*insert 12* we walked silently ke noBongi ngoba Katlulo - TopicsExpress


*insert 12* we walked silently ke noBongi ngoba Katlulo ebonyanyile yile topic..he reali ddnt want to hear us talk about it so sathula..safika endlin luckily there was no one,Katlulo went enext door to fetch uLerato wabuya naye..ooh mntase khaya bethunana noba besethe nqa ba siphi Lerato: veyaphi ena Me: eshop mntanam....i had a lollipop im my school bag saFriday ndayosithatha ndasinika uLerato for isvala mlomo ngoba uyimpimpi angandijampisela kumama Lerato: nkos pokaz *jumping up and down*..ncoo ucute koda mntaka mama #knock!knock!..my mom walked in with plastics ehambha notata,she seemed okey ebusweni so i thot myb the meeting went well..I was nervous though ngoba ndamazi latata Mama: Siphokazi? Me: mah Mama: masidibane ekamereni Me: ok mah..ndakrweca ubongi and we left sishiya lerato emunca stoki sakhe and Katlulo watching tv.. Tata: unyoko undixelele ngesicelo sakho siphokazi Me: e.e tata *ndaqweba ismilo ngoba bendicengile kulomfo* tata: uyayazi ukuba andidibani nezinto ezisecaleni kemnake,into yoba kuzohlala ichomi apha kwam andizuythanda ngoba izakusenzela iingxaki Me: mhhhhm..*ndathula* apha ngaphakathi i wanted to swear lendoda tata:ntombazana ungowaphi?? Bongi: ndihlala esection 3 tata e111 Tata: kutheni walapha?,baphi abazali bakho? Bongi: I never knew my father,umama yena left us sisebancinci wemnka nomnye ubhuti wayokuhlala eGoli..im the oldest wandishiya nosana oluncinci, lwakhuliswa ndim ndincediswa zizihlobo nabamelwane lusizana kunzima *echiphiza inyembez*...I wanted to cry too,this was too painful to listen to Me: no choma u dont have to pheza ngok *i hugged her* Bongi: *ezisusa kum* No friend its fine tatakho wants to know moss why ndisendlin yakhe,so i will tell him ke everything #ubongi ebebudikwa caba naye she can see that my father can be a bastard sometimes Tata: hay ntombam I didnt mean it like tha..(wamqhawula) Bongie: No Mr Radebe its fine,u wanted to know ryt? So let me Mama: Bongi mntanam *bit down* Bongi: no mah i will be fine..so the reason why im here I was raped by 6guys..they drugged me bazenzela apha kum konke abakufunayo..it was very painful *egixa* I just lied there helpess,I couldnt fight or scream ngoba bekungaphumi nelizwi eli..babehleka enjoying every moment...They raped me mah! They raped me!!! *she screamed ekhala* Mama: its fine baby dont cry Bongi: ngoku im afraid that they will come after me..ndithe xa ndivuka ekuseni there was a note abayishiyileyo isithi see you soon..what if bazoya apho ndihlala khona?,akhomntu umdala pha its just me and my little sister and ndoyika bamlimaze naye Tata: come here *opening his arms*..he hugged bongie #thats the first!#..he looked worried...U can stay Me: what! *i shouted in excitement* Tata: I said she can stay with us Bongi: thanks Mr.Radebe,u dont know how much this means to me..thank you very much asoze ndiniphoxe tu emzini wenu Tata: ngoku uzamthini umntana kowenu: ndizakumthumela kumakazi wam ekhayelitsha,ebehleli ezoyohlala pha uqala ngoJune Tata: so why ungayi kumakazi wakho? Bongie: its a long story tata..asovani nomyeni wakhe Tata: ngoba? Mama: oooh tata ka Katlulo khawume Tata: okke mandinishiye ke *he left*..sasheka thina sisancokola Mama: uzoba ryt baby va? Bongie:thanks for everything mah Mama: pleasure sweetheart...I was so happy maan that utata finally approved ngalento kaBongi so ngoku yonke into was okey It was almost time for supper so ndahambha noBongi to the kitchen to prepare something to eat..oomama bought takeaways etown,we were having spur Ribs n chicken..apha endlin siyazifela ngoSpur bigtime..we dished kwi plates sincedisana then sanika abantu..the most exciting part yayo yonke lento is that ngok I had a sister,sum1 to help me, and that meant house chores will be divided lol..we also ate our supper uKatlulo helped with the dishes ..and thina we both went to take a bath cz besekusebusuku ngoku,I used the bathroom and uBongi used the shower..saphuma ,sathambhisa and wore our pjs and we went to my room,phof ngok it was our room Me: today i was suppose to meet some1 keyaz Bongie: who? Me: a friend Bongie: so why do u look so worried if its just a friend?? Me: bec..ause mxm khayeke maan! Bongie: out with it sister!! Me: ok ok! Its my bf Lucky.. Bongie: wowu!Lucky the handsome dude? Me: yeah Bongie: Uyajola kanti hahahah *she laughed wade wakhala nyembhezi* Me: whats so funny na? Bongie: lol you are too serious ingxaki,i neva thot u were dating Me: well I am Bongie: so why didint u go to the guy Me: i couldnt live u here alone Bongi: dude! *wandibetha engalweni* uphambhene! Me: *ouch!* bethelani maan! Bongie: for ubasisdenge Me: whaaat *confused* Bongie:zoshiywa uphambhane sisi..wake up! U cant keep a man so handsome and hot njengo Lucky waiting sisi..or uyakurhuqa iKelvinator kuse earli Me: mhmm *i huffed* Bongie: nyan thr are so many ladies abamfunayo uLucky and others bade baziyele kuye akadingi mantombazana lamntu so u need to up your game uyeke ulibazisa Me: if thats the case mandiqhekeze!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 18:31:14 +0000

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