans chin and turned his face back toward him. Youre sorry? Eric asked sadly. Alan nodded. Eric held both of Alans hands and looked into his eyes. Alan, I want you to know that I love you and that you should never feel the need to apologize to me, okay? I want you to freely express how you feel, no matter what it may be. Alan blushed and smiled. You love me, Eric? he asked in a voice that sounded happy and uncertain. Eric smiled and nodded, Ive loved you for a long time, he confessed. Alan blushed, I love you too, Eric. he whispered. Eric wrapped his arms around Alan and held him protectively. They sat there in the silent, dark room for a while, both simply happy that they were able to be so near the other and with their true feelings revealed. Alan yawned and snuggled closer to Eric. Eric laughed a bit, You should go to bed, Alan. We have work in the morning and after that panic attack I bet that you are pretty tired. Alan nodded, tiredly. He was feeling extremely drowsy. He unwrapped himself from Eric and stood up. Eric returned to his chair and stretched, feeling tired as well. Alan kissed Erics forehead, the headed down the hallway to his bedroom. Alan was about to open his door when the pain in his chest returned. At first it was dull, but then the pain intensified extremely. Alan gasped as the pain sent him falling to the floor. Eric heard Alan fall and quickly ran to his side. Alan? Whats wrong? Eric asked, holding Alan in a sitting position. Alan grabbed Erics shirt and gritted his teeth as the pain grew worse. Eric held Alans hand tightly and waited helplessly for Alans pain to pass. Alans body collapsed limply in Erics arms. Alans breathing was shallow and his eyes were closed. Alan? Eric asked again, his voice cracking as he tried to hold back tears. Alan slowly opened his eyes and smiled weakly. That hurt, he whispered with a slight laugh. Eric frowned. What is the matter? he asked again. It was just a pain spell. Im use to them. Although, Ill admit that that was the worse one Ive had... Alan explained. How long has this been happening? Eric asked. Alan shrugged and closed his eyes. Eric wiped the tears from his eyes and gently lifted Alan off the floor. He took him to the bed and tucked him under the blankets. Eric pulled a chair beside the bed and held Alans hand as he slept, feeling absolutely helpless as Alan whimpered in pain throughout the night. ___________________________________________________________ (ah the feels) --Jaclyn
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 00:55:17 +0000

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