.i lay speechless amongst the shodows of tears, overwhelmed by - TopicsExpress


.i lay speechless amongst the shodows of tears, overwhelmed by sadness ,heartaches ,and fears. Sadness of thoughts that blind the soul, heartaches for sunshine in the lands of the troll. Fear of being unfound in the valleys of lost, survival by any means, reguardless the cost. The mighty dam of willpower starts beginning to seep, and the demons of temptations come up from the deep. The emptiness burts from the cracks like a flood, washing away willpower like a cut bursting with blood. Running to the forest of confusion that seems so near not seeing ahead due to the fogs of fear. now lost in a land that seems completely estranged due to the flood these lands have changed....
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 00:13:21 +0000

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