......its morning already....at least that is what Mr. Murphy is - TopicsExpress


......its morning already....at least that is what Mr. Murphy is trying to tell me as he is licking my face to wake me up.............that morning walk around his kingdom is weighing heavy on his mind ..or maybe its his bladder.....but in any case.......I am being beckoned to get out of bed........in the kitchen the aroma of fresh brewed coffee has not only filled that room, but is sending out wave after wave of that rich bold scent that smells like when you first open that new can of coffee and you hear that vacuum seal break and then in an instant........the smell of fresh ground coffee hits your nose......its the smell that permeates every inch of the house..........grabbing my new favorite mug......as the other one did not make it through its first flying lesson.........I pour that magical concoction till its almost to the brim.........and off to the deck we go.......the door opens and the first one out as usual is his highness himself...........not hesitating one bit....he almost leaps off the deck in a hurry to get to his favorite tree.........its almost comical how he has to go so bad......yet sniffs and smells and walks around till he finds that right spot of the tree..........the sun is over the horizon and its first rays of golden light are poking holes in the canopy of leaves and brilliant narrow beams of light almost remind me of one of those globes that hang in a dance floor that send out many rays of light..............the sound of a bird that is always here each morning....but I do not know what kind it is.........has a song that is saying .........what a wonderful day it is going to be.......the air this morning...although a bit cool is not uncomfortable and is invigorating.........as I sip from the cup of wake me up......I think of how many people who first came here to settle this area experienced that same smell and taste as they made that morning brew on a wood fire........the smell of oak burning.....mixed with the aroma of fresh ground coffee beans.........even though life was hard for them, the smells of morning coffee and the great outdoors were special in someway I am sure.......an owl sweeps through the trees on a low glide as he moves from one tree to another and squirrels chatter a warning at King Murphy as he gets too close to their tree...........and to quote from a famous song...........and I think to myself.......what a wonderful world..es to my mind......so with my hot cup of joe in hand......and thoughts of gratitude and thankfulness for another day..............Murph and I head back in.........and we bid you Good Morning FB!
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 14:16:19 +0000

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